What is it all about?
Koe no Katachi
Bullying disabled people and edgelords on Sup Forums thinking those bullies did nothing wrong. See:Ueno.
guy bullies a deaf girl but then later gets bullied himself, so this makes him feel for the deaf girl.
he shows up later after having learned sign language and they fall in love.
lots of drama but the anime movie version skips too much to save time.
What about the ending?
what about it?
They only think that Ueno did nothing wrong because they want to put their pee pee inside her.
What does it mean when he uncovers his ears at the festival?
Romance and the characters never get together, its trash
I can't find it reverse image search but can I get the source? Even went to the site on the picture but nothing.
It's about why the Death Penalty exists because of people like Ueno.
Go to literally any doujin site and type in the title
Read the manga cause the movie is junk.
There aren't very many KnK doujins. Just look it up and avoid NTR.
Retarded unrealistic bullying after they became adults. It's obvious it's just there to force more drama down your throat
literally no one would continue to bully someone after growing up
Retarded bully getting what he was asking for.
Edgy mom tears another mom's ear because of shit her kid did. Such edgy event makes bully regret what he did as he finally realizes he's a fucking retard seeking validation, learns sign language and re encounters bullied girl, he intends to ask forgivance and the girl doesn't mind, but he's already scum in everyone's eyes and the fuck can't get over those shitty friends because he's a fucking pussy. Also Sup Forums loves the edgy girl bully who continued to be immature and envy a fucking deaf girl just because. It ends with everyone accepting each others friendship and not a sign of love is to be found.
That movie is complete shit, don't waste your time with it, maybe read the manga as i hear it develops characters better.
Kawai was an even bigger bitch
>literally no one would continue to bully someone after growing up
The manga was shit too
idk desu
Melodramatic bullshit that nobody cares about aside from deluded KyoAnuslickers.
Its about honest communication between your peers and the courage to be vulnerable and honest.
It was just Kyoani's failed attempt at trying to make it seem like Shoya's redemption arc is over. I kind of cringed at that scene to be honest, especially with the "main character" face montages, like not even half of them were relevant to the story.
It's a movie about bad people doing horrible things to each other, I didn't really enjoy it.
It means hes no longer going to try to hide from the world or "block it out" and instead meet people head on. It has to do with getting over his social anxiety.
This, Ueno's main problem was that she was an idiot, Kawai was a self-centered narcissist
Yeah, at least Ueno accepted that she was a bitch towards Shouko. Kawai was just living in her own illusion.