Post your favorite black characters

Post your favorite black characters

user there's only one

Her facial expressions are kubo's best work


she's not black. a lot of japanese and asians are very dark skinned and tan easily.

Post yoruichi hentai

Someone just post Dutch already.


>tfw she will never have a happy ending


that hot girl from Basquash

Darui from Naruto
Kilik from Soul Eater
Mist from Knights




Came here to post this.

A cat is fine too

I would a Claudia





She's a mexican


She's anime brown.

She freed herself at the end of that series, that counts for something.

Brazilian, actually.

My boy Avdol. Rest in peace

My Pharaofu
Mah nigga.
Egyptian characters are almost all the time so great.

But she's not black

>She's anime brown.

I'm not saying she's an accurate depiction of an asian. It's just saying that artists get inspired by real life; and in japan people can get very easily very tanned. unlike Scandinavian peoples who just get red. calling Yoruichi black is not accurate. she's tanned

Only real black people in this thread.
I don't know why people like to label everything that isn't pure white as black. At least porn websites get it right with all their categories.

I haven't watched this hentai because I despise the genre of hentais like that, but what happened to her at the end? You say it like she payed a price for her freedom

tch tch

You just don't understand the joy of ambiguously brown characters.

Oh I do.
Half black half latina girls are great.
I also like half black half white girls.

I like what OP posted more, but pic related deserves an honorable mention

I doubt any full-blooded Japanese would be able to reach such a dark complexion, except maybe for Okinawans.

>Not black
>Comes from a village made up almost entirely of black people
>Their kage is a black man
>Their jinchuuriki is a rapper

Latina is not a race.

Mexican is not a race.

Neither is Brazilian.

>I don't know why people like to label everything that isn't pure white as black.
Because who cares about that? If you're not white then you're just a shitskinned subhuman, it doesn't matter what shade of shit your skin is.

>who cares about that?
My dick.


>Latina is not a race.
Not with that attitude.


who is this chocolate goddess ?!

Yoru's not even black she's just brown indian trash.

Back to the topic at hand I'm going with Bob.

Yoruichi is... somerace, but definitely not black.

female lead of Gangsta


>Based Avdol
>not black
His stand is literally fried chicken.

Wait, hold up.
Are you saying WE WUZ AVDOL?

A lot of angry, ugly and very brown egyptians would lake to talk with you.

Just because he's FROM Egypt doesn't mean he's Arab. Just like if someone is FROM England, it doesn't mean they're Pakistanni.

1. Egypt was a melting pot. Arabs regularly married and had children with people from Kush who lived just beyond the Nile.

2.Implying black muslims don't exist

thanks senpai

Avdol is too handsome to be black.

Whatever you say, fatso.

Who is this qt semen demon?

Do you know what a filename is?

Did I hurt your pride, nigga?

Forgotten mechanic girl from forgotten mech series about robots wearing Nikes to play basketball.

I like that show.

Too entranced by her huge ass and fuzzy eyebrows.


Egypt was racist as fuck thats why the darker your skin the more shit your position in society. Egyptians are the ones who started the blacks are subhuman idea which spread to the middle east.

Nice fanfiction. Link me to your AO3 so I can subscribe.

She was a black cat

>anime character
>handsome in a way comparable to real life
>black male
>not handsome
All subtlety goes out the window if you state blatant lies.

I second that. My dick's feelings are far more important than mine.
By OP's logic, picrelated is also black.

>good desing
>garbage degenerate porn

man, every time

No one likes niggers user whites are the only people who even said nice things about them.

One drop of blood rule.

Literally has Black in his name

Every fucking thread.


does it count if she's brown?



>Half of these characters are not even Black

Do people even know what that means anymore?

Fuck off
t. Egyptian

I always thought the dark skinned guys from Naruto are suppose to be poo in loos. Probably because the first one in the show was that guy with six arms, a big but not wide nose and a spot in his forehead.

>>Comes from a village made up almost entirely of black people
>>Their kage is a black man
They look like Indians and he has Indian style facial hair. Bee is just a wigger.

>Not knowing his own history
>Not knowing that Arabs were racing mixing with blacks
>Not knowing that Egypt was conquered by the Kingdom of Kush before the Assyrians came in
>Thinking that Egyptian is a race
>Thinking that a black Muslim from Egypt in 1989 is farfetched.

Read a book instead of watching anime.

The hidden cloud is black.
>Kage has cornrows
>Their signature techniques are all lightning based
>Killer B is a rapper

Holy shit what has pol done to you boy?


>Lightening her skin
Shitty art. Commit to the brown or don't draw her at all.

they're all black, that what's these xenophobic japs intended.

This is the superior brown girl. Accept no substitutes.




You posted the wrong pic but I'll back you up.


Canonically black


>But she isn't black!
Her skin is darker than mine, she is black alright




I want her to sit on my face, also not enough hmanga

Do Dark Elves count