ITT: Anime that no one remembers
I remember this show for having a convincing reverse trap.
Like I could forget such an excellent reverse trap.
But it was a reverse-trap trap.
God this was hard to watch
One of the most underrated shows in recent memory, the plot and pacing were questionable at times but the characters were fantastic. Shame we'll probably never get the game in English.
No, it's pretty unremarkable.
season 2 never
>draw a boy, call it a boy, it's actually a girl, with the mind of a boy
ultimate reverse trap
>implying that's not why it was good
I liked the style, but it was pretty bad user.
I remember Punch Line everytime I see that faggot from Re:Zero.
I been meaning to rewatch it though. BDs and all
or a normal trans
I never watched it, but it had some nice panty shots.
It was legit bad. I still remember people hyping up the writing of all things because Uchikoshi was in charge with it.
Season 2 when?
Hopefully never.
>first 2 episodes all about adventure in a cool world
>rest is an incredibly slow paced retarded "who done it" shitfest
The funniest part was how you finally were relieved the bullshit was over, it just starts completely over by introducing yet another "chosen" character.
It's not gay if I'm attracted to that right?
The trap was the only good thing about the show, and it barely had any focus.
Honestly, if the entire show was just about MC dealing with his gender identity crisis, it would have been x100 times better.
Actual cancer
Nah, the fact that it was played of the way it did was the best part
user, that leaves 99% of the show being pure shit. You can't watch an anime for just 1% of it.
But I didn't think the rest was pure shit.
It's a sign of patrician taste.
After this and ZTD, plus 999/VLR pulling their best twists from Ever17, can we agree that Uchikoshi is a hack?
Literally never heard of this
shit taste, light novels get even better but more cliffhanger each volume
too bad author probably gave up
Is it safe to start with that one? I'm looking at the relation graph and I'm quite overwhelmed
Delete that.
And with this, you pretty much posted all the fan art there is.
I remember,it started dreadfully awful and it ended up being above average to low tier good by the end.
I can always look at Re Zero fanart instead.
You might be new.
Every thread.
all I remember from it was the lead being a girl (female(male))
My dick remembers green haired slut Tomato. Not much else.
Fuck this shit. It was like 3 episodes of actual shit happening and then the rest was a closed room mystery with stock anime characters. I remember the MC being pretty good though.
>mfw I stopped watching this like 4 episodes in
the dude was a girl what the fuck
I think you mean boy (female (male))
I liked Punchline.
No, reverse traps are the least gay thing possible because it means your attraction is based on her vagina and chromosomes first and foremost, your dick is able to detect she's really a female.
Good show.
tiny little swords
>season 2 never
punch line is the only softcore cartoon that I actually liked. Sasuga Mappa
*tiny little dildos
I think vaginas are disgusting though. Most straight males I've met tend to agree on that.
>didn't like rail wars
>didn't like prison school
>didn't like highschool of the dead
my man
>forgetting the reverse trapping
It doesn't have a penis you know?
Really? Maybe if you inspect them really closely.
Yes, straight males out of
He said that no one remembers not no one watched
If I inspect them really closely then what? If it's any contemplation I don't find dicks all that attractive either.
I remember that and it was pretty hilarious.
This had accompanying industry "scandal" so it's easy to remember. The show itself was really bad and bland save for occasional great mecha animation.
Yes, I don't remember this.
Cut out last two minutes and you get decent fantasy detective story.
This was actually pretty fun. Megacorporation trying to screw over its employees and said employees trying to screw over the Megacorp.
Give me another Hayashi Yuuki x Matsumoto Rie combo, please!
Never forget Umetsu.
Still pains me that this is the case.
lmfao thotties destroyed
But it was shit
I just mean, if you examine them in detail you could say they're weird looking, but as part of the whole package they're good.
It's complicated, a boy and girl switched bodies so there was a trap and a reverse trap. So the main boy was a boy's soul in a girls body.
inb4 >that is already a thing
I still remember how retarded some anons were and how they couldn't follow the plot. It was the retard (and pleb) detector of its season.
I just find them disgusting
The VN is getting ported to the Switch.
Boku no Pico
I liked the opening and the green haired girl
It wasn't shit. It was maybe just above-average at best, but it wasn't shit.
I liked everything until the actual plot took the focus.
Right. If you want actual shit, here is an example.
>Lord of the Flies plot
>stretched out to 10 hours (2 cours)
>only good part is the unnecessary cute mystery girl
>final episode everyone goes back to the ship to fly around the solar system as buddy friends
>with no PTSD at all
gtfo Sup Forums
Oh hell yeah
>too bad the author probably gave up
Fucking hell.
We get a Canadian main character for once and the show turns out that terrible. What a damn shame.
In an odd sense. But I also want to lick, touch, and ultimately put my penis in them. Strange things those.