Is this the most frustrating, depressing piece of shit ever made?
Why the fuck didn't he just stay with the aunt? Why did he have to be an irrational retard?
Is this the most frustrating, depressing piece of shit ever made?
Why the fuck didn't he just stay with the aunt? Why did he have to be an irrational retard?
>Why was a kid an irrational retard in a stressful situation?
It's almost as if that was the moral of the story!
Oh fuck off nigger. Everything that happened was completely preventable but instead he followed his meme "pride" bullshit. Everyone blames the aunt but in reality he was a fucking idiot for not staying with the aunt.
No it wasn't. The story was completely pointless. It teaches the viewing absolutely nothing.
>Everyone blames the aunt
Nope. The entire point of the movie is that the kid was wrong. Japan got the message. It's the west that didn't.
> in reality he was a fucking idiot for not staying with the aunt
Where did I deny that? Again, he's a kid in a stressful situation. Of course he's a fucking idiot.
> his meme "pride" bullshit
>attaching meme to whatever you dislike
Fuck off with this bullshit.
> No it wasn't.
Yes, it was.
Whatever you say mates. I still think the whole story was pointless. I don't understand why some people call it "anti-war" or some other shit. Personally I think it would have been way better if the situation was completely hopeless from start to end.
I hated how they placed the characters in a situation where they could have survived but instead took a retarded story route where they end up dead. Like why present the option and then just make it pointless in the end?
That's what bothers me. It's a pointless story.
Seems like you missed the point lad
Because the aunt was a cunt. Some people lack the ability to deal with cunts and will take any option necessary to avoid them. He should have left the sister with the aunt though.
That's literally the point of the movie.
The kid is an allegory for Japan itself, or rather, government of Japan at the time of World War 2.
Too proud for their own good and dragged their country through the mud and cost them being dragged into senseless war that they had no chance of winning all because of literally butthurt over a trade deal that didn't happen.
It's a critique on Japanese pride.
why the fuck don't people understand this especially in the face of just how radical and potent Japanese nationalism became post-depression?
Honestly I'm an emotional person and usually cry over the cheesiest shit, but this movie did nothing for me. No idea why. Like everything that happened was brought on by himself and I felt no sadness for him.
This would be a be a contender if it wasn't so batshit insane.
Exactly my feelings. I wasn't sad, I was simply frustrated by the film because of all the shit you just said. I just feel like it's everyones first "sad anime" they watch so they rate it way higher for emotional impact even though it just didn't go in a way that deserved it.
*forget pic
Are you retarded?
You're a complete retard with sub 80 IQ that completely missed the point of the movie.
No. Think about it this way you fucks:
The characters suffer tragedy during World War 2. They play and laugh a lot. MC ignores the responsibilities of an adult. Eventually, they starve.
What's the punchline? What's the meaning? There have been thousands of films before this and hundreds of films afterwards about the cruelty of war. What makes this one special? What's the director's message about life and the human condition? There is none.
Prove me fucking wrong, I'll wait.
We already told you, you ignore it because you're an inbred amerifat with an attention span of a fly and sub 80 IQ.
See Now go fucking kill yourself.
That's what I fucking thought mate, just another silly response. I read that, and it's justifiable, but you still didn't prove me wrong about what I just stated.
That people can be irrational? I mean when told me about fireflies they told me it's depressing and will make you cry and shit. Then I watched it and just looked at the kid be a pampered shithead that allowed his sister to die by being a "fully grown independent man" when he wasn't and was literally living off his father's gibs.
Listen you smarmy assrag, I do not give a fucking shit. This movie fucking blows mate. Eat my fire-roasted shit, wanker. Fucking shit-eating cunts.
the director himself said that's it's a story about young people being idiots and acting irrational and how that can lead to suffering
What did the Aunt represent?
>it's a story about young people being idiots and acting irrational and how that can lead to suffering
So... the opposite of Gundam where it's the Adult's fault?
i need to rewatch then as its been awhile i thought the Aunt kicked him and the little girl out. but i guess i remember wrong
Why are there so many idiots on Sup Forums?
This is the meaning, man. It's meant to make you sad and angry at the little idiot.
Damn... it's almost like there was another actor that acted irrationally and unnecessarily perpetuated the suffering of its people in WW2.... really makes you think........
The story is based off the author's experiences during the war. He blames himself for his sister's death so he wrote Grave of the Fireflies as an apology to her. This is the only reason he wrote the story. Also he considered Setsuko(Keiko) his lover so that should tell you enough about the author.
I feel the exact same way op.
It's based on a true story so the validity of a characters decisons is not a reasonable critique of the work.
It's an anti-war movie from a country that started a war that they had no chance of winning and stayed in that war because of national pride, all of which caused shit tons of suffering and death among all the innocent countrymen that got dragged along for the ride.
Get it now?
>anit-war movie
No, it wasn't. It's about the recklessness of youth. The war was just a catalyst and nothing more; it could've been another type of disaster, like a huge fucking earthquake and tsunami.
It's overrated