Redpill me on abortion

I've never really understood why abortion is "bad".

I get that some people can interpret it as "killing someone", but that's more or less just a fallacious argument that appeals to human emotion in my opinion.

A lot of people doing abortions are young people that aren't mature enough to properly raise their kids, which will just result into poverty and / or a failed upbringing, right?

If you don't see where killing an indefensible fetus is wrong, then we have different brains, perhaps you're a woman?

Beyond that though, if girls fear having sex will ruin their lives, they will be less likely to do it. Women with fewer sex partners are better all around people, and particularly better wives and mothers. Fewer divorces = fewer single mothers = fewer criminals.

Abortion is bad for society and the few women who make this life-altering decision to have sex need to be held up as an example of what not to do.

I think that people trying to justify that is not a destruction of life is a fallacious argument that appeals to human emotion and they have to participate in mental gymnastics to defend their point. I think it is good eugenics but is a symptom of a much larger problem.

If you don't see where killing an indefensible fetus is wrong, then we have different brains

I just see a fetus as something inferior, something along the lines of an animal, it just isn't 100% human yet. But I don't want to further argue about the moral high ground, which I admit you have.

Also - girls, particularly teenage girls (which are the ones that need abortion the most) are bad decision makers, they're emotionally unstable and will still just risk it even if there are huge consequences.

Also what's your opinion on abortion when there are more serious implications, eg the girl got raped or the girls life is in danger

abortion stops stupid people from procreating. It is great.

Abortion kills niggers and reduces the number of single mothers.

Sin against God.

All who partake, especially Whites, will burn in Hell forever unless they confess and receive the Sacraments.

aren't smart people / the people that are getting a good career the ones that prefer to abort (or prevent impregnation all together) the ones that lose the most potential children?

There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics.

women are allowed to carry out the death penalty, not even military at war are allowed that level of indiscriminate killing. pretty glad i converted to islam desu a lot of you are going to hell when you die shalom

You have to reconcile that abortion is killing a human being based on their age. A human zygote is a human so quibbling about whether at 4 hours or 4 days or 4 weeks or 4 months when its human "enough" is pretty silly. Most abortion advocates attempt to dehumanize so they don't have rationalize why they're killing human beings based on convenience.

If you believe we should kill people who are inconvenient on the people around them, have that discussion. But there's really no difference between killing a fetus and killing a 90 year feeble senile man.

so is the whole anti-abortion thing only about "muh 1% human shouldn't be killed"

>I get that some people can interpret it as "killing someone", but that's more or less just a fallacious argument that appeals to human emotion in my opinion.

Any cutoff you could make would be utterly arbitrary anyways. I consider life to begin at conception. The "being" has ceased being baby batter and individual parts and has begun the process of becoming a human.

Saying it's okay to destroy it because of xyz is always an excuse. It hasn't developed the ability to sense pain yet? Brain isn't fully formed? All of these things could be pushed to justify murdering young children. Babies don't remember their toddler years anyways and they're basically like retarded helpless blind people. So it's okay to just kill them, right? They're not fully formed so it doesn't matter. They won't even really be aware of dying if you just shoot them in the head, so it should be okay to murder toddlers.

No matter what point you choose, it's subjective. I choose conception because it is the moment that the human begins to form. Any other point after that and you're just playing semantics and subjectively placing inherent importance on the ability to feel pain(which has no objective value).

A fetus is a human at a certain age of development. It's 100% human in terms of biology.

The truth is that people consider it morally right to kill a fetus because they perceive it as not complex enough to have any sort of rights.

I was against it until I figured out that it's the left controlling their own population and keeps the Nigger population way down.

Not human yet? Is it human when it's born?
Well then it must be human 1 day before. To be moral people we have to draw a line.


there is - that's the big thing

a fetus is the earliest stage of a human, it's before it's able to take care of itself. Every living child deserves a good upbringing, and if parents think they can't deliver it they should be allowed to abort it. But once the baby is born the parents had enough time to think and they should be fully committed by now.

Also, a 90 year old man has already gone way beyond the stage where it can't live on its own anymore. Although it does need help again, but he can just pay people to get it instead of forcing his parents to give it to him


True. In a 99% white society abortions should go out the window, if the nigs appear they should be forced by law to abort.

does that mean when I ejaculate I commit genocide?

