Enjoyed s1

>enjoyed s1
>start watching s2
>suddenly becomes too deep for me
>have no idea what is going on

What went wrong?

Just here to post perfection.

You probably went wrong at birth if you can't understand season 2, user.

>What went wrong?

Shit melodrama.

What exactly do you not understand?

The point. The fuck is this "genuine"? Why is it something worth fucking crying for? Why did every single character have a huge stick up their ass? Why are these teenagers acting like they all have OH SO SADDO RAIFU? What is all of this in service of? What is the fucking point?

Your mom drank during pregnancy.

>too deep
Literally nothing but the two girls being butthurt at each other

>The fuck is this "genuine"?
Genuine is a synonym of real or authentic.
I don't even know where to start with you. How do you even manage to fill out a captcha being this stupid?

I know we have quite the IQ range on this board but jesus christ.

season 1 was badly adapted, so was season 2, read the LN it gives you the proper tone of the show

8man is the epitome of autism. How did you not notice that in 2 seasons?

There's nothing to understand except losing the more episodic formula of the first season was a huge mistake.

That isn't really an excuse for OP, I watched the anime without consulting any external info and got basically everything.

S3 when????

There's only one more volume after where the anime ends and it isn't out yet, at most "S3" will only be a short movie or OVA.

As soon as volume 12 comes out.

What is the point of the service club?

Asian schools tend to have student help/guidance groups, especially in my country, where helping out certain groups with personal problems is a healthy practice. Sometimes, it's to replace the position of a guidance counselor and leaving it up to the students. Added in to the idea that Japanese students can make virtually any club they want (Yes, train clubs and occult clubs exist).

you are full of shit. Anime misses out on huge amount details though I don't blame it for doing it

Yea it was pretty weird maybe they explain it better in the LN but I had no idea what was going on at the end there.

Season 2 was much worse and lacked most of what made Season 1 fresh and entertaining. Hachiman's interactions with Iroha were the only good thing about it.

Season 3 fucking when dude

What the fuck is there not to understand?

>mfw dropped S2 because of how much I hated Yukino-shit

What does Japan love bitches so much?

She was fine in S1 but they completely ruined her character in S2.

8man basically wants a relationship that isn't "fake". The kind of "fake relationship" that he complains about for the entire first season. Yukino got pissed at him because he went back to being self sacrificial (asking the girl out to help the other guy) after he started being more normal like yukino and yui wanted.
Consider yourself spoonfed

Don't forget Sensei. The fact that she got so little screen time was infuriating.

>What went wrong?
You, brainlet.

I like Saika and cannot lie

You don't seem to understand the point of her character.
How was she ruined?

>You don't seem to understand the point of her character

I never liked her from the start and by the end of S2 I despise her. She can have a "deep reason" for being literal filth, but that doesn't change the fact that she is literal filth.

>How was she ruined?
She lost a lot of her edge and didn't have nearly as many good scenes. The interactions between Hachiman and Yukinon/Yui in general were shit in S2, with them mostly moping in the club rather than doing something and being an active part of the story.

because in season 2 they start to confront the fake dance they have been doing for a while.

And they did it in the most boring and retarded fashion imaginable.

I guess. Personally I love the subtle and slow shit but I can see how it can be frustrating.

I don't think it fit the theme of the show and what the audience came for.

What is exactly is a real relationship if 8man's relationship with his friends isn't that? The fuck does he even want?

It fits the main character a lot.

And what little screentime she got was also about the shit melodrama.

Eating at Saize.

Trying to figure out 8man's definition of "genuine" is what the whole S2 is about user. I'll give you a tip, it is not the literal/direct meaning.

Yukinon and Yui were made too timid and passive given how their characters were established in the first season. The show in general started to take itself too seriously and essentially derailed into exactly what the title promises not to do: soap operatic romcom melodrama.

His relationship with his friends is real. Hachiman just doesn't realize that. Or rather doesn't want to. His pride in his worldvie sabotages him

Yukino's timidness makes perfect sense and Yui gets a lot more aggressive.

The title wasn't a promise to not be a romcom. It was about how self-conscious the mc is you doofus.

Also I'd argue it was anything but subtle. The atmosphere in that club was dense as fuck and it was right in your face with a sledgehammer. Subtle would have been to keep doing what was done in S1 and subtly handle things in the subtext rather than essentially drop Yukinon and Yui from the plot to have them do nothing but mope all day.

