I want to repopulate Manoyama

I want to repopulate Manoyama

Fine. I claim Maki.

>you will never get drunk with Maki
>you will never complain with her about your failed artistic aspirations
>you will never drunkenly make out with her
>you will never sloppy messy anger-sex with Maki
>Maki will never ride you for 30 minutes while you take forever to cum

I wanted healing not suffering.

>ywn get Maki to call you Daddy during sex

Kill me now

Pink Aoi a cute.

I want to marry Shiori.

count me in senpai. I'll do my best to repopulate Manoyama with my wife Yoshino.

I'm already doing it with my wife Shiori.

I want to populate Erika's insides with my fertile semen.

bully keychains


good shit

you can't

But she's not a native.

Close enough.

>Fine. I claim Maki.

Woah, hold it right there you son of a bitch. Maki is mine. I bet you're too young to appreciate women of her age. Me and her are the same age and have both squandered our 20s. We'd connect on a far deeper, emotional level.

I'm willing to fight you for her.

why is it called sakura quest?

Shit show, right?

Literally the worst.

The only reason to watch this.

With Maki's mom.

JC is best all the time.

There are 5 girls representing the 5 petals of a cherry flower, on a quest to lure strangers to their town for the sole purpose of pollination.