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What have you done to liberate your oppressed brothers and sisters?


FACT: The average penis size in the black african nations is 16.10+ while the biggest white penis in a white nation is hungary with 14.99cm, the dick size in other wh*te nations are quite small: Russia: 13.21cm Poland: 14.21cm Italy:12.50cm and with asians Korea: 9.60cm

11 out of 13 black african nations have bigger bbc then all other wh*te nations.

This explains why white women LOVE BBC.

source: targetmap.com/viewer.aspx?reportId=3073

the only thing that blacks achieved in history is big dicks


O hey it's my favorite shit posters.

No,we achieved EGYPT, And YOU STOLE IT FROM US.

pick one

EGYPT WAS BLACK, until wh*te colonists deported millions of arabs there to erase our history.

Are you a fellow BLACK brother?
we will kill those wh*toids inshallah

Egypt and black was the same thing, until you tried to erase our achievements in the great invasion of Africa.


This is one of the greatest threads i have seen in a long time.

You used arabs as a weapon against us, you sent millions of arabs to settle in North Africa and have them claim our achievements, just like white Germans overran our Roman empire and replaced the population of the Italian peninsula with with whites.

whith wh*tes*


i didn't do nuffin

But be warned, we are coming back, and you wont like it.

that was fun i enjoyed it

but i need to go now

so long white man pretending to defend black people

When we gonna build Wakanda?

Ah, mental gymnastics general.
Good to see it again.

Soon brother,

>Egyptians was tan caucasoid
>Ethiops are dark skin/ mixed race caucasoid

The only considerable historical figure in all pre colonial african history was Mansa Musa, the richest person in all human history. But he was so stupit to spend so much gold in his pilgrimage to Mecca to cause the collapse of the gold price in all the near east

> checks flag
> American
> a big fat nothing burger

Whites need black people, because Yakub created the white man, The axis powers in wh*tey war 2 recruit black people because even though they hated us they knew that we were the superior soldiers.

But you act like you dont need us, so your going to pay.

(((Hello fellow black brothers)))

>Everyone who ever had dark skin was a Negroid-skill owning subsaharan black

Unironically nigger please.

Be nice to the white man. Don't stoop to their level with hatred

What is the plan for the wh*Te genocide brothers?

>We did.
You stupid bastard, learn some history.

The fucking muslims tried to conquer all of europe the moment their pig-fucking cult leader Mohammad died.
After (based) poland routed the inbred retard fucks and the Christians sent Templars to take Jerusalem, we managed to push them out of Europe, but North Africa remained conquered.

You sub-saharan Africans never had much if any of a foothold in North Africa.
The entire Negroid race has never been one for tactics, war, conquest or understanding military supply lines - when the Arabs came for North Africa, it was like taking candy from a baby.

But once they were removed from Europe, that was that - why would we remove them from North Africa so you can have it?

We really should pull up our pants and quit acting like niggas

You are retarded lmao

Do explain how, my good man.

You are good, you can stay.

You're feeding this larp faggot all the attention he wants. He's obviously a wh*te boi wishing he could be black. I guess this is the power of white I.Q I was told of.

Dear Black People...

>tfw niggers haven't achieved anything in their history so they steal the history of other people
Once a nigger, always a nigger I guess...

Go back to Wakanda.








So close.

This is the REAL world IQ map that the white dominated WHO refused to release.
Read it and weep wh*te boy.


keep on denying, you miserable wh*te pig.

I don't need to agree or deny.

What countries are the most inventive today?
What countries are the most successful?


Why is Africa such a shithole then? Guess we better stop sending them aid and doctors.

Africa was the center of the world until it was invaded by you barbarians.


Getting conquered by barbarian cave mongrels

>implying Italians are white

Dont you have a gas station to rob Tyrone?

We are the master race

No T*rks allowed

>center of the world
That doesn't even make sense.
You aren't doing your 'superior IQ' argument any favours.

>until it was invaded by you barbarians.
When invading Europeans got there, you know what they found?
Mud huts, hunter-gatherers, small kingdoms whose only real export was selling their own lower-class citizens to the highest bidder.

What we found, was a still-image of human beings 10-30,000 years in the past.

So we did what more advanced empires had done to US in the past - we colonised you, just as we were colonised, because it did us nothing but good: When we were colonised, we made use of what was left behind to make our own empires.

What has Africa done?

Thats why south Italians are part black.

lol niggas stay mad

You whites think you are so superior?? we defeated your puny little apartheid state, we kicked you out after you killed yourself in wh*tey war 2

We did Rome,Egypt,Aztecs until you replaced us.