Hypocrisy and the Left

>at work
>discussion erupts on "assault weapons"
>everybody knows I am a firm believer in the 2nd amendment
>inevitably they ask me
>know that I cant go full redpill so decide to use their own logic against them
>"so you really believe all citizens have the right to assault weapons"
>"yes. Let me ask you, minorities and immigrants are more likely to commit crimes. Should we deport them all"
>"of course not"
>"why not"
>"because you should not penalize them as a whole for the crimes of a few"
>he begin to realize what he just said
>all of them get irrationally mad
>no argument was made

Thank you to the anons who put out this idea. Felt good to catch them in their hypocrisy.

>says minorities and immigrants are more likely to commit crimes

Prepare for some sensitivity training if you're lucky. You might want to start looking for another job.

I could only dream so I can sue the shit out of them. Statistics dont lie. But I get your point nonetheless. But I dont think Ill get reported for one reason. I am a "minority"

4D chessanon. Props.


>I was a libtard
>Saw some fellow libtards and feminists talking about sexual abuse in our culture
>Join in and openly tell them about the Rotherham rape gangs and how it happened to me when I was 13
>WTF BITCH! Are you a racist? Are you Nazi?Are you islamophobic or something? OMG white men rape too!
>Point out that Muslim men make up less than 3% of our culture but commit over 30% of all sexual abuse and 90+% of on street grooming gangs according to our own police data
>Get told any white girl, including the Rotherham girls and myself, has not suffered either sexism or racism because we're white an there have all the privilege
>Get harassed by all their friends, blocked by the ones who started the argument
>Leave social media, become Nazi. Well done Leftists.

>>all of them get irrationally mad

I know I'm pissing in the sea, but the bad thing about Sup Forums is that its only obsessed with mostly culture war issues and these issues are the only thing that left vs right debate can take place under.Politics in the US is fucked because of this.

I bring this up because the "gun control" debate is such an issue and as a Liberal, its frustrating to see "liberalism" be distilled to just these issues. This is partially because the left in America has nothad any real left thinkers in a while. Who is the modern Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn? We just have corporate media hacks who don't have any real leftist belief but just state what their corporate overlords deem acceptable but does not challenge the elites too much. This usually means only swimming around in superficial culture wars.

I'm a liberal gun owner. The ownership of a gun or not should not define who is liberal and who is conservative or what your political stance is and it sucks this is what politics in America has done. My personal belief is that gun violence is related to culture issues in American society and I don't mean only crime in black communities which Sup Forums in general is obsessed with. There is something uniquely american about white kids who are bullied or feel like outcasts don't just shoot their bully but lash out at the whole society through wanton violence and shooting the whole school up.

Our problem is we have a culture where violence is often viewed as a solution to a lot of problems from a micro-level in day to day interactions to a macro-level on a government scale where we are bombing 10 different countries are any point of time.

We have a gun violence problem because we have a warrior culture. America is very much a Spartan-lite society. Look at our foreign policy and entertainment and you'll find the answer. We love guns and we love violent conflict resolutions

Meant to add a TL:DR, guns aren't the problem. Its American cultural traits that are the problem and politicians aren't going to fix that.

>I am a "minority"
based nigger detected

>Its American cultural traits that are the problem and politicians aren't going to fix that.

They're working on it

leftism is a mental illness, no wonder, they destroy themselves


>We have a gun violence problem because we have a warrior culture.
You're full of shit. You have a "Gun violence" problem because you have a lot easier access to guns.

However, "Gun violence" is a misleading term that effectively means fuck all. Overall violence rates and access to firearms effects on those are what matters, but seeing as they don't really see a difference when access to guns does they're shit so a bone fide propaganda term like gun violence is used that implies the access to guns is causing an increase in overall violence (Because 'gun violence' is so much higher in the US than where they have gun control). You bill yourself as a left wing level minded intellectually but you've shown you're still falling for stupid tricks. Someone doesn't have to lie to you to mislead you.

>things that never happened

The easy counter argument is Switzerland. They do not have this problem. Their only restriction that they do not have access to "Assault rifles" but they have more gun ownership per capita than the US.

Why aren't school shootings happening more often in Switzerland? People feel outcasted and get bullied in Switzerland I'm sure. Yet, only American students seem to have a subset who think the solution is to go into a gym and shoot up random people or go into their school and shoot up random people.

Not to mention we also have a lot of "disgruntled employees" shootings compared to Switzerland and even before Columbine, "Going postal" was a meme for a reason.

