Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Memetalk Edition


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[post most recent Red Pill Germany video]
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>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0 [postimg collection should be Frauke-free by now]
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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta
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>A f D W A V E

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was she at the womens march?

Faggots. Stop attending tranny parades.

Gute Nachrichten Freunde.

I see at least 4 women

Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ihr Ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren...

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!

Schwarz ist der Himmel, Rot ist die Erde
Gold sind die Hände der Bonzenschweine
Doch der Bundesadler stürzt bald ab
Denn Deutschland, wir tragen dich zu Grab

Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ihr ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!

Wo Raketen und Panzer den Frieden „sichern“
AKWs und Computer das Leben „verbessern“
Bewaffnete Roboter überall
Doch Deutschland, wir bringen dich zu Fall

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!


Rechte Hurensöhne wie ihr welche seid müssen sterben wie die Fotzen die sie sind.

Kannst kaum erwarten Adolf's braune Soße lebendig zu verbrennen, mitsamt ihren Familien.

>Wow men need to shut up and stand up for feminism

Always amazing how easily their narrative can get smashed.

Did he just assumed their genders?

Hallo Joseph, wie läuft's aufm Bau?

pretty sad to be honest

Haven't you heard? He is back, even more pathetic than before, I guess he wasn't big enough for construction work after all or he wasn't satisfied with the damage he has done and came back to finish the Job and take all the "skeptics" down for good

No surprise there. Construction work would probably have meant that he would have his colleagues and foreman be the Muslims or Cletuses he hates.


>cherrypicked picture
There were enough women at the demo

Redpill me on the AFD becoming the 2nd biggest party, what are the ramifications?

second largest party is the opposition leader and is given tools to controll the government. however its just a poll and not an election

Left Womenz will just tell you to stay out of it because you don't know what it's like to be a woman. Also very easy to smash your argument.

saved, very völkisch



what? Nothing of this is even remotely right, apart from the poll

I believe he never really considered it in the first place and was just talking out of his ass, he actually thinks he did nothing wrong now, he will not stop his war against the alt-right no matter what, because he is fueled by vengeance and nothing else, his transformation to an A+++ grade lolcow is therefore complete. I am sure there are still lots of keks to be had with this brainlet.

Sorry for posting this again, but...


Was it failing to finish primary school twice?
Was it having book seller as his only formal education?
Was it having no previous political achievements, but end up being a member of the European parliament?
Was it being one of the ugliest MEP?
Was it the raging alcoholism?
Was it begging people at his rallies to shout his name and clap?
Was it paying shills to call him the next Donald Trump?
Was it The_Schulz?
Was it the MEGA memes?
Was it not being for GroKo, but then for it?
Was it shaking hands with George Soros?
Was it claiming the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people?
Was it being involved in the destruction of the EU free trade organization?
Was it bringing the SPD down to 16% and making it irrelevant?
Was it saying what refugees bring to Europe is worth more than gold?

Or was it because he is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty Zionist?

Geez I just can't seem to put my finger on it!


holy shit! that comment!
all of them feel like women!
its really transphobic!
Shahak!!! check your privilege you fucking heteronormativ bigoted asshole!

SPD losing mandates
CDU sweating on its throne o' so high up
Still, the news report on Nahles and Merkel bickering

GroKo doesn't look too stable at all, considering the protest they are now up against thanks to their YuSo Kevin Kühnert, the GroKo will be considered a "bust" and re-elections might trigger.

Re-elections will set the SPD straight and the AfD ahead of them, which they obviously don't want. but they will have to otherwise, the voters might never want to see it again (disgruntling their voterbase due to lying & inconsistent truths)

SPD has little room for engagement and action, and has too little members in parliament to demand huge things, but they need to demand huge things to not disappoint the voter when they said "we are not available for a coalition with the CDU, this constellation has been voted off!"

The AfD never had to tie them a noose, they're already on a stool near the tree.

Holy shit this hart aber fair episode will redpill the normies.

T-thank you, I did the lower thingy.

Next time Warn me, i would've put more sweat and blood into it if i knew this was going to be so big ,_,

Well I did people here shout.
But they only shouted "how up" he was visibly confused.

Roman Reusch is doing good right now. And Plasberg is being pretty fair with him

>70-90 % of criminals were "orientals" in my team as a state attorney

top kek

topic right now are the funghis who set fire to a person, but got off with probation. Two of the funghis were arrested shortly after for aggrevated robbery

No Problem, here, have some Fashwave.


