Will we ever get another masterpiece like monogatari?

Will we ever get another masterpiece like monogatari?

Doubt it.
SHAFT is unbeatable, after all.

>Owari s2 is the greatest anime of all time according to MAL

Damn, better watch it then

I wish all the shitgatari posters would die in their sleep, both serious and ironic. Why are you constantly flooding the board with this trash? Can't you contain it in one thread? Is that too much too ask from subhuman garbage like yourselves?

this show is great

The show is boring and predictable.
It's an incredibly lazy self-insert fantasy. And worst of all it attracts the most despicable of ironic weeaboos and summer redditors.
There are shows which are more shit, but Monogatari is definitely competing for the top 5 cancer.



This unironically. But the novels are great. I like certain characters.

It's not bad, but it's far from masterpiece
It's overrated as fuck

>Sup Forums hates monogatari now

what went wrong?

Nothing at all

It got popular.

Ah, like every masterpiece theres always the haters. Thats just reafirm the fact that this show is so perfect. Thats great.

This. Everything thats overpopular will always have the contrarians who shit about a great to show that a lot of people like just to fell diferent and superior in their autistic mindsets

wow such art
much pretentiousness

This looks like that new Uchiha guy from Boruto. The one in the cloak.

The anime is literally the novels in animation form. You can't hate the anime and like the novels simultaneously without hating anime in general.

Not literally. There some realizations (most no important but really nice to read) and even good jokes that arraragi describe in his mind that got cut of in the series. But in general I agree with you

>first season sold 100k
>it got popular

Popular on japan =/= so popular on Sup Forums that contrarians get endless replies

It's literally just watered down Shinbo/Ikuhara

>monogatari did Ozen better than MiA anime

It didn't do Ozen better than the manga

Christ, I hope not.

Definitely needs more spook.

She's a big spook.


I want to beat that SHAFT


Of course. NisiOishiN is still alive and writing. When he moves on to his next series, I am sure it will be awesome and given how Shaft seems to own him, they will also produce whatever he comes up with next. Honestly, SHAFT was able to make even trash like NiseKoi endurable, so when given good or okay source material, they can make it a masterpiece.

Monogatari is not without its flaws-- many of the arcs are repetitive or formulaic, Araragi has no male friends and men outside of Araragi are barely present in the story. The pacing can drag and certain events take on a level of importance that is simply absurd.

but i love monogatari and i am Sup Forums

>Araragi has no male friends

>Kanbaru's monkey noise
>Ougi's Gweh
Pretty cute voice acting

I just picked it up and im only on ep4 of bakemonogatari.
Theres just a bunch of painfully drawn out filler dialog with very little plot progression in between.
Does the pacing stay trash or does it get better eventually?

ha ha oh boy time for the inevitable retarded backlash that comes from something being good

this is my favorite part of Sup Forums

As accurate as ever.

Monogatari centers around dialogue and conversations, it's not "filler dialogue"

at least we've had 8 years to get used to the usual barrage of >pretentious 2deep4u harem powerpoint

I remember reading somewhere that initially Nisio was going to make Araragi's backstory be about a male friend who committed suicide years back or some shit before settling on Sodachi's character instead.

>spend almost an entire episode in the park berating araragi for being a virgin
>not filler

That was to develop the relationship between senjougahara and Araragi.
Filler serves no purpose, that event ends with a formal relationship.

If you think any of the stuff you've seen is filler then I dunno if this show is even for you, man. It's a character-focused series, not a plot-focused one. All the dialogue between characters isn't "filler".

Filler is something used to add content without adding any plot theme character advancement or other exposition.

Yes, we get these "masterpieces" every season, cause gatari is shit

That was Senjougahara trying to seduce Araragi. It was weird and clumsy, but that is telling about her character.

>ending coincides with graduation

Plot point that ties in with Ougi that the anime cut out. She needed to do all of this before he graduated.

what are you talking about? Theres going to be years and years of monogatari to come.

TL note: Koyomi means calendar.

>She needed to do all of this before he graduated.

