do cakes deserve love too?
Do cakes deserve love too?
My sister is actually a christmas cake, her 26th birthday is next month. She broke up with her boyfriend last week and has been crying on how she figures she'll be alone forever now.
it was her 5th
Cakes take love.
26 is not Cake status.
>do cakes deserve love too?
well she's 25 right now. My bad in advance man, I was about to be rude as hell at you for missing the fact I typed "next month", and you don't deserve that.
anything before 30 I would not justify calling cake.
Also Hanabi is saving herself for her nephew.
Yeah she is
Isn't Hanabi like 22 or some shit? What exactly do you mean by cake.
Over 25 and single is christmas cake. Stop redefining terms, dweebs.
26 is very much cake status.
Nobody likes christmas cake after christmas. Nobody likes them after the 25th.
>Nobody likes them after the 25th.
I like them
Noodles are the new cakes these days. But yes, both deserve the same amount of love.
Not even as a leftover? Who doesn't like leftovers? Unless they go by "waste not, want not".
Is christmas cake a real thing? Do nips seriously refuse to date girls past 25?
>Do nips seriously refuse to date
Rather funny.
>It's dead. I'm in Japan right now and none of my Japanese friends knew what I was talking about when I referred to "Christmas Cakes," and when I explained it they said it must be a really old term they'd never heard, because the culture behind it doesn't exist anymore. Most of us are in our 30s, too, so it's been gone for a while
The cake is dead, long live the JJ.
I think there's something wrong with my cat.
There's 5 years difference between Hanabi and Hinata. Hinata is now about 32 years old so Hanabi should be 27 years old.
>that white line
>anything before 30 I would not justify calling cake.
cake literally means 26+ you retard.
I love this timeline.