Gisela Friedschen now defending funghis who tried to set fire to a homeless person

>it was christmas
>they were bored
>they didnt do nuffin

for fucks sake, my internet isn´t good enough atm
fml lmao

Topic now switched to pedophiles. Can't wait for the cunt to defend them

Jesus fucking christ this woman.

>poor little refugees had nothing to do on christmas eve
>why not try to kill a hobbo

no way, Plasberg is fair?

>Olaf R
>Three convictions over 10 years
>Convicted again for sexual assault of a child
>1 year and 3 months

top kek. Our country is fucking dead. Our judges need to be purged

women were a mistake.

He's pretty good with the AfD dude

Well, he IS an Eternal Anglo after all. Great video btw

>1 year and 3 months

>be me, lonely ass faggot
>jusdge: you raped a woman. your sentence will be
>1 year and 3 months. do you have anything to say
>that´s less than i have been alone. will i be able to talk to my cellmates?
>yes, 1 hour a day

>1 hour a day

Nigger, you'll be out of your cell 10 hours a day fucking about, reading books, playing ps4 and socializing. You can even bring your own TV to prison.


>this senile old boomer FDP cunt

Annoying as fuck. Lawyers really are a plague on society.

We should prepare a bingo next time, the host already said "Einzelfälle"


How is it possible to be like this

meh, I'd like to just chill in my room

He's doing a good job though, the FDP boomer cunt keeps going on about "generalizing" but Plasberg points out they are talking about special cases, so they need to talk about "Einzelfälle"

nice. i don´t even own a console and i would love to read books again

Marietta Slomka ließ sogar einen Stöhn-Seufzer los, als sie am 18. Februar die Ergebnisse der MSC im ZDF-Heute-Journal kommentierte: "Von der Sicherheitskonferenz in München bleibt vor allem ein Gefühl der Unsicherheit. Wohin treibt die USA? Auf der Konferenz war sie wenig präsent. Als Ordnungsmacht will Washington offenbar vorerst nicht mehr auftreten. ... Europa schafft es bislang nicht, diese Lücke zu füllen. Zugleich bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen Russland und dem Westen angespannt. Der Nahe Osten wird einmal mehr zum hochgefährlichen Brandherd." Beim letzten Satz seufzte Slomka. Es ging dann um den Schlagabtausch zwischen dem israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu, der erstmals an der MSC teilnahm, und dem iranischen Außenminister Dschawad Sarif. Netanjahu drohte wieder einmal mit Krieg, Sarif nahm ihn nicht mehr ernst: "Das ist ein Zirkus. Die israelische Politik besteht nur aus Aggressionen gegen seine Nachbarn. Israel dringt beinahe täglich in den syrischen und libanesischen Luftraum ein und bombardiert dort routinemäßig." Tatsächlich brennt die Lunte am Pulverfass Welt-Herzland. Syrien schoss einen israelischen Kampfjet ab, was Putin zum ersten Mal erlaubte, und der Iran machte klar, dass er geopolitisch die Oberhand in der Region erringen will. Putin wird sich entscheiden müssen und Trump könnte ihm die Entscheidung durch militärische Neutralität leicht machen. Dazu das ZDF-Heute-Journal: "Es liegt eine maximale Verunsicherung in der Luft. Selten hat eine Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz so hart am Rand eines militärischen Konflikts stattgefunden. In München schaut die Welt diesmal in den Abgrund." Nur wir Nationale nicht, wir schauen ins Licht der neuen Welt!


do our prisons have wlan hotspots aswell?

thats new

If you're not lifting you're doing it wrong. 300 press-ups per day.

top kek
>Well he only diddled the kids
>He didn't rape them
>So I guess its cool that this repeat offender gets 1 year 3 months


The bildcunt slayed. Redpill me plez, after 20 years in gremoney I still haven't figured out if Bild is the gut or bad guys

Reminder that Brevik sued the Norwegian government with the argument his human rights were being ignored because hr only had a PS2 and no wi-fi.

yeah sure

jetzt verleitest du mach aber schon zu ner straftat.

He hasn't spoken alot yet, the one time he did Plasberg actually defended him from an attack

Bild is whatever the plebs want them to be. They are part of the Atlantic Bridge. Alot of times they can be based but in the end the still shill for Israel and the status quo


Are there any media outlets that actually, you know, report the news? Junge Freiheit?

who are the guests in shart aber fair?

