Just Resolved School Shooter Problem:

Just Resolved School Shooter Problem:
>No clunky metal detectors
>No tards running around with guns
>No lazy security guards
I want my Nobel Prize Now

So are all the kids just gonna stay in their classrooms during lunch?

>build a wall around schools


what if they stand slightly to one side

Just resolved it even more easily:
>Get rid of public schools and replace them with online courses

Then he will stay there wasting time.
No, they will get there when they hear the alarm.
Try convincing moms about that.

Easy solution to that:
>End democracy, then you don't need to convince them of shit

>No, they will get there when they hear the alarm.
How many people will die before the alarm goes off?
How many people will die on their way to a classroom?
Your plan sucks.

We have the school hall monitor stand watch outside for the shooter so he sounds the alarm with time.
Try convincing fathers about that.

>the school hall monitor
And if he is on the other side of the school? or if he is shot first?
Just fucking stop.

>Implying there is only one hall monitor
>Being such a Debbie Downer

Easier to convince fathers than mothers:
>hand them a copy of Democracy: The God that Failed.

>Real Men will never give up on democracy

>Real Men know that their household is not a democracy, and their country shouldn't be either
>Real Men know that people aren't equal and that democracy means the weak and stupid imposing their greater numbers on the strong and intelligent

We need ninja janitors with katana brooms.

you sound like a fascist

Why not add remote controlled gun turrets in hallways?

Budget Constrains

So how old were you when you were diagnosed as clinically retarded

I can get behind this

Get military drones inside schools
As soon as a shooter enters the school they'll get mowed down by some fat neckbeard controlling a drone 1000 miles away

>we have to turn schools into heavily fortified bunkers with bulletproof doors and windows and heavily armed guards patrol the halls with machine guns all because whitey keeps shooting up his school and rednecks won't turn in their assault rifles
Can you guys not see how this is starting to become insanity?

You sound like you think there are only two alternatives. Why couldn't I be, for example, a monarchist?

The same age as your IQ.

Why not just get rid of public schools and make them privatized institutions instead?

>because medicated white children keep shooting up their gommie mind-prisons

Clearly the solution is explosive neck collars with cameras and gun sensors, added and upgraded from birth.
Anyone committing an act of terrorism has their neck collar immediately blown up.

I vote for automated gun turret checkpoints.

This is fine too. Public schools are physical manifestations of female neuroses. We need race and gender segregated non-ZOGbot military academies for white boys.

What makes you think you're part of the strong and intelligent?

Sorry but Puerto Rico says you are too poor for this option.

All this mental gymnastics trying to ignore the real solution, the one common denominator in all these shootings, white men. Ban them...

So, we should ban black people to reduce crime.

Oh you mean the "kids are being shot at alarm" ?

I give the US 8 years before the first child under 10 years old commits a mass shooting. I'm being generous here.

It isn't a problem though. They always bitch about overpopulation, there being too many White people, and that children are the future. Why then do they care when White children die? They would applaud their deaths if they couldn't use them to push gun grabbing laws that could never be passed otherwise. The real redpill is that leftists don't want mass shootings to stop. They need mass shootings more than anything besides minority voters.

this is stupid what if the shooter has an explosive charge enough to breach the door? just stop giving guns to people

actually no the last few have been spics jews and arabs actually

you anti-white racist nazi shithead faggot.

>implying there aren't ways of measuring such things

>Implying that you're smart and/or intelligent.

One might say I have a high survivability factor.

There are other more common denominators: drugs, mental illness, and public schools

>actually no the last few have been spics jews and arabs actually

Paddock - White - 59 victims
Devin Kelly - White - 26 victims
Joseph Nickell - White - 5 Victims
Timothy Smith - White - 4 victims
Spencer James Hight - white - 8 victims
John Robert Neumann, Jr - white - 6 victims
Kevin Neal - white - 5 vicitms
Randy Stair - white- 3 victims

All within the last 365 days

>One might say I have a high survivablity factor
I highly doubt it.

I don't concern myself with your doubts.

Apparently you do

that's retarded

yea but we don't have this problem

I keep saying give all the kids guns.
These little edglord wiggers arnt going to be able to injur more than one other person before they get shot 37 times by the other kids.

>having tards around shooting guns

Nice invention fag. Our country's IQ just increased by 2 points

soon I will deal with the debt problem and stop hurricanes altogether

What if he set off an explosive charge in the cafeteria? Ban simple household cleaning products you can buy at Walmart!

This isn't Unreal Tournament and a KPS contest. That's an arbitrarily gamified measure. What should concern us is the 97% of murders ignored, more than half of which are committed by niggers. This death toll could tell us nothing other than whites are better shots, but that's not what we're supposed to be measuring. The KPS measure is largely immaterial as well. The serial killer leaderboard has even higher body counts, and they typically use knives and/or strangling. You think you're making an argument about reducing homicides, but what you're really making an argument about is reducing the leaderboard, KPS rate.

I see no reason why killing 59 people in one hour with some guns before being caught in the act and committing suicide should be considered worse than killing 300 people over 10 years with your bare hands.

Convince me you're not pulling a Texas Sharpshooter fallacy here and parlaying it into some contrived referendum on white men that has little to do with their criminality, but their specific methods and capabilities.

Im trying to get liberals to stop trying to take away your guns faggot show some gratitutde

>wanting strong daddy at first sign of trouble

You have a point about explosives. Even if the government some how took away guns, these nutjobs will just find another way to kill people. For example they could just make pressure cooker bombs like in Boston or regular pipe bombs.

>wanting to have all of the important decisions that affect one's life to be made by"the majority" - even if the average IQ of one's nation is 70 - so long as the process is followed.
>wanting a system where one man's ignorance is equal to another man's knowledge

What happens when you have a tard as king or dictator

Yeah just a mile long list of other problems

Great now shoot up my school from bed

its the only answer
which is the only reason why it will never happen until we kill all CIANIGGERS

Odds of giving birth to a retard: 1:1000
Odds of giving birth to a retard with modern technology and/or abortion: immeasurably small
Odds of an idiot population choosing a retarded dictator: Look at the leaders of Africa.

Democracy does not concern itself in the least with the good quality of its voters. Elected officials, if anything, have an incentive to bring in as many fucking morons as possible because morons are easier to manipulate.

That’s the point of education retard it’s no my problem yours failed.

>No clunky metal detectors

Stop looking for iron in my blood jews, we all have iron in our blood

Grenade through gun port. Checkmate atheists.

>thinking you can "educate" people out of a 70 IQ
Not how it works

They just need one security guy with a suit of power armor with a forearm-mounted FA .22LR with a targeting HUD in the helmet.