Post the last Sup Forums related image you saved

Post the last Sup Forums related image you saved

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Well shit, sorry I cant post it because its against the kiddie porn rules.




Yotsuba, slow down

The fuck is wrong with his foot?

Its not real. He's not real. Its just a drawing. My god people are disassociated from reality.


Y-you, too.


Your fault for opening spoiler user.




this is the image that keeps on giving

Mai waifu








gus, can you please give me sauce on this?


Squirting preteen android Catgirls from Venus.










Gotta keep my supply of reaction faces fresh.











Why did this give me a boner


who makes these

>Why did this give me a boner
Kimochi warui


Nice quads user

>complaining about people criticizing a drawing


You haven't seen the infinite world of captions?


Children rarely do stuff like this in the real world unless they are like 14. Except for a few girls at the rotary center.


why did she suddenly become flat in the third panel

>Still reading right to left like a dyslexic retard.



I still wonder who exactly in the Japanese transit system thought this would be a good idea.

I'm from the ai-generated waifu thread, come and join. It's a blast.

No one did in the actual transit department. The ad company who leases the space approves it. The company marketing the cartoon thought it was a good idea.





I am saddened by her death. I love wolf girls myself. I really liked the spice and wolf series. Like, second favorite series ever.


Was browsing pixiv.


They had to approve it at least. Either that or they suck at writing contracts.
















>Kyogre being a dick as usual


Persona 5



I don't get it, what's so wrong about the design or marketing? Not to mention the dude can't even see the exterior of the train from his position in the photo.