What did Sup Forums think of chinese anime (donghwa)?

What did Sup Forums think of chinese anime (donghwa)?

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Fuck off, spammer.

I'm ok with it.

lol "dong"hwa.

about as good as a dogs wang

Season 2 when?

The show had all the ingrediants of a nice harem, but watching it in Chinese felt really weird.

Your last thread got deleted for a reason

The language makes me wanna vomit every time I hear it.
I remember this copied Horizons ed theme for its PV.

That is a chinese word meaning "to move", not engrish.

OP is an actual chink who hates japanese, he got outted on one of his thread.

8 years of browsing Sup Forums and never once have I ever felt that a Japanese nationalist was here trying to force an agenda...

Probably the second chinime of note comes out, and all of a sudden, these cute little threads start popping up. Not a good sign. China is too big. I don't want their politics on the board. Sup Forums needs to stay Japanese.

There was that one proud Japanese (or was it "proud Asian"?) who made a bunch of threads about how anime characters did not look like westerners.

Hey OP, do you also get a 50cent deposit when you shill here or does that only work if you shill on /k/ or Sup Forums?

>I don't want their politics on the board
Then purge all sides at once. Trumptards are already here.

Why are you under the impression they are welcome?
Trump-posts are reported and deleted whenever mods are online.


Remember to sage and report.

Chinese's life worst life. Chinese people are dirty ratbastards who are unfit for a modern civilized world.

>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
called cops

Better than Japanese in the sense that MC is not a total fuckign faggot around people with vaginas.

So is this some kinda Chink SAO?

>What did Sup Forums think of chinese anime
Three of the major anime shows this season are by chinese animation studios. It's just that you don't know they are originally chinese because they are redubbed in japanese. So the chinese invasion into the japanese anime market is starting up. How many japanese studios will be replaced by chinese ones?

not anime

All of them. Chinese have superior intellect, work ethic, and artistic taste.


Yea user is right. You're completely missing the point. The mods do a fantastic job of keeping western politics off Sup Forums. I've been banned numerous times for posting white racialism stuff on here lol. But currently the decision is that Chinese and Korean stuff is Sup Forums, and I think, for obvious reasons, that this is the wrong decision. Letting China have access to Sup Forums is like letting Sup Forums post here so long as they produced a cartoon. It's actually way, way worse, because China is so huge and powerful of a country.

>Three of the major anime shows this season are by chinese animation studios

>Three of the major anime shows this season are by chinese animation studios. It's just that you don't know they are originally chinese because they are redubbed in japanese
The hell is this sub human talking about?

>He's been posting the same thread since May
Careful you don't slip in human shit and fall into a sinkhole on your way home, Chang.

Eating all that dog meat and gutter oil must've affected your brain.

What else other than Enmusubi?

I've only watched this one, Can't remember the name.

I don't think China will ever create anything decent, They seem to lack the creative mind for a interesting show, Some of the character designs are pretty cool though.

I enjoyed it. It was fun. The only thing I didn't like was how Ye always had a fucking smug grin on his face. It was tiresome. Idk if it was a mistake on the animation or the direction