For the first time AfD is now the second strongest party in Germany

For the first time AfD is now the second strongest party in Germany

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*kackt in den Faden*

Alternative for dick? Hehe


Still not enough, get your shit together faster germany

t. your neighbor

Bümp for jüstice. Gott mit euch!

afd are fashists and racist

You can't live with just 16%.
Damn it, we left Europe and became Euromutts because we trusted you to preserve it. What's with the handing it all over to mudslimes?!

>What are your thoughts on this Sup Forums?

Ja heil! \o

means nothing because of how german fake constitution works but cool i guess. stay in your own country


You need to make it 1st asap. The time for resolving the problem is passing by quickly. After some time, it will become impossible.

Naja bin amol ane rauchn


Are you doing your part, Hamid? What's the situation for Mme Président?

In East Germany the AfD has now 25% and is only 1% from the CDU. We are going to rule Germany in 4 years. That's more % than Hitler or Stalin or Trump got in his first five years.

go back to albanian you subhuman nigger

At least Le Pen did 35 %, not 18%

>Only 5 years old
>2nd strongest party (SPD is 155 years old for comparison)
what did we mean by this


vü spass uezs


>The Fire Rises

>SPD finally not second

The afd is a fucking joke and ruining germany. I cant understand how so many retards could vote for this party.




Ach Ronny

INSA is all but a reliable source
don't ever trust their results whatsoever

Congrats Krauts, keep it up!
Fuck you fake Swiss.

All jokes aside. Like at least half of the afd members and supporters are really fucking stupid. There are plenty of arguments against immigration to be made but all they do is "Muh Kümmeltürken"

They are the only reliable source. They had the exact result for the election 2017 while all other parties had 8-9% for AfD.

I love my Saxony

t. Kümmeltürke

Petry is going to regret her little stunt of leaving the AfD.

Re-Elections when?

Sweet, now only 84% of Germans are gigantic pussies.

If you fix your shit, Germany, I'll literally implode.
Don't you want to see leafland implode? Fix your shit.

you are mutts of everything other than european

It's not like the other polls paint a rosy picture of the SPD with it having >30%. At best they inch out a 5% advantage (also still under 20), even Forsa, run by a literal SPD member, just sees them 3 points ahead.
Their average keeps going down



>What's with the handing it all over to mudslimes?!
Courtesy of the ethnomasochistic propaganda we forced down their throats after WW2. To the extent that the Germans are cucks and not volksstolz it's because we mandated that REMEMBER THE 6 GORILLION GOYIM be tattooed on the inside of the eyelids of every German at birth since 1945

Mfw when middle eastern countries care more about Germany than Germans

>twice as less votes as the leading cucks

Don't know how kraut politics work but seems to me like this means shit.

When the Fourth Reich comes, memeflags will be rounded up and sent to deathcamps on day one

Macron on that pic literally looks like a jew. His nose, his teeth. 100% hebraic.

he's right though

Speech by Poggenburg who talks about sending Turks back, calling them camel drivers and other stuff

Sounds like Göbbels kek

Go to 08:30

that's for sure, the numbers are definitely concerning
but the point still stands, Güllner is infinitely more reliable than those made up numbers made from thin air

Groko wouldn't work in a new election because thay woundn't have 50%

Gott Mit Uns.



Yeah I am not joking I mean their feelings are justified but their arguments are weak.

I guess I want to know how long I have to sneak in

I love his humor

The gap will be even larger once SPD members reject the Grand Coaliton on March 4th!

It's actually quite alarming if you ask me.

Nationalism in Europe (especially Germany) has proved to be quite toxic time and time again and I think that path should be avoided. I completely understand that there's problems with the refugee influx, but the German economy needs migrants if they want to avoid collapse. I think that a more extensive selection process for who they allow into Germany would prove to be a good solution. Closing off borders 100% never ever works. There are millions of immigrants out there who are capable of helping the Germany economy without causing disruption. Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.

Brown people have no future in Europe! All of them will leave one way or the other.
We'll just take away their citizenship and let them swim back to Africa if no one wants to take them back. Fuck them!