>Jens Gnisa, Vors. des Deutschen Richterbundes; Direktor des Amtsgerichts in Bielefeld
>Julian Reichelt, Vors. der "Bild" Chefredaktionen
>Gisela Friedrichsen, Gerichtsreporterin, freie Autorin "Die Welt
>Roman Reusch, AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneter, bis 2017 Staatsanwalt in Berlin
>Gerhart Baum, Rechtsanwalt, ehem. FDP-Bundesinnenminister (1978-1982)


Jens Gnisa (Vorsitzender des Deutschen Richterbundes; Direktor des Amtsgerichts in Bielefeld)

Julian Reichelt (Vorsitzender der „Bild“ Chefredaktionen)

Gisela Friedrichsen (Gerichtsreporterin, freie Autorin „Die Welt“)

Roman Reusch (AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneter, bis 2017 Staatsanwalt in Berlin)

Gerhart Baum (Rechtsanwalt, ehem. FDP-Bundesinnenminister 1978-1982)


top kek this retarded boomer

There are a few. is okay, comment section is based. JF is okay, there is a page called that collects crimes from funghis.

Philosophia Perennis and Journalistenwatch are my favs

i kinda want to gas her. but i think that i actually want to impregnate her

who is that guy?

Welt is absolute cancer and Junge Freiheit are cuckservatives. Dieter Stein is a weakling, a social democrat who isn't even truly conservative and annoying AF.

All newspapers have an agenda, including the right ones. If you want a quality magazine, read Sezession

Dayum, so prison is basically H4 without having to write half assed applications?

we need a quick rundown

All I know is that DW (Deutsche Welle) is absolutely shit. France24/CNN/BBC level shit. is okay as so far as they report on it and let people comment. you learn alot from the comments.

Yes. But chances are you are gonna get probation. If you want a prison sentence make sure to sieg heil alot during comitting the crime

DW is literally government propaganda

good god

im off to the land of dreams good night frens

No you don't.
Faggots can't keep IBS and Kraut/pol/ apart.

Genuine curiosity: What's up with France24?

>impregnating russo-mongol mongrels

just a german youtuber who fucking lost it and Sup Forums was having fun watching the resulting trash fire.

the readers are 98% pro AfD

>If you want a prison sentence make sure to sieg heil alot during comitting the crime
Why not also during the trial?

I know. I get most of my news filtered through Sup Forums anyway. Usually more diverse sources.

>4 traitors against 1 voice of reason

He's a self admitted half anglo mutt.

Hahaha, I never even heard of DW before

He ISN'T German ffs! He is an Anglo half-breed who literally calls himself the Eternal Anglo on twitter and lives in YOUR country. GERMAN MY ASS!

why do slavs always have these dark rings under their eyes? is good. does report about some fungee crimes, but does not always name that is was fungees. It also became somewhat more critical of Merkel and immigration, but this is an opportunistic move.
For political topics also consider reading articles about German. has absolutely abhorrent articles but the reader comments sometimes bring interesting insights.

Sorry dude, he is German like Hitler.

The cunt, the boomer and the judge are all trying to defend the status quo so badly.

If I had any say I'd reform our system like tomorrow
>Lower age of applying laws to 12
>Less probations
>Youth Law only till 18 or get rid of it overall
>3rd conviction of a violent crime requires judges to give MAXIMUM possible sentence
>Foreigners who are convicted to a prison sentence automatically deported before release from prison
>Foreigners convicted of a non-violent crime banned from germany for 10 years
>Foreigners convicted of violent crime (includes break-ins and stuff) banned for life

Sure why not.

Lucky you

>about Germany

You mean comment section. Also they should stop giving this shit paper clicks.

KYS Eternal Austrian!

Did that cunt really just said he won't rape a boy because he raped only girls? Or did I mishear?

yes pls

kraut and tea - the average youtube skeptic
some cock sucking quater jewish turbofag with a fake british posh accent who ripped his dick in 2 while playing football, he also loves his nipple clamps and some anal plugs - he got cucked by some chick - inprison another from eastern europe and hold her in his room like a slave

he thought he could deny race and explicitly trying to fuck with /pol and doxxing all ebil racists on youtube with some shady shit on a discord server - trying to be an intellectual.
>academic plz respond
didnt worked out very well for him

he doxxed rageafterstorm
>pic related