Another issue countries like Switzerland don't have despite having relatively easy access to guns.

>that happened

But it isn't a unique American problem. Mass shootings happen around the globe. America media glorify it, while other states censor it.

For instance--- Russia! Russia has mass shootings at about 3x the rate of America, but it isn't important to American media companies. Covering a Russian mass shooting won't get them more eyeballs. It won't keep the average American watching the news of the tragedy of a bunch of "innocent" people, particularly if they are young like teenagers or clubbers, getting shot.

Even JAPAN has mass school murder. There, when someone really flips out, they take a big knife, and walk into a pre-school or kindergarden or elementary school, and slaughter the littlest kids there. Happens about as often there as in America--- based on per capita. Again, you never see it in the MEDIA cause it won't keep AMERICANS plastered to the tube, and therefore earning ad revenue.

This is the best possible use of having brown skin and a good head on your shoulders. Give them the mindfuck they never had growing up. Make them think.

Switzerland just kill themselves. Like most gun deaths. Click! BANG!

True was not too long ago we had some guy in a school close by walk in with a katana and start chopping. Also a retirement home worker recently stabbed a bunch of patients to death. Only difference is Japanese media does not glorify these things.

False. Again, that happens in other countries at the same rate as America.

Its just you have to combine all of EUROPE to compare it to AMERICAN violence. At which point, American mass murder, whether its school shootings or disgruntled employees, becomes AVERAGE.

If you compare Germany to something American, you need to compare it to something like Alabama--- where you have the same number of people and GDP. Alabama will be slightly more violent in history, thanks to its large black population, but due to Germany's importing of all those rapefuges, its about even now. Congrats on importing your own troubles.

Because spics and niggers bub. Are you also a fan of a Scandinavian style economy (despite the fact that American Scandinavians earn more on average if you use THEM as the comparison rather than literally all 56%ers).
I don't know man, when your worldview relies on ignoring key pieces of evidence then drawing retarded conclusions there's not much I can do. You're also still playing the propaganda game, I am not interested in "mass shooting" statistics, something not even properly defined, I am interested in flat out homicide rates. I am not interested in "gun violence" I am interested in "violence". These are the statistics the effects of your policies should be weighed against but you've let yourself be fooled into comparing them to nonsense.

The real comparable scenario is Australia, where they tout their introduced gun control as a success story for the ages. Look at the homicide rate chart of the country and tell me when that bill was introduced.

That's the real difference between America and everywhere else.

Starting with Columbine, America started really glorifying and focusing on mass murders by non-blacks, particularly if it involved kids in any way. Why? Well, for one thing, American cable news is mostly older people (over 50) and mostly female. Females shit their pants over everything, so scare tactics keeps them tuned in. Could their own grand kids be at risk? OF COURSE THEY ARE! TUNE IN TO LEARN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! POSSIBLY LEARN SOMETHING TO KEEP YOUR GRANDKIDS ALIVE!

Before cable news, TV and newspapers did the same thing. But TV only had a few hours a day, and the story of the day moved along. Now they have to fill 24 hours a day, and keep giving those viewers a reason to watch. So we get talking heads screaming how "Obama is destroying the world you know and your kids and grandkids might be slaves of the state!" or how "Trump is a retarded idiot that might blow up the world because he has to tell NK his dick is bigger than theres! Tune in to find out if your kids and grandkids will still be alive in 5 years!"


For instance, "beware these 10 common household items because china is making them with arsenic instead of with milk" stories. They won't tell you then, you have to tune in in 2 hours, when their second best talking head comes on.

I believe there is a simple solution to this?

“Gun control? We have a psychopathic xenophobia for a president, a man who approves the literal torture of LGBT people controlling the Senate, a majority right congress as a whole, and there are fucking fascist uprisings all over this country! We are literally in grave danger of the right going full Nazi at any moment, and you want to PREVENT us from defending ourselves? Fuck off with your defeatist, authoritarian, NAZI gun control laws, I’m a real fucking leftist and I will resist with force if I have to!”

There. Do not back down. Use their own hypocrisy against them. In order to destroy the Left, you must react with their own self-defeating ideology. The far left does not want you to realize that it is truly a house divided against itself. The sooner this is realized, the faster the liberal agenda will fall

Yep, I say let the leftists do their thing. Once America falls due to their arrogance, who they gonna blame?

ur a cuck

fucking kek Im 100% sure you're based pajeet

welcome to the redpilled word