Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Chapter 54

Let's try this again, shall we?

Second chapter this month.

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What the fuck is recaptcha's addiction to the word "calle"?

















keep bumping user

You fucking ruined it.







oh yes yes





Wake me up when suu isn't a main character anymore


That's it for now.
Almost got that full uninterrupted chapter dump.

If you want to sleep forever I can make it real easy by putting a bullet in your brain for you if you want.

I have no idea what the fuck I just read.

two slime giants preparing to fight and and titfuck Darling

Dude that slime has some massive traps.

This is some crazy paizuri even I can't get behind .

thanks m8

I'm still not entirely convinced this is a black slime.

>another shitty "plot" chapter
This series needs to get axed already.

I like the plot if it's good.
It's just not really ever good.
It needs to go back to everyday life stuff.
And maybe less lewd. Less lewd and more everyday life. With the main characters, please.

lots of lewd and daily life, like amano. How can he just not do that.

fucking awesome
I thought that it was going to be ready for next week

Damnit, i really liked this manga but it has been shit for quite a while.
Last memorable things i remember are Mero's rescue arc and Lala's hospital chapter, and those were more than a year ago.

it's practicing some spanish

Kill yourself.

>Not number 1

tree fiddy

Kill yourself

Cause it may be not, not everything Okayado does has to go back to your fan-fic shit and speculation.

It's Suu's mom, it's very damn obvious


this guy is totally Smith in male form

Doppel is the Superior Girl

it got too popular and the author ran out of ideas

people just wanted to see a dude living in his comfy house with sexy monster girls

he added 1000000 original characters and made it about immigration laws, conventions, and monster girl industry, which isnt what people want

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Tio so much, I had all the manga volumes and Blu-rays
>I pray to Tio every night before bed, thanking her for the life I’ve been given
>"Tio is love" I say; “Tio is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Tio
>I called him a Manakofag
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Tio
>I am so happy
>She whispers into my ear “This is my swamp.”
>She grabs me with her powerful ogre hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Tio
>She penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Tio
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against her force
>I want to please Tio
>She roars in a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her love
>My dad walks in
>Tio looks him straight in the eyes and says “It’s all ogre now.”
>Tio leaves through my window

Tio is love. Tio is life.

I don't get it, does her body makes any sound?
Also, her body a qt

I bet it is her brother or cousin
Or an ex

confirmed for her head not beign able to fully control her body

>royal jelly
so this is something like a Slime Queen?




It's a part of Suu, it's even in the chapter read it. She wants to fuse.


Thank you for dumping and all the work you guys do. 72 pages and we still have almost a week before the next release. Pure badasses you guys are.

Damn it maleSmith!
He deserves to be slapped

This manga really went to shit. It wasn't something extraordinary in the first place either.

>not updated

>asking for a main character to not be a main character

Typical suufag. You're such a fucking embarrassment

so this is Suu's royal form

>asking for a pointless character that has been nothing but a tool to remain in the background

They probably do some rough hatefuck from time to time


I'd like to imagine they're in an on again off again relationship. Work is hectic for both of them but when either one of them gets lonely they pick up the phone.

>The director
Isnt that creep that had Rach with with him for a while? Absolutely not

But if you are talking about the broker / president, maybe.

No one's talking about that, you autistic fuck. It's got the same pointy hair dongs as a black slime and has a darker shade than Suu. It just doesn't have the frilly things and has spiky shoulders instead.


It's most likely to be a black slime from the short mentioning of it drinking toxic materials. I wonder what her personality is like or if she has one. She may be too basic in intelligence to be able to form words.

Reminder that President is /ourguy/


Like the president said, the black slime took that form because it absorved Suu's hand.
So, it might have a little bit of Suu's personality and maybe now it's female.
Anyways, we'll know about it in the next one or two chapters

wait a goddamn minute

I can't wait for next week. I know Crabman's not going to kill Suu off but I'm interested to see how this will play out.

Missing the all important slime dongle but that is quite a coincidence.

Are the OVAs worth my time?


reminder that some madman did this

They're fun and have lots of ero fan service so if you like that you will like the OVAs.

I hope that he won't kill Suu or fuse her.

Suu's not the most popular character but she still is a main character. It's most likely going to end up introducing another background character in the form of a normal sized black slime girl. How it happens is the mystery.

>Literal who.

Reminder that reminders are cancerous and that you should kill yourself.

Maybe like the moms, something like a one-time character.
Also, looks like they'll going to do an official Bucket Suu figurine

>Also, looks like they'll going to do an official Bucket Suu figurine
I can't wait for that either. I hope I can get my hands on one after this winter's Comiket. There has to be someone willing to sell a few. It would be a cute addition to my shelf.