Better than nothing

all thats need is to get one of the leaders arrested on some trumpted up "hate speech" charge and have them come out with a book describing their struggles with the (((EU)))

good luck

Holy shit I cannot unsee this now.


>but the German economy needs migrants if they want to avoid collapse.

Thank you for your opinion Mr. Cohen.

Or another German Luca Traini...

Take your time, they are not showing any signs of getting less naive.

and theyre calling us mutts?


im a non white in germany. Could i potentially claim that im a political refugee when i try to GTFO here?

yeah lets just replace all of the germans so they can have pensions
why not increasing fertility of native germans
why do you want to erase germans?
how do you think the economy will function when the average iq becomes 80 eventually
the only immigrants that would fit the requirements would be some east Asians and other white people

HEIL (satire)

There is loads of immigration within Europe. No need to invite all these "doctors and dentists" from Syria and Somalia and so forth.
And Americans are in no position to complain about nationalism in Europe and especially Germany. It's pretty non existent here while those dumb American cunts think their rather shitty country is the best in the world.


>t. retard
They were spot on, within 1% for all.


merkel might have backtracked but is it enough? people are tired of her shit and want an alternative, no matter how stupid and backwards some of their ideas are. the same that happened with trump is happening here. trump might be a brute but he understood that people are fucking tired of politicians lying and pushing their leftie multi-culti agenda.


Doesn't matter, you losers will get Merkel reelected eitherway

the LKA is knocking on your door

Or we could fix our pyramid scheme system so we're not having to import a new bottom layer every 5 years to keep everything from going to shit, just throwing that idea out there.

Fuckts eich

Kick that bitch Merkel out.

You're welcome, but I'm not a new.

It's not my fault that Germans are having children, and that you people repeatedly vote for socialists. Truth is, your generous welfare systems will collapse in the blink of an eye without the contributions of migrants. Why do you think Europe has become so successful over the centuries? They were founded on immigration because it sparks economic growth. You'd be a fool attempting to reverse something that has been working well in Europe for decades. You'll be begging for immigrants once your socialist programs run out of money.

this is the guy. he's got that hitler rage. you guys need a strong leader like this to uncuck you.

>but the German economy needs migrants if they want to avoid collapse.

>We have to invite strangers into our home instead of fixing our economic system to handle the change in population

Literally the most pathetic argument in inviting migrants but often the most defended

>Truth is, your generous welfare systems will collapse in the blink of an eye without the contributions of migrants.

Good. We don't want a welfare system or any kind of social security. The 21 century is the century of capitalism and individualism. Which is why we need a libertarian society.

Merkel will go to the limit to stay in power somehow.
No matter how big the protest becomes, make no mistake, she'll use military force to somehow survive the full term and import the maximum amount of brown people.
German political parties like AfD should make clear publicly that they view Merkel as a traitor and any law and any citizenship that is granted under her rule will be immediately reversed once she is removed from power.

What us the Modern German’s opinion on Poland.
And by Poland I mean the country and the people that live there, not the low-life degenerate scum that immigrate for the gibs

>but the German economy needs migrants if they want to avoid collapse.
ive been spewing my guts all my life hearing that shitty argument

t. economics graduate


>Increase fertility

They've tried that before, it was the NSDAP.

Immigrants are just as much German as a native born, they are capable of contributing and building the country just as much as an ethnic German, sometimes even more so.

t. delusional wannabe nazi

Check those digits OP your gonna win

Do you even know where you are?

is there anyway to get a translation?

That Germans are letting the kikes railroad them because CDU and SPD are going to lock AfD out of power, effectively dropping the facade and admitting they're controlled opposition.

hat mir jemand einen chart von den wahlumfragen der letzten jahre, nur mal um eine trendlinie reinzusetzen

>libertarian society

So you admit that government borders are immoral and should be abolished? Good we could clear that up. Closing yourself off and restricting the flow of people and capital into your country is the fast track to collapse.

Thoughts on Kurz? He is surpassing my expectations and doesn't hold back with his border control rhetoric. I think he also has a redpilling effect on other leaders like Macron.

in youtube, change subtitle language in settings