>character drinks a beer
Character drinks a beer
Other urls found in this thread:
>OP is a faggot
>Make another green text thread complaining about anime cliche yet again
Didn't this whole shit started with Sup Forums complaining about video game cliches with the same manner? Man, I can't believe this shit is happening daily and is accepted for a while now.
Fucking drop anime altogether if you complain so much about cliches you faggot.
>camera pans up to the sky
>Character is introduced as super nice, helpful, good looking and everyone looks up to them
>Actually an evil psychopath
>finnish character in anime
>jamtlandsk brudmarsch starts playing
Try drinking a huge amount of water in a single breath.
>Browsing Sup Forums
>Faggots complaining about anime cliches in green text again
I can scull a full yardglass of beer in 15 seconds without making any annoying fucking noises.
But wouldn't they inhale since they've didn't breathe?
>browsing Sup Forums
>Faggots complaining about Sup Forums
>I should be able to to make a useless thread and not be called out for it!
Fuck off.
>Browsing Sup Forums
>Retard defending bad writing again
Just because you watch the medium doesn't mean you can't point out stupid shit.
The fact that people like you keep defending it is why it keeps happening. Cliche is never good in any creative medium and shouldn't be treated as such.
Name one thread on Sup Forums that is useful
>fade to white
>character sees a pair of tits
>nose goes "PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHH" with blood
>Calling out "LOOK MA! I POST IT AGAIN!!!" shitposts is somehow defending bad writing
>Comedic execution that displays cultural, norm, and writing style difference between Japan and whatever the fuck country you're from is bad writing
You sound like an ignorant dumbfuck American who calls different things as "stupid" just because it's not like how it is in where you're from.
Your next line will be something along the lines of "HURRR YOU'RE JUST A WEEABOO". Sorry that I'm not an ignorant retard like you who can't fathom the difference between mediums and call anything that is unusual as "stupid things".
If anime is too unusual for you, I suggest stick to Hollywood movies and drop anime entirely.
shut up weeb
And your mother can take all 9 inches of my dick in her mouth without gagging. Must run in the family
>Ignorant hillbillies are this mad that their stupidity got pointed out
>lazy writing is a cultural norm in Japan
I believe you actually
Litreally no anime does this.
kek faaaag
>Behavioral difference between countries is a "writing"
Stupid-ass ignorant hillbilly confirmed. I guess every part of western stories that display difference of behavior or culture than Japanese ones is shit writing, then.
That's not bad writing, retard. Don't use terms that you don't understand.
How can someone miss the point this much? The cultural norm in Japan is different than the one in wherever the fuck you're living in. Such difference being apparent in the story made by Japanese people isn't "lazy writing". Stick with Hollywood movies and quit anime already.
lemme see:
>meme arrows
>dankass memes
looks 'bout right
You wouldn't know, but this garbage actually sparks a little interesting discussion once in a while.
Shibireru, darou?
Less likely this time due to your faggotry.
Nope, mods don't care for greentext threads.
I saw it in an anime that I dropped once, but I can't remember which one it was.
For sure it is uncommon. Perhaps it is a bit more common in manga?
It's japanese custom, not a cliche. You're supposed to do it. Just like you're supposed to shovel rice and slurp ramen.
>"It's not like I care about you or anything!"
>proceeds to care about the character
Really though, you can make a never ending thread of these cliches
Do it
>slurp ramen
I just googled this.
da fuq?™
I don't get this one. Yeah, I get they are turned on but I don't get why a nosebleed is supposed to indicate why they are turned on. What's the connection. How did this start.
Stop baiting. There is nothing wrong with pointing out or making fun of cliches.
That one camera dude from Baka no Test used to bug the shit out of me with that nosebleed shit
>calling green text "meme arrows"
>using "dankass memes"
Just hang yourself at this point
>reddit picture
>nico spacing
truthfully forces me to ponder
I think it had to do with blood pressure.
We're all used to it, though, just like the nips themselves. Well, perhaps not that user.
stay mad, fool
Blood rushing from head to benis, supposedly if you get super turned on really quickly the blood would go too fast for your nose to handle. I don't think it actually happens in real life
Japanese have more thin lining inside of their nose, and they are more prone to nosebleeds. The same way they have smaller sweat glands, so they blush when they drink.
fucking THIS.
this shit drives me insane
>MC arrives to fight villain
>character drinks a beer
I do that sometimes
Are you an alcoholic anime girl?
>character runs late to school with a toast in their mouth
I thought it was pretty fun when I watched NGE for the first time a couple months ago and finally understood the reference, but I've realized this shit should've stopped long ago.
You can't show characters getting visible erections in most anime, so this circumvents that.
beer drinkers should fucking die.
It doesn't even make sense. It's not that fucking hard to eat while running especially if the fucking toast is already in their mouth. And if they were so late for school how do they have time to toast it?
We are.
Slowly but Surely...
>something bad happens to a character
>onlookers need to make weird throat noises
defend this
>something shocking or troubling happens
>10 seconds of uninterrupted choking/grunting noises by stunned onlookers
>watched NGE for the first time a couple months ago
Lurk for two years.
I've been watching anime for 12 years and I've not even seen Full Metal Alchemist yet. Lurking has nothing to do with it. Also, nice Ask Jeeves spacing.
Aizen, Griffith, Light Yagami. These three have achieved meme status because of it too.
>character takes a situation out of context and gets the wrong impression of someone
>other character tries to clear things up with them
>they speak as vaguely as possible, so that the other character's impression gets even worse
God, I hate Gamers so much, but I'm too invested to stop now
do it now
>Camera pans up to the sky
This shit actually started with Coke ads in America, voice actors just kept doing it as a "drinking something fresh expression"
This one is nice though
>Character gets drunk
>It had no alcohol
No it's not. Nobody does this.
>"Hmph, you'll never defeat me!"
>gets defeated
no one runs in your family you fucking fatass
you come up with that one yourself, champ? im sure all the other kids at your school would like it
Dunno how western people do it, but I inhaled deeply before holding my breath.
>It's tradition - that makes it okaaaaaaayyyy!
>Cliche is never good in any creative medium
Cliches exit because they're usually good things. The problem is often that the execution of said cliches is terrible because hacks use them to make their shit seem less shitty
this is cute though
Not when hags do it
Just did. You lose buddy
Wow, impressive!
>TFW ywn be a true anime connoisseur
>character drinks a beer
>squeals like a little girl loud enough to break eardrums
>anime girl trips and falls down the stairs
>mc throws himself at her to catch her
>they land with the girl sitting on top of him and her panties showing
>mc accidentially gropes anime girl
>she gets flustered and stands there for 30 seconds while he does it
Persona 5 is about to have an anime
Isn't this a thing in the west too?
>mc notices he's accidentally groping a girl
>squeezes it a couple more times
I think I just got spoiled
>Cliches exit because they're usually good things
thats just not true
>it can't be helped
>girl gets her panties seen
>starts crying "I can't be a bride anymore!"
>another boy looks at her
>y-you better take responsibility
>anime character exists
did you really think this would fool anyone?
Oh look OP has reached stage 3, good job champ!
wouldnt' that be stage 4"? who here stage 9, psychotic breakdown anime is now real; speak my own made up anime-nintendo dialect to people.
What a cute wittle race, they are like little children. I see them all as my inferiors, to use and abuse as I see fit.
I reached the final stage a long time ago and I still think anime is unsurpassed in originality and vision.
> Character is explaining something
> Holds index finger out
>character is explaining something
>uses bad drawings
beergasm queen is the one who started it all
Bastard instructor or something had one.