>girls, particularly teenage girls (which are the ones that need abortion the most) are bad decision makers,

Yes, this is why their parents need to be more involved and protective.

Ending abortion must go hand in hand with ending welfare or any services for single mothers. Pregnancy out of wedlock should be a terrifying prospect because the alternative is even more terrifying though more difficult to perceive.

and teenage girls/boys will still refuse to listen, they think they know what's best, despite all the big warning signs.

Just look at modern day communism, or liberalism as a whole, 100,000,000 dead, yet they still think it's the best

Not fertilized, go back to r*ddit.

the typical angry feminist argument is the baby is part of the mother until the umbilical cord is cut

and a child that is in a womb isn't born yet, the question is, where do you draw the line

If there is a lack of proper natural selection in a society we need to take it into our own hands.

Then let them

if retarded teens want to fuck themselves over, that's on them

At fertilization retard.

good job on fucking over a good portion of the next generation (and the generation after that, because single teenage girls are bad at parenting), we finally made progress guys!, at least we saved a couple of fetuses!

The problems of society can be fixed through killing criminals, not killing babies. Hellfire when you die faggot.

So basically you're advocating murder and genocide of undesirables for the betterment of society. Irresponsible teenage mothers can't raise good children, so just murder the children.

Why not just murder the dumb teenage mothers? By your argument, we're improving society. Get pregnant before 22? Just kill them, they're going to raise a shit kid anyways and aren't contributing!

There you go justifying murdering people because XYZ excuse. You can add as many caveats as you want, you're still justifying murdering people.

> you deserve a happy life with good parents
> so I'll just chop you out with scissors

You realize that there's other solutions that don't involve murder for that ideal right?

because they've already depleted 22 years worth of resources, they already had a good upbringing and they're about to become responsible and get to the proper age of becoming parents.

Although I'm against abortion 100%, I'm willing to compromise by forcing people who have abortions to be infertile.

My argument is this if you can not risk having a baby at all then your only choice is to abstain from sex. If you’re comfortable with some risk then you should use pregnancy risk reducers. Calling a unborn baby a fetus is literally a euphemism to dehumanize what is undeniably human. And then where do you draw the line? When is it human? I mean is it the first trimester? You going to tell the woman who lost her pregnancy that it wasn’t really a baby and to stop crying? Should we then deny that a woman should need counseling since she really didn’t lose anything anyways? I mean. I want a consistent standard that can be applied. Instead we have wildly different standards based on what the mothers subjective feelings are.

If they got pregnant at 14 I guarantee you they had a bad upbringing.

like what? adoption?, I don't think there's enough demand to replace all the current existing abortioon rates

This will be you in Hell, toothpaste. Forced to give birth over and over again for spending your life telling women not to. Your belly will burst open as hideous creatures rip their way out of your decaying corpse over and over again and your screams and the smoke of your burning torment will arise up to heaven and provide a sweet incense and a harmony to the choir of angels for the denizens of that place. You are garbage.

Libs prefer adoption more.....

Its bad for white people with are birthrates going down.

Great for Minorities as there birthrates are going up.

>this is what christcucks actually believe

You completely ignored the crux of the argument because you can't actually address it. You are advocating killing children because it's inconvenient and makes things "more difficult". By this logic, murdering irresponsible teenagers that get pregnant in the first place would be a better solution. Cut off the problem at its source. Right? Why not just murder drug addicted parents of toddlers? He's going to have a shit upbringing. Why not just kill the whole family and better society? Derp derp.

>because they've already depleted 22 years worth of resources, they already had a good upbringing and they're about to become responsible

If they had a good upbringing, they wouldn't be pregnant in their teens. "About to become responsible" hahaha...okay dude.

its only bad if the baby is white

Lets say early on in the pregnancy the doctors spot that the feutus is deformed and the baby that would be born would be paralized/deformed. When the baby would beborn it would have to suffer intence amount of pain that wouldn't stop. At birth the baby would have surgery 1 after another. Do you think its right to keep that baby alive considering that it would bring pain and financial strain to the parents aswell. Just because your sparing 1 life doesn't mean it would make someone elses life better it could make the parents suffer. If the baby wasn't planned it could also ruin the parents aspirations and dreams that they wanted to archive in life, because the baby would be born and someone would have to take care of it.

