Is me or maybe just maybe COOL has a /ss/ fetish?
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Is this Lucoa-san?
Ah, well thanks user.
show me the prove user
I forgot this existed. jesus my dick
>another series by the artist
>it's literally Maid Dragon with monster girls
translations never
He's got a manlet fetish. The majority of his series involve a manlet hooking up with one of the main characters.
The deeper you fall into the "submissive to a taller girl" fetish, the harder it is to get out of it.
I know.
I only needed to read a single doujin of his + Maid Dragon to understand his kink. You're slow as fuck OP.
>manlet fetish
It's outright straight shota. All of his legitimate porn is titty monsters + kids, and even OP is pushing the definition of manlet by appearances since MC looks like a kid himself.
He has a diaper fetish too.
Oh, I remember this. I know it's ended a few years ago already in Japan, but what about the translated chapters?
Is anyone in real life actually a shotacon, or is it just a fetish invented for small, effeminate straight guys to feel validation?
Not always. I couple of them were lolis hooking up with tall guys. The guy definitely has an /ss/ fetish, but he just seems to like couples with big size differences in general
It's real. Except the part about shotacons all being tall, sexy femme fatales with huge tits. Some of them have merely large tits.
Wait... is still ongoing in YM 3rd. That's from last month's issue
You confuse mate?
It's all either /ss/ or /ll/ for him
>One of his manga has a pool chapter
>random chads hit on the Oni and Kitsune
>they get off-screen paizuri and turned into shotas
All answers point to yes. The only question is if they turned into shotas before or after they finished.
Of course
Fat bunny thread?
>lewdest chapter has been translated
I can now die in peace.
>last translation 13 days ago.
The dream is real.
There are some, yes. An old friend of mine from high school once told me that his elementary school teacher (a woman, obviously) kind of touched him (and other kids) inappropriately and was later fired from the school. He showed me "proof", an article from the city paper from a few years ago, talking about a random teacher that got "dismissed" from the same elementary school he went to, and in the same years he was there.
Actually Cool sketched missing scene on his Pixiv account. Here is what happened.
And last.
Can always count on cool to actually deliver. It's amazing how simplistic his art style is, yet still every effective.
I think he has an oppai loli fetish.
I love boobdiapers.
Fuck, I forgot, anyone can link the translated chapters?
potato won't accept translations sorry mate