Do i have to read something to see this?

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No, you just click on the play button and the video should appear.

I'll let you know when I watch the 1st episode and find out

Is this the actual original manga being adapted or does it have different characters?

It's supposed to be a full adaptation of the original manga.

I doubt it. But you should watch the two 80s OVA movies because they're fantastically animated and for the manga sections they cover, they cover them very well.

Thanks, it seemed that way looks like the characters have different haircuts though. Does this have a shot at being Yuasa's best anime yet?

Read it afterwards if you'd like, source material usually ruins adaptations since you can't help comparing the two

Yeah it doesn't really look like Nagai's artstyle at all. But that's the problem with devilman, every adaptation did something wrong.

The original anime was really good although heavily rewritten to be more of a kid's show (Nagai was behind the rewrite though), but Ryou was completely written out of the story despite how vital of a character he is. The OVAs only cover a very small amount of the story. Devilman vs 009 he's still green.

The TV Anime wasn't rewritten. It was developed by Nagai before he made the manga.

I thought it was Mazinger that the anime came first, not Devilman.

I'm not sure on Mazinger, but I know for a fact Nagai has talked about how he developed the Devilman anime before he started working on the manga. Hence why Ryo is absent.

Didn't the guy who directed the OVAs say he wanted to continue them?

Yeah but then he died of cancer.

Wierd. How does the story work without Satan?

The story becomes less of a tragedy and more of a monster of a week battle Shonen type deal. I haven't watched it because it just wasn't interesting to me.

I was told that for what it is, it's very good. It's just very different from the manga.

Wait, Yuasa is directing this? Sign me the fuck up.

If this is really succesful I hope more seinen manga from the past get really quality adaptations like Lone Wolf and Cub or even "unadaptable" manga like Vagabond. Showing that there's a market for this and that Berserk didn't deserve that horrendous adaptation.

Yeah he is. My hope is just that he doesn't let the style override the substance because the whole reason the manga has been so well-remembered for 40 years is because of its substance. It certainly wasnt the art because quite frankly the art is nothing special, it just gives us memes.

There's lots of great art in Devilman. People have just latched onto some of the lower-quality pages, for whatever reason.

It's not the art, it's just Ryou's faces combined with what he's saying.



what a fucking hardcore guy

He's devilish.

You'd be amazed how many hallucinogens were fully legal in Japan in the 70s, and stayed legal until only like 2000. It explains a lot of manga.

what happened to the dude that posted a shitton of versions of this page, i miss him

just google "devilman my father died", they're all on the first page of google images

i know you can just do that my man i just miss the dude

Same, I like Yuasa a lot, but is he really the appropriate director for this series? It seems kind of weird to use him. Would much have preferred a Takemitsu Zamurai yuasa adaptation.

>appropriate director
I don't really know what you are expecting from Yuasa and/or this series.

Devilman is a shounen manga and it's also much shorter than the other manga you mentioned. Even if this is successful, it wouldn't encourage adaptations of manga like that (not that they need them).

>Japanese people
>using drugs
Pick one

Not him but I am expecting an actually good adaptation of what is one of the most respected manga from its time.

The 1970s is not now, and not all drugs were treated the same by their society back in the day. If you've seen the previous manga by the guy behind Mysterious Girlfriend X, he definitely gives off some imagery that really makes you think he used to get high as fuck.

Also Welcome to the NHK, the author like the MC snorted crushed prescription pills.

I forgot that back then stuff like like Phoenix and Devilman were considered shounen. Actually I can see a Tezuka series by Netflix next. Maybe Phoenix.

Phoenix has already been adapted like 4 times though

You sound like you've never done a drug recreationally in your life user. But I don't doubt what you're saying.

>Also Welcome to the NHK, the author like the MC snorted crushed prescription pills.
And DMT, but DMT did not become illegal internationally until like 2007 or something.

Watch Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman; shit's wild.

I don't do psychotropics, which is what was popular in Japan. I don't need my third eye opened, I know what I'll find if I peer that deep in my subconcious, and it won't be pretty.

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Preferably, DON'T watch Amon, it's a bad OVA that will spoil the last volume of the manga if you haven't already read it.
The only decent thing about it is the gore and tone.

No user just decades of depression talking.

I like the color scheme OVA Devilman had. I liked the design in general

I feel similarly but when I'm high on weed. It just makes me a neurotic train wreck.

Haaaaaa~ Amon is eating shit in Hell, I'm DEVILMAAAAN!
The OVA did the Sabbath scene so well.

The OVAs to me is the best example of what devilman should look like in animated form. Simple, looks enough like Nagai's art but just different enough that it stands on its own, and big on the horror.

My only complaint is that it changed what looked to be more of a jazz scene into 80s rock. Which makes sense as it came out in 87, but still.

If you get paranoid smoking weed then that probably means you have a THC allergy and the strain you're smoking has too high of a THC concentration.




I fapped to Psiren. I was not entirely proud of that.

I did too. Something about her design is really arousing.

Could be funk, like a hippie band festival.

The OVAs were fucking great it ducks we'll never get any more of them

Odd tangent, but I'm damn sure whoever wrote Starcraft 2 was just a really big Devilman fan
>villain of the trilogy is named Amon
>ancient species of what are essentially demons returning
>the story of the primal zerg constantly killing each other and rapidly evolving with what they eat is taken directly from Akira's vision to the demon-infested earth's past

It's not just that the band is black, it's that they're using a classic bass. That's primarily a jazz thing.

There's always The Apocalypse of Devilman and Shin Cute Honey was fun.
>It's not just that the band is black
I was referring to the guitarists and the crowd. Look at Chong below the drums

I believe it will be the manga with most of it's added content, which has spoilers and alterations that completely ruin the original execution. The bloody prelude is a spoiler.

I think what made devilman scary is that it was so grounded in reality, and then the reality is being broken by the presence of demons. So for Yuasa to do this right, the parts that aren't about demons have to look more "normal", and THEN the animation should get bonkers when demons are there. Which thankfully seems to be what he's going for by the pv.

>I think what made devilman scary is that it was so grounded in reality
No, it was not.

It was before the demons showed up. Everyone's normal world being turned upside down.


Anybody watch Chibi Go Nagai World? Thought it was pretty fun.

Was watching some the other night, it's pretty good. The animation is really fun too.

Look at the fuckin lips on that black guy in the crowd

You know who else likes Devilman? Rob Zombie



Glen Danzig, too. He made his own Devilman inspired comic called "Satanika" and tried to publish the manga, but Go Nagai wasn't happy about how Verotik flipped and colored it without asking and pulled the rights back.

Well memed, my friend

God this is one of my favorite pages. It's so god damn funny.

I HATE the look