Abortion is not bad when there is a medical purpose, such as complications in pregnancy that put the mother at risk. It is when women use abortion as a form of birth control that it becomes a very immoral practice. Maybe I'm old fashion, but wouldn't it be better to remain celibate or use other forms of birth control if you have no intention of bringing a child into this world?

There is literally nothing wrong with murdering people. Prove me wrong.

The line should be drawn in our testicles.
Each fap is a mass abortion and should be considered a crime.

No u dolt, as soon as your sperm enters an egg its a human, if u jerk off in ur sock your just killing your dna

Not fertilized. Go back to plebbit.


no fap or your breaking the geneva convention

Forcing people to deal with their mistakes makes it their problem. A woman being a degenerate piece of shit, or a 14 year old girl being woman enough to whore herself a bastard needs to deal with their problems so everyone else doesn't have too. Notice how many more problems abortion causes for other people who have nothing to fo with that particular abortion? Society bears the burden so the fucking dirty cunt doesn't have too. We empower these slags and give them the high ground when they are not responsible for anything. You think you are doing society a favor empowering the one murdering a defenseless baby that is their own child? You think that is more progressive than learning and dealing with your mistakes... So maybe future people won't be as shitty and fucking sick

I'm not an atheist, I'm a devout christian.
Masturbation is wrong and abortion shouldn't be allowed, therefore draw the line in thy testicles and stop cumming without gods spoken permission.

Eventuality is the argument they are making moron. Fertilized egg will EVENTUALLY BECOME A BABY, if it's not murdered. How much of your useless DNA have you poured into a sock only to become crystallized fabric?

You need to work on your larp. Try not using words like "thy" when they don't apply, retard. Pic related, what your kids will look like, if you manage to have any.

The problem with people with your mentality, is you cannot see 2 steps in front of you. What you are talking about is less than 2% of what abortions are used for. Which is birth control. The excuses like rape victims and problems with birth all together make up less than 2% of abortion cases. If abortion was used only for those 2% of cases, this would be a completely different discussion. If it didn't prevent so many blacks it would be illegal.

Or we can sterilize those irresponsible teenager so they can't pass on their shit genes to their children and further destroy our society.

>I get that some people can interpret it as "killing someone", but that's more or less just a fallacious argument that appeals to human emotion in my opinion.

it's a fact you imbecile
a fetus is a living human being and you can only dispute that through ignorance of biology
>it's just a tumor!
>it's a parasite!
>it's my body!
are actual emotional arguments utilizing mental dissonance to convince women that they're not killing
only through cognitive dissonance do women go through with abortions without feeling like they're monsters

I'm serious.
Don't dump your load without consulting god first.
If he commands you to ejaculate then do so in a virgins beef wellington while in missionary position once after marriage.



It may even be allowable in other circumstances, but it has to be recognized by all involved as a sin.

>I just see a fetus as something inferior, something along the lines of an animal, it just isn't 100% human yet.
complete wilful ignorance
there's no
>not a human yet
either it's human or not there's no partially human or somewhat human
that isn't how science works
that's how your stupid emotions work

There is literally nothing real about this quote

There should probably be a law to sterilize any woman who gives birth out of wedlock or upon divorce.

Whether it's real or not it's whats happening.

Life doesn't begin at birth.
Life doesn't begin at conception.

Life began millions (billions?) of years ago.

The question is - can someone evict someone else from their body?

I say yes, though it seems harsh. Forced incubation seems worse.

These teenage leafs are worse than apes.

do you understand the difference between life itself and the formation of a new living organism?
cuz they're two extremely different things you buffoon


No I don’t think they can evict anther person from their body. Not if it came to be there from consensual sex. If you know sex makes babies and consented to sex then you can deal with the consequences.

And abortion is justified because it overall improves the population.


The problem is that the rest of us have to deal with the consequences too.

Why must I then deal with the consequences of the 20 million (conservatively) more Democratic voters there'd be without abortion because thots can't keep their legs shut?

Yes. But Sanger is not a eugenicist hero. Not at all. I hate this meme.

Only people who shouldn't have kids in the first place gets abortions so I am in favor, but only if the embryo is less than two months old.

