Boku No Hero Academia | My Hero Academia | Drawing the Opening

Let's draw the Opening.

Doesn't matter if you suck at drawing, just pick one (Post the Number here) and try.

Image size should be 640 x 480.

Images are here:!k2gxmTbL!DE7qDRKwW9xGLPfEmpF0Lw

We will go into more Detail for some scenes like the Wall Jump from Deku in order to make it smoother. I will make more Threads for that later on.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll take 156.

And i thought i could make a fun evening with this ;c

So what is this, a "let's reanimate the OP" thing?

> ;c
Fuck off and kill yourself, newfag.

:C I have been posting smileys since i came here 3 years ago

I'll take 102.

Why would you falseflag in your own thread where you're trying to get something done?

there we go, im drawing 99 then, even if this thread dies, im gonna save everything and try until this is done.

i hope that this project fails

I hope that you die in your sleep tonight, but hey, we can't all get what we want.

Its not the first one to be done. I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has done berserks OP and NGE among a couple others. Seriously most pictures in there are bad MS paint ones with some really well done pics in between



>640 x 480

What's wrong with 1280 x 720

I was also wondering this?

126 pls

I thought most will just make a quick doodle in paint, and thought if they had to do less detail it would be easier for them.

shit thought.

Feel free to draw in 1280 x 720 gonna work out just fine

lemme get uhh 154

640x480 doesn't scale with the pics in the mega, so the end product might be a bunch of misaligned images

144 for me please

By the way can i also handdraw it or does it have to be digital? (Aka shitty paint)

Im assuming this

aw shit your right i was drawing them freely
if you guys got any other things to add tell me, im gonna make an accurate thread then

OP 1 (the only really good one) > OP 2 (okay) >>>>>>>> OP 3

Op is retarded and chose the worst one

>if you guys got any other things to add tell me, im gonna make an accurate thread then
No, you retard, don't make another thread when this one is still up.

This whole thing is for drawfags and he chose the one with the most bland "generic shonen OP" imagery possible.

cant i can just delete it?

>make thread asking if people are up for it
>barely any replies
>still wants to do it
I hope this project fails.

>deleting threads
No, you fucking can't. Once again, just go back to wherever you came from, newfag.

>i usually dont have the need of deleting my threads
Right, and you don't usually have the need not to use emoticons, either, I guess? Stop pretending.
> also im sure you can delete threads
No, you literally can't.

nah im pretty sure you can.
pls newfag

user I hope you know what you're doing, I want your project to succeed but I need you to promise me you're not retarded.

What program are you using to patch every image together when it's finished?

>I hope you know what you're doing
He very clearly doesn't.

do you get that you ruined this idea just for being a fucking ovnoxious newfag?

The other one's at 500 posts anyway. So it's autosaging. We're fine here.

>ITT angry samefag trying to ruin a project

So you can't draw and don't want anything to succeed unless you're a major part of it jesus christ no one cares.


premiere pro?

I'll take tensei's last laugh, 79

>OP gets the size wrong
>OP tries to make another thread for no reason
>OP thinks "It's okay, I can just delete this one"
If anyone's trying to ruin this, it's the same guy trying to start it.

That's okay, do you know how to operate it?


its fine, i got 3 million views on my yt.
First time doing a project like this though.

maybe there are better options for a project like this that i do not know about.

What's your yt channel?

>its fine, i got 3 million views on my yt.
So this is what it's come to huh?

>op doesn't know what he's doing
>doing this project to advertise channel
yeah this is officially cancer


Really dont need the salty anons on there right now.

Okay guys. For all those drawing already, PLEASE save your picture. Im gonna plan this out further, prepare every single pic needed and give clearer instructions.

Im gonna open one Friday night again. I fucked this one up i gues.

this means i got atleast some experience with video editing since 3 mil dont just come like that

gonna make a fresh channel just for this.

gg fagnons you won for now im coming back, better, stronger and more prepared.

we will create a masterpiece.

11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Get the fuck out you dumb newfag

fucking newshit

Saving this for Friday.
Just so I can tell you to fuck right off.

Is being a stupid faggot your quirk I'm jealous

I like your positive attitude and you should indeed ignore autistic new-Sup Forums retards, but you gotta understand that if you have even the slightest of doubt in your own patching up/editing/timing abilities you might waste people's hard work into making those images in the end. Ask yourself if you're really ready for making a project of this caliber and only THEN decide whether to go with this and open a thread on Friday.