So it's just moving in circles for an entire season trying to see what's literally in front of you the entire time, while being bombarded with melodrama? That's not "2deep" like OP claimed. That's fucking retarded.

>Characters are autistic
>Sup Forumsutists think that makes the show deep and meaningful

>Yukino's timidness makes perfect sense and Yui gets a lot more aggressive.
Yukinon's issues were handled in a much better manner in S1. In S2 they turned her into a passive doll that sits around and does essentially nothing. And Yui didn't get more aggressive either given how little screentime she got in comparison with Iroha for example.


>The title wasn't a promise to not be a romcom. It was about how self-conscious the mc is you doofus.
It literally tells us that it's not your average romcom. And that's a promise it failed to keep in S2.

That's why Season 2 is shit.
Because it's exactly that.

It's not even autism, it's just bad writing.

They're more relatable to the typical Sup Forumsnon.

>It literally tells us that it's not your average romcom.
Oh sorry I don't remember the title being "My not your average romcom"

See I get what you want and I even think that would be nice. But you are pressing what you want on something that never pretended it was that.

The dreaded Love Triangle will haunt us in every genre user-kun.
Soon it'll consume ever piece of media

It literally is. And not just in terms of how it's developed but the whole issue itself is simply not something that people let alone teenagers worry about. The whole season circles around a non-issue while at the same time being moody and boring.

Here we have a classic case of autism meets autism.

You're autistic and overly analyzing this show who's main character literally has autism and can't be happy with his life because of his autism.

Honestly being married off because of your family is a non-issue to you?

That was not the central issue of S2.

Not my fault they decided to adapt the second half of a story without the final volume.

She lost her edge because she realized what an uphill battle trying to change Hachiman is.

Pro-tip: someone with actual autism wouldn't worry so much about such issues because he holds more interest in things than in people.

I mean the metaphor with the tea was a little on the nose. But that resolved.

Reminder that Oregairu is finishing next month

She lost her edge cause she decided to act like the typical teenager in love, instead of challenging hachiman and his views like in season 1. That's why hachiman cherished her in the first place

Even if that were the case there are multiple issues with that. First of all for such a big character development it happened too sudden with not enough sufficient motivation. Second of all it's simply not a fun or particularly interesting character development if it leaves her out of the plot and mostly passively moping around. It's simply something that wasn't well written.

I'm not blaming you nor am I arguing against the LN. I'm merely saying that S2 was significantly weaker than S1.

Both are incredibly faithful adaptions though. In fact season 1 left out some significant parts so they had to have flashbacks to stuff that didn't happen in season 1.

You are overrating season 1 and underrating season 2. The problem here is not being aware of what part of the story they adapted.
If you go in knowing that they are both perfectly fine.

>First of all for such a big character development it happened too sudden with not enough sufficient motivation.
She went through several phases all initiated by big events. I don't know what you want. Some battle shonen like fight where they declare what is the stake beforehand?

Feels like this thread is about light novel readers debating show watchers.

anime only fags are not even people. I don't understand why they think their opinions are worth a damn.

Way better than the usual Yahari threads where it's a single dedicated shitposter arguing with everyone else instead.

>too deep can't understand

Your education is what went wrong.

Why is she so CUTE

Season 3 when?!

only good character

actually imouto is cute enough to be a good character and saika is too cute to be one

> What is the point of the service club?
The point is that it's a two-way street. The club helps its requesters but as it interacts with them they are also learning a lot about relationships, compromise and life in general.

It's a crappy story with shit characters and god-awful writing but it's easy to digest. There's really nothing you shouldn't be able to "get" if you can read the text and understand the meaning of words. The books and also the anime are constantly repeating and spelling out what it tries to convey and what you should take out of it.

At least the second season had very solid direction thanks to Oikawa and bunch of godly key animation by my favourite Takeuchi Tetsuya and also Araki Ryou.

> I love the subtle and slow shit but I can see how it can be frustrating.
The problem was that it was exactly the opposite. Slow, sure that it was, though, I don't mind slow pace. But It wasn't subtle at all.

The only shit thing about S2 was leaving out all of Sakisaki's scenes.

suckie suckie