Killing all thieves would improve society. Killing everyone who doesn’t create more value than they consume would make society better. So with your logic we should start doing that as well?


abortion is fine. Niggers cant tell me that I'm wrong because I'm right.

thats a nice bike

yes, but it's unrealistic.

I was a teen in the 80's, and had a different opinion then.
Yes, but if you start with you, and keep winding the clock back until you 'aren't human', how far do we need to go? I think sperm and egg are still human...the moment before, or after fertilization are not much different to me.

It's killing a human to abort, I'm admitting. It's also killing a human to prevent conception...or to whack it straight into the toilet...I'll grant you ALL that, but still won't prevent some person from evicting an unwanted baby.

What do you think is better?
I'm not pretending that the aborted fetus isn't human. Why share this particular shitty cartoon?

You’re assuming facts not in evidence. First pregnancy rates will not stay the same if abortion is banned. That’s evident with the rise in birth control since trumps elections.
And Political preference is not genetic.

Lol so everyone will be dead within the first week of their life?

>Political preference is not genetic

Get the fuck off my board roody-poo.


The thing about abortion is that those who are for it have already been born.

It's even deeper than that and rapists should have to marry their victims. Women evolved to fall in love with her rapist as a survival gambit. It is why they climax when raped and have lifetime flashbacks to it with conflicted feelings.

This is why Orthodox and Muslim and Hindu women all wear veils to hide themselves. Once their cherry is popped, it forever belongs to just that man and anyone who comes after will be someone she settles for.

The problem with abortion is that there is no right answer. Like seriously, even after enough time has passed where every single partisan issue has been more or less resolved, abortion will still be controversial.

Everything ranging from ethics, religion, life/death scenarios, special circumstance exceptions, and scientific variability all make the issue extremely divided.

reddit tier

Its confusing, user. I don't like the idea of late term abortion, it's kinda disturbing. At the same time, I hate niggers and niggers get a majority of abortions.

Great soundbyte!

Now, do you disagree with something I said? Or are you just virtue-signaling on a Finnish fly-tying board?

>And Political preference is not genetic.

Political preference and almost everything else is nearly entirely genetic. Look at the Minnesota twins studies or the case of the Korean girls raised by poo family in London and kike family in Los Angeles. When they met each other in their 30's they looked the same, talked the same, had the same jobs, interests, hobbies, everything. They even had their own secret language -despite never having met.

Heredity (possibly beyond just genetics) is everything!

I miss the early 2000's
Now we're 54% including spics

>Yes, but if you start with you, and keep winding the clock back until you 'aren't human', how far do we need to go? I think sperm and egg are still human...the moment before, or after fertilization are not much different to me.
once again
you all need to take a biology class
even introductory biology will do
sperm and egg are human CELLS part of the organisms they come from
as soon as they combine into a zygote they recombine their DNA into a new organism
a zygote may just be some cells but it has completely new human DNA and if left alone it will develop into a fetus which will develop into an infant
so it's only logical that as soon as the zygote is formed it should be afforded human rights as it is has individual human DNA and is alive and it's own organism
preventing a human being that is already forming from continuing it's path to eventually being born is murder

Interesting, then at what point exactly does a fetus become a human being?

I suggested if someone consumes more wealth than they create we should kill them to make society better. You said yes. How can you tell when someone will create more than they consume? Is this a daily calculation? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? If any of those then every would be killed before being Potty trained. Mozart, di Vinci, and more are people that would be considered undesirable by polite society today in fact their mothers would be encouraged to abort by today’s standards. People being born into difficult situations makes for interesting people. It makes for the spice of life. I’m not interested in some stepford wive uptopian society. I am into messy reality. Aborting kids because they won’t experience an ideal childhood is a pathetic excuse to be lazy and take the easy way out.

Nah the vast majority of ethical systems are pretty clear that murder is wrong
I don't know any religions that encourage abortions, but let me know if there are any
>life/death scenarios
Being left to live instead of sentenced to death is not a hard argument
>special circumstance exceptions
If the mother is 100% going to die some would argue abortion is ok, otherwise fuck off
>scientific variability

>People being born into difficult situations makes for interesting people. It makes for the spice of life.

I suppose we ought to let in all those vibrant spicy refugees and third world immigrants right away.

>le stepfords wives may may

Are you even trying reddit?

No rapists shouldn’t be allowed to marry. You don’t want to incentivize rape.