Fire Punch 64

Oh shit, it's that time of the week and that means that another chapter of the gospel is out.
Come gather and pray for our lord and saviour Agni.

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why do they call him fire punch now? his followers called him agni



My guess would be that it was a recommendation on the part of the 'council' to trigger whole cult expansion.





And fan favourite dark souls guy is back, it seems.
And Togata still isn't. Rip.

>mfw this entire series

Aw shit. Some references.

>his smile and optimism

>He still refuses to wear clothes consistently in the frozen apocalypse
He's going to die soon isn't he?

Who is this fucker again?

The one with the fucked up face is the "witch" right?


Oh shit I forgot they gave stumpy a new pair of legs. That should have been my first clue.

>1040 px
What the hell are you doing? The originals are 1200 px JPGs.

>What the hell are you doing
Having 1080 monitor and manually ripping.

> That should have been my first clue.
Haven't you read 63? They state his name prety clearly.

What's this from ? A previous chapter ?

Haven't haven't kept up with the series proper. Last chapter I read Agni was lighting his face on fire so not too far behind.

One of the early chapters on the train, probably like 8 or 9.

Chapter 7. When Ivan-guy cuts off San's legs.

Oh shit I remember

Oh no, she's even cuter than before.

Dat nose tho

Give her some charm, i think.
But once again i'm a Nico Robin fag, so maybe i just like 2d pointy noses.