Okay sorry for everyone who drew already, please safe the Picture and read Also I will simply open a new channel, i never had the intention of telling anyone my YT since its completly unrelated to anime. I simply said this without much thought in order to answer the question if i had experience.

>its fine, i got 3 million views on my yt.
Fuck off and kill yourself.

Have a nice evening, namefag out until friday

Would people be up for it in general?
Drawing an opening or just a scene in paint I mean.
It's been a while since the Berserk one and I like that kind of stuff.
Making another one would be pretty cool.
I'm just not sure how Sup Forums would react and which opening to pick.
Give me your thoughts and I'll take screenshots, will upload them and create a thread.
I'd also suggest uploading the finished thing on moontube.
You thing enough people would join for something like the Cromartie opening?

That's not even 6 seconds worth of images.

I think the state of current Sup Forums is pretty much in the gutter, but this idea was pitched in a BnHA thread which is always the cancer of cancer, so doing one for a different series might be a good idea.
That said, while Cromartie is GOAT, it's also old and busted. Perhaps something a little more recent?

It's possible if you stretch an image to appear for a few seconds.

obviously they are not gonna draw every single frame.

>We will go into more Detail for some scenes like the Wall Jump from Deku in order to make it smoother

Yeah, but that's not animation.

What is this? Why?


user wants to advertise his youtube cannel.

DBS, while being just as cancerous as BNHA, would have enough people interested in doing it

You can't make a fully animated opening out of like 20-30 drawfags. We're not KyoAnus.
Have you even watched the Berserk one?

user, look at those images in the OP. Many of them are almost the same thing. If you're going to stretch them, you'd need to choose ones further apart or else it just gets stupid. This one is pretty much fucked anyway thanks to OP's general retardation.

I don't see why it has to be recent - Berserk wasn't recent, most of the ones /m/'s done weren't recent, etc. I'd be up for Cromartie.

No. We don't need to target some cancerous crossboarder fanbase to get enough people, as past experience tells us.

whats his yt?

probably due this

This is extremely gay it isn't funny.

This thread is completely cancer. Well done, OP.

>I don't see why it has to be recent - Berserk wasn't recent, most of the ones /m/'s done weren't recent, etc. I'd be up for Cromartie.

Eh, I'll be fine with Cromartie either way, but I think we'll get better drawfags and better response if we decided to do something more recent.

Ignore OP, we're debating on doing this for a different series now.

mob psycho op

Why does he wear a diaper?

Some people recommended doing Daicon IV after the Berserk OP thread, so I have the frames ready for that one if you guys want to try it.

Fair enough. So which, then? I'd suggest Atom's, but that's got less of an audience than Cromartie by far.


Too complicated, I think. Some of the frames would end up in a mess of scribbles.

Tokyo Ghoul? Either OP is fine.

I really like the idea but Daicon IV would be a fucking huge project.
It's like 5 or 6 minutes long, even if you cut away the Daicon III recap.
It would be fucking awesome but we'd need lots of dedicated people working on it.
How much frames?
Wouldn't that be be approaching like 500.

Can't you go and shitpost somewhere else?



>make a suggestion
>"stop shitposting"
nigga what are you on about


>being a jewtuber

Yeah, it's about 400 frames right now. Without Daicon III, it's about 4 minutes and the intro is one minute of panning the ship with text popping up, so the whole thing's really only 3 minutes of animation.
I'd say it's pretty doable, since the Berserk OP was about 150 frames and that was finished in one day.

Alright, options:


>Little Witch Academia

>Tokyo Ghoul


>One Punch Man

Feel free to suggest more, these are what I think can work because they're not too complicated with effects or featuring 1000 objects in one frame.

See you, user.

Honestly, the fact that you got all those screens in the first place shows you have dedication (autism), at least.

My vote goes to LWA

Alright let's do this shit.
Can you upload them and post a link here.
We could discuss which parts need more frames and how to work most efficiently before making a thread.

I think we should either do Daicon or Cromartie.

ITT: okay idea + autistic OP ruining every last bit of potential it had.

We're way past discussion OP's incompetence. Place your vote.

155 to 001 reverse opening

My instinct is to ask for an entire scene set.

>400 frames

You'll get a quarter of that finished, at best.

everyone can do more than one frame