Pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

Other urls found in this thread:

a cute girl did NOT type this

I no understando at all


Thank fren

Aways be nic Sup Forums. Away be nic. Enjoy Alcohol.

I wonder if that user is alive.

i am that user.

For the love of all that is holy in Gensokyo, for the love of the Gods who moved to this world for the sake of self-preservation I implore you, beg of you, beseech you to remember, call to mind, and recollect your previous thoughts so that whenever you have feelings of discomposture, disquietude, reverence, presentiment, misgiving, consternation and abhorrence, recreancy, or whenever you break out in a cold sweat and tremble uncontrollably in dread, I implore you to recall from your past experiences the feelings of contentment, optimism, jubilation, beatitude, enchantment, exuberance, geniality, sanctity, merriment, joviality, hopefulness, vivacity, prosperity, or delirium. When the day is in doldrums, and when you feel languish, heartbreak, down in the dumps, disconsolate, grief-sickened, heavyhearted, low-spirited, despondent, lugubrious, woebegone, doleful, dejected, bereaved, wistful, sorrowful, glum, forlorn, downcast, bitter, dismal, troubled, low, or hurting, always remember happy days.


This pasta genuinely keeps me going. I want to cry every time. Thank you user.

tenk mai frend


I hate this stupid shit

>tfw no happy day to remember

FUCK aqua stupid BITCH


Would you rather another DBS thread?


Never forget your Friends.



We're all friends here on Sup Forums!

The flaw in this logic is the assumption that second is to be a result of the first.



I love you, suika.

thanks /jp/


Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away~

but I feel scared and frighten whenever I think of the happy times

That's even worse.

Is it bad that this stupid copypasta meme legitimately makes me feel happy and thankful for everything I have?

Yes. Stop being happy this instant.

you can't make me

Say what now?!?!?!?!?

>tfw your goal on Sup Forums is to eventually make actual friends

How's that working out for ya?

It could be worse. It could make you feel sad. Like me.

jaypee friends are best friends

Buy My Game

I still haven't met any anons yet so my long-term goal is still far away but I love my boys in the threads for shows like Aria, Haibane Renmei, and Sora no Woto and I've never felt more at home than there so I've gotten somewhere at least.

Is Touhou a skill based game or a memorization based game? I can beat all the games on normal 1cc and a few on hard but lunatic seems like a struggle due to how spastic I am.

Fuck off, faggot.

I need to be happy.

Memorization supported by skill when it gets harder.

You will be this happy one day, don't worry!

I'm 23 years old and I don't think I can stand another day of university or working as a wageslave.

How do I deal with this terrible surge of depression and loneliness if escapism doesn't work anymore? How do I deal with the fact that our lives are mundane at best and that the friends and lovers we'll never meet are scattered across the globe?

Are you me?

smoke heroin


Get a dog, go on hikes, fish, get outdoors and don't give a shit what others think of you. If you enjoy something then enjoy it.

Similar situation but I've come to accept the fact that life is an unending and inescapable nightmare that you can either contend with for another 60+ or so years or bite the bullet literally and kill yourself. Friends don't make it easier if that's what you're hoping, if anything they make the situation worse. If your friends happen to be successful people that have meaningful employment, decent wages and stable relationships, you'll eventually become bitter while continuing your charade because you're too weak of a person to actually improve yourself but you're also too pathetic to cut off ties with the only people that will associate with you because you know it will be hard to start all over again with new people. Don't even bother with finding a significant other if you've spent considerable time here and on anime, you'll end up in one of two situations: you'll either have unreasonable expectations and never settle for anyone or your own self-esteem is in such disrepair that anyone that shows even a modicum of attraction to you will come off as condescending or pitying. You can call this projecting but the amount of people in this situation is staggering and it's painful to deal with it. The only solution is to stop caring or to stop living.

We are a lot of people.

guess what nowadays's best seller medicines are


where do Sup Forumsnons go when they die?

why Chococirno even exist?

That depends on whether you know and accept our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our personal isekai. You can enter others user world too.

Kirino is a miracle of the universe.

I don't know, I think people are great. The ideals, superpowers and sense of adventure media depicts (esp anime) will likely always remain fiction, but in comparison people have tremendous control over themselves. Whereas the world itself inherently imposes restrictions on our lifestyles, I feel like we have much more liberty to be a certain way, or to change who we are. This is just my opinion but meaningful friendships and love are totally achievable, because there are great people out there. Of course on the other hand there are millions of dumb, malicious people who will literally ruin your life.

Aside from that I pretty much agree with you. I guess life just boils down to finding new ways to convince yourself not to blow your brains out.

Get fucked incest scriptfag.

we all get isekai'd into little girls

Fuck you, Sup Forums. I tried to count the seconds.


Kill yourself.

we're frens

pls frgot that wen u feel happy or saef
never rember ttimes wen u feeled sad

wen night is lite nevar frgot sad day.


im going to fucking destroy your boipucci you little shit

plz no...

Gl next time, fellow kirinofag

I don't remember wen I feeled happy.

Just keep going for 5 more years


>working as a wageslave
I get money so i can buy anime crap, so i am fine with it.

I get 49 virgins and maybe a mule

meet likeminded people on the internet

Occasional reminder that I hate you all.

ok come to the park tomorrow at noon

im dead

Befriend anons.

A lot of people in modern times are alienated; how many people here can say they have a close friend? How many people here have someone they could confess their darkest secrets to? Our society does not encourage the building of such bonds, you gotta work all day, change jobs, move across the country, and so on. What relationships you make are ultimately trivial, acquaintances and such rather than people who truly know you. After all, we live in a society where what you own and what you look like is more important than who you truly are, where the pursuit of wealth is thought to be the pursuit of happiness.

You could find your purpose by destroying the system that causes your alienation in the first place. After all, Maslow's hierarchy of needs places the need for self-actualization at the top; it's a bit vaguely defined but basically, doing what you truly want to do is the key to happiness. But beneath that are more base needs, from the needs of food, shelter and safety to the needs of companionship and respect.

I won't tell you what to do(though I will suggest you look up alienation), but I hope you will consider doing your part in changing the world. The force of one is feeble, but there's lots of people out there.


Reminder that the average user is an ESLfag who feeds generals and posts Sup Forums memes and tumblr pics.

Is it time for Sup Forums to not show original file names?
Dont need the "facebook" shitposting.

No, you deserve it for being lazy.


tenk u mai freind

I really dislike Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It completely fails to account for anyone expressing themselves in dire circumstances, like Van Gogh and early graffiti artists and hiphop.
Outside of the most basic needs such as food, water and not dying when you try to sleep, self-expression can be significantly more fulfilling than most other things.

I go well-beyond that. I don't believe that "Maslow's hierarchy" applies to any thing in existence. It's an artificial construct created by an artificial moron who thought that artifice was the only thing that did *not* exist in the world.

Things do not exist in relation to creation.

thenk u user

Suika loves you too.


I started going to a psychiatrist and a psychologist, it kind of helps having someone to talk and give you their opinion, I started going to the gym and got a job with my dad`s help. Well I`m only 20 so I wouldnt know about you guys


