>3 years has passed since mememe was released
What did you learned, Sup Forums?
>3 years has passed since mememe was released
What did you learned, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime is cancer?
Learn to English motherfucker
Nothing, I still have no idea why people care about this
It's because they saw naked tits in something that wasn't blatantly hentai for people who only watch flavour-of-the-season anime.
The only real thing to learn about this is that there where a dozen other shorts released as a part of the same project as MeMeMe and no-one (outside of the original animation lovers who were aware of this project already) remembers them because they didn't have big fat titties shaking around.
What a disaster.
Bullshit, I remember all the ones that were better than MeMeMe.
That Kanon is still the best short, with Bureau of Proto Society in second place.
At the very least, it will remain still in my heart. God, I wish there'll be more.
I remember Dragon Dentist, GIRL, S&V, cassette girl and robo hobo though
people don't really give a shit about the message, they only care about fat tiddies and asses
Congrats: you've graduated from being a trend-following weeb into being a fan of animation.
That I'll never watch the 1080p version because no one ripped it.
I discovered just how mainstream anime is with normies, I didn't expect to see it fucking everywhere on normie social media
The next decade will be the start of anime westernization, there's too big of a market full of casual ironic weebs who are desperate to throw money at anything japanese to ignore.
Normalfags will completely ruin anime in the next 10 years, trust me on this, they've already "infiltrated" what used to be "otaku havens" since the late 00's.
If you don't believe me, just look at Netflix and Crunchyroll, popular modern shounen series get licensed instantly and released overseas almost at the same time as in Japan, etc.
You are 7 years late.
7 years too late.
I'm pretty sure an user posted a link with all the shorts in it, but it was back when the project itself was still really fresh. There might be something like that on nyaa, but they might be dead due to the nyaa-pocalypse.
Dragon dentist is easy, it got its own OVA later on.
That probably died with that user, it was never on nyaa or any torrent site. I'm not requesting, I know it doesn't exist.
I can't believe that nobody grabbed it off before it fell off the planet, the project's site was up for quite some time after it was finished. Granted I sure didn't, but still.
And who the fuck are you again?
Rude, it got me into daoko.
I'm requesting. I need this in my life.
I'm a failure who has done nothing with his life for the past 3 years and will continue to do nothing for the foreseeable future.
Nothing else needs to be said
I personally liked Yamadeloid and Gridman the most
>next decade
Netflix is publicly attempting to globalize anime right now
>Forgetting Hammerhead
I got all of them.
You know what to do, user, it is as god ordained.
Casette Girl and Gridman were my favourites.
>I still haven't dropped fap addiction
feels bad I guess
Isn't gridman getting a net anime or something
The only reason I really gave a shit about this was because I want to see khara as a studio rather than anno's codpiece but at this rate trigger will adapt/adopt more of the random shit they made into their own shows
user my friend, I haven't learned a thing
That's 720p. You sure there was a 1080p?
t. started visiting Sup Forums after 2010
Yes, Trigger revealed they are making one named SSSS Gridman
I learned that every subpar short that has a message, especially of its not in English, will get 6 trillion analysis videos from the west.
Every time i see her all i think of is Bloodborne
Bless, user-kun
That Anno is a fucking hack and all his revenue comes from suing Gainax.
That I'm still around and stuck in this unproductive shithole tucked away in the darkest corners of the internet called Sup Forums
Very definition of pretentious shit.
Damn it's 720
I'm pretty sure you can upscale them and extrapolate to 60 fps.
It was a breath of fresh air. Ecchi was better in the old days, when it wasn't a beta mc walking into a girl changing, then she blushes, screams and hits him.
Actual nipples are getting ever rarer too. Lots of supposed ecchi shows have fucking nipples-less breasts.
I would do that but I just now found the torrent for it: nyaa.si
traps are unironically gay
i mean to upscale to 1080.
>3 years has passed
Wasn't it more like november 2014 though?