>develop the relationship between senjougahara and Araragi
More like develop Hitagi exclusively, since there's no development from Araragi's side except for the basic "I love her" formula

Something about doing it before his adolescence ended (represented by graduation), can't remember the specifics but it is talked about.

Only araragi can call her by that name


Do you mean monstory?

I'll call Hitagi by whichever name I damn well please.


How is this retarded shit good again?

still disgusting

Watch it and find out, then come back and have something to say in the monogatari threads.

>Liking this MAL tier garbage
neo-Sup Forums truly has fallen hasn't it

>start monogatari thread
>hit bumplimit in 5 hours
Looks like your shitty show can't even compete

So basically nothing. Got it.

>hear from someone that some show is shit
>lol ok
>don't watch it to make your own opinion
>post in next thread
>"lol monogatari is shit"
Fuck you, literally kill yourself.

Do you need recommendations for better anime since you're so fucking helpless?

I found your problem.

What Episode is this?

>EVA still hasn't been toppled over by Sup Forums hipsters
I guess it's just too good.


Thank you Episode user for keeping consistent.

People like you are the reason why eugenics was such a popular idea in nazi germany.

Still delivering, as always.

If that is actually the same user, I'm quite fucking impressed.

Episode user literally did nothing wrong, fuck MAL posters.

You do occasionally get some people saying its overrated, I think it might be because unlike other popular anime, Eva hasn't got the same popularity on western websites.

I don't have any problem with autistic reposts if they're always so accurate.
Everyone who brings up MAL deserves to be lynched.

No, i just know how shitty the gatari series is. It's basically the Rick & Morty of anime (or i guess, Rick & Morty is the Monogatari of cartoons) in which it has nothing special to offer, but somehow got lucky and became super fucking popular and praised by everyone.


If you're a MALfag, then you're the one who deserves to be gassed you shit
Sodo-kun did nothing wrong

This is the laziest and worst trolling I ever seen, try Sup Forums or Sup Forums and maybe you will get a bite.

Monogatari has issues (namely the order things are in and some terrible pacing depending on the adaption) but it's far from the actual living internet meme that is Rick and Morty.

I know I can kill

>10k western anime viewers voted this particular show to be a 9-10, isnt that interesting?

>It's basically the Rick & Morty of anime
See, I know what you mean, but this comparison just sounds so tremendously stupid I have to post some dumb reaction image to suit it.

If you want to talk about MAL go to MAL. 10k people isn't even that many.

We're talking about the fucking show you autist. YOU are talking about mal when no one cares about it.

>10k western anime viewers voted this particular show to be a 9-10, isnt that interesting?
No, because they're all reddit-tier viewers so who gives a fuck?

How can you be this delusionial? Nobody give a shit about your shitty bait.

Then talk about the show, not MAL.

Let's start. What two characters who have never interacted at all (not even in the same room together) would have the best interactions?

My personal choice would be Ougi and Senjyogahara. Their actual rapport would be great, and more importantly Senjyogahara talking to the manifestation of her boyfriend's self hate would be... unique.

It's also the only reason this website exists. Evangelion is probably the de-facto Sup Forums anime.

Ougi and Shinobu.
Just the fact that Shnobu would be basically talking to her own child could make a pretty funny conversation

I miss him.


Why miss someone who doesn't miss you?

I kinda wanted Sodachi and Kaiki meeting since she was the only character living away, and it was unlikely that Kaiki would appear in Araragi's town anymore. Sodachi is also a character that doesn't care much about using underhanded methods to achieve justice, and both also "hated" Araragi. Though of course, Fiasco cliffhanger was never addressed and she got back and close to Araragi instead.

Unrequited love is not a rational thing.

that's why we're here forever

>Will we ever get another masterpiece like monogatari?
Why did you have to start a thread with fucking bait like this? All it does is attract assblasted Shaft haters and ruins any chance of discussion.

So quick question:

What the fuck does Ougi do now? I get that she can exist, but is she homeless now? Does she just live at the cram school?