Who will die sooner, Miku or the threads?
Symphogear AXZ
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Currently watching the episode.
If I ever hear Hibiki say "手を取り合える" one more time, I'm going to send a bomb directly to Kaneko. I'm sick and tired of this shitty line.
Also, did they not learn that sending big monsters/dragons after Hibiki is useless?
Befriending and holding hands is her gimmick. You'll have to get used to it.
Sounds like you need to be befriended.
But can't she take people's hands in a less sexual way?
>smoking handsome
>just spends time lazying around with his fuckdoll
>if his kouhai fuck around, he comes out of nowhere throwing spheres of nuclear fusion to correct their mistakes
He's the man we should all yearn to become.
He is not a little girl.
I bet he want to kill god because his dick is too small.
Even less reflection. Better or worse?
forgot to fix the iris outline.
Now she needs foreboding shade.
that might be going a little too far
>Who will die sooner
The subs
>tfw it's already 5 a.m and Hibiki is still not done with her homework.
I want to see Miku run out of patience and bully Hibiki (gently)
No, that's the face of "it's 5AM and Hibiki is still out with the other bitches".
attakai mono dozo
I want to see Miku run out of patience and rape Hibiki (violently).
The girl's busy saving the world, just let her copy yours already.
>If you can't solve this problem you have to strip.
she doesn't realize it's sexual. tsubasa has the same issue.
>if anyone kills Bikki I'm going to take Gungnir and pummel them until they are just bloodstains on the ground
>I'm going to take Gungnir
Chris is only ever cute when she's sad or angry. Let's bully her.
So, they are going to use the fragments of Gungnir to create a barrier coating that would protect them against the effects of the philosopher stone.
Is it me or this doesn't make sense.
Apparently the relic cancer bits coming off of Hibiki contained some kind of special property from being human/relic fusion stuff.
They're using fragments of Hibiki's gear cancer, not of the Gungnir itself. Apparently the philosopher stone's antithesis is gear cancer growths.
The writing is getting really awful.
They probably just want to get the material properties from the fragments so they can produce the stuff, right? I guess it'll be more clear with subs.
The philosopher stone is made from the life force of many, while gear cancer is made from only Hibiki's life force. That makes them opposites or something.
Still not as contrived as the mind diving.
They will end up finding remains of senshoujing and mikugear will be a thing. Im okay with this, or rather i encourage this
I can understand the mind diving because AI YO
But this is bullshit.
Mind diving makes much more sense than this. Elf9 built Beatrice in secret so she could meet Carol in her mind and fuck her. She didn't want to use it for Mamu wankery but was forced to because no one listen to Ver.
This Garbage vs Philosopher's Stone shit is bullshit. Philoshoper's Stone has purifying evil ability so Ignite cursed magic can do nothing against it. To get past that they try to pass off the Dainsleif curse as insignificant garbage by covering it with the waste from Hibiki's relic fusion. That's what I get from Elf9 explanation but gotta wait for keywords to be sure.
Imagine her fingering the enemies
I bet Carol would come instantly because she's a slut.
She will just get it wrong on purpose then.
>Bikki will never finish her homework
why is bikki such a cutie?
Miku undresses if she gets a correct answer,
Sexual stimulation suppresses rational thinking, doesn't it?
They really might bring Mikugear back. There's just enough time for gear cancer plan to not work and use Shenshoujing to break philosopher's stone.
btw, anyone here play the mobage and know what mikugear's role is in that?
The Mikugear event hasn't happened yet.
She's only in the main story mode right now but her scream after get FISTED by Hibiki really tingle my dick.
Non existant yet. Probably waiting for a big reveal in the anime before they release it WHICH JUST COMPOUNDS FURTHER THE NEED OF MIKUGEAH HAPPENING
I'm assuming the main story mode follows the events of the TV series, so she only appears as an antagonist so far?
>no Mikugear yet in mobage
>season is still airing
>"no more Miku this season" was a ruse
Please tell me they're actually doing what I think they're doing.
If Mikugear comes back, between the married couple and the gaybies, Chris is going to explode.
They're not.
They are.
But who would she run to to escape such a radioactive environment?
I doubt the mobage events mean anything. We certainly haven't seen Kanade or Serena coming back.
Kanade was back in a timewarp thing so thats her way of returning. Serena is still up in the air but wouldnt make sense. Miku this season has had so many flags of mikugear that its just rediculous that theyve kept it off for so long
Love how aoi is doing everyone's voice. Literally cracking up here
Lower your expectations user. Mikugear will never come back, just be glad that she still got her gay screentime.
Mikugear is a bad meme and it needs to end, just like the actual thing is dead.
Why has nakulas forsaken us?
I just want to see a combo attack from them both as allies
Chris firing the two dorks at the alchemists, maria and tsubasa doing sword and dagger things and Bikki and miku just knocking peoples rectums in with lasers and punchie
>how they lose their minds when the 愛 part comes
This is a meme even amongst Nips, right?
Obviously. If it wasnt, why would they keep bringing it back in the show?
Yeah, Symphogear is a fucking meme and Nips love it.
Is Symphogear's meme appeal clear to everyone except Kaneko? I feel like the reason it works so well is that the entire staff is in on the joke except Kaneko, who is dead serious for every cheesy line that he writes.
Probably, Majority of staff are wild arms(Kaneko's older work) fans and try to put in the reference as much as they can while Kaneko tried to avoid it. Seeing them having fun with work such as web developer-kun make me love this series more.
I'm glad they're having fun
Why didn't Crunchy pick up AXZ?
>One Alchemist already down technically
Well if they go one by one like last season which I hope they don't, that at least means we're getting another rest episode unless the next fights take up two episodes each. Also Hibiki is getting aggressive as fuck with her befriending she straight up pushed Germain down someone should stop that women before she does forced handholding.
Do you think Prelati will try to get her revenge against Shirabe and Kirika in the next episode?
nobody was watching the prior seasons
But she did do forced hand holding with Germain in this episode
Nope, since Saint Germain will turn against the lieutenant.
>>One Alchemist already down technically
Prelati should be fine, why else would have Adam suggested sacrificing her?
Nobody's watching fuckin Sagrada Reset either but they subbed that
I am.
Yeah I am too but we don't count
how many episodes until Saint Germain befriending anyway? I predict 2.
never heard of it
Either it happens in the next episode or two, or they're saving it for the cliffhanger ending this season is definitely going to have.
Inb4 this season ends with a clear ending and S5 starts with a 3 years timeskip.
>3 years later
>most of the gears have boyfriends and children
Don't even joke about that
He shitposts the same thing every thread, just ignore it already
>except Maria who now gets bullied for being christmas cake
With how often Hibiki and Miku are called husband and wife in official content I highly doubt that will happen.
have commie said why the subs are like a week late or are they just being dicks?
When will people stop asking this shit?
We should add the answer to the OP post next time and pray the fags read it
but why though
Because they are faggots and add a day every time they see it posted in the thread
Germaine please, you know you love it.
Hibiki's response to Miku having to go into danger could make for a really great character arc, and one that builds upon their development back in G rather than just invents new stuff or backtracks.
"Just like how you want to protect me, i want to protect you too Hibiki!"
The Philospher's Stone is life, Hibiki's relic cancer fragment is death.