I learned that naked girls are much better with trippy visuals
Currently testing to make it look like native 1080.
No, I remember the fucking deadlands Sup Forums used to be before Haruhi/TTGL/Lucky Star happened.
Wish me luck on upscaling all of them one by one for now.
I learned that Obake-chan is cute.
I still haven't seen it and I have absolutely no idea what it is. Ignorance is bliss.
that weebs are very easily influenced by anime tits
>stale memes
Love Erio!
Can confirm, I started coming to Sup Forums 7 years ago and I'm an ironic weeb.
3 years? where is my fucking life?
>3 years
It feels longer, weird.
Nobody here learned shit or else they would have left and found an actual girlfriend
i want her to sit on my face
>Oh look, people are attracted by sex!!! THAT'S SO DEEP AND WAS NEVER SAID BEFORE
I don't know why people give a shit about that short. The animation is nice but the message is extremely overdone, cliche doesn't manage to say anything deep.
>normalfag aspirations
What a joke.
I never watched it.
Or that animation short fest.
I wish you luck, user, good luck.
No they dont. Can you stop doomposting? Nothing is gonna happen other than anime industry would crash but even that is maybe
>leaving Sup Forums just because know you have some boring whore by your side
Failed normalfags manage to be the most pathetic creatures on this site, which is quite the feat.
Their fault. Nobody forced them to not have tits.
Yeah i remember when Sup Forums mostly talked about 90s anime like slayers or tenchi. I mean sure there was rozen maiden but even that was mostly popular for DESU spam
The west is actually trying to do what he said though, whether they will succeed or not is another story.
Do NOT underestimate globalists my friend, they are going all out from all fronts.
No they dont. Anime will always be japanese and that why even normalfags watch it
If you want to ignore reality that's fine. The reason people like anime is because it's Japanese, true, that doesn't mean the west won't try to globalize and take hold of such a big market that influences so many young people. They WILL try to subvert anime, you can bet your ass on it. Like I said, they may not succeed , but they are already trying and it will get worse.
that Youtube recommendations used to be accurate
You're a bit wrong though. Some normalfags really do like anime and are paying to stream them, but as a whole, anime is still something small compared with what normalfags like.
The song still kicks ass. The visuals are just a big plus.
Am I allowed to call this one of my favorite anime?
why didn't you see it when it was public then? should be enough for a life time
I wish Cassette Girl got its own anime. I really loved the concept.
Yeah, it's merely a meme.
I was busy working at a glory hole in my local gay club.
Daoko a best
>3 years has passed since mememe was released
>still fapping to her
3 years and nothing came close to this masterpiece of short animation
What the fuck have I been doing for the past 3 years?
You don't really think Sup Forums is considered to be the "darkest corners of the internet" in 2017, do you?
I thought the "message" was that he dumped his legitimately hot girlfriend because she wasn't a perfect 2D waifu, regrets it, but can't ever get her back because he's not mature enough to understand that "getting the girl back" isn't some anime battle waiting to happen, so he's just stuck in a loop masturbating to a hollow version of her and being sad that he can never have her back in real life.
wait wat
3 years?
You're completely ignoring that anime is basically run by the filthiest of otaku and the Japanese hate westerners like Americans hate non-whites. Not to mention the fact that most "normies" still consider ALL animation to be 100% for children and teenagers.
No studio but Ghibli will ever embrace a western audience.
While a bucket of shit would certainly work better, a single turd is still enough to destroy any meal.
>3 years
>still wonder why the girl throwing up and eating the dude was hot to me when literally nothing else involving that stuff makes me feel this way
That we need another anime with Teddyloid OST
That anime girls never fail to make my dick hard.
But the music in mememe was the worst part
I learned I like strange eyes and short dresses.
T. No taste guitar fag
I'm sorry to hear you have absolute shit taste in music, user.
t. started visiting Sup Forums after 2009