Billionaires taxes will drop from 35% to 20% of their income

billionaires taxes will drop from 35% to 20% of their income
how can americans accept this?

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Question you should be asking is why would a billionaire complain about less taxes, that's the real noggin joggin

he can if he wants

Why doesn't he just send the IRS a check?

Billionaires don't pay income taxes. But small business owners do.

Billionaires are paid small salaries, but large amounts of stocks, stock options, bonds, and other financial instruments. And they are taxed between 17.5% on their stock gains down to 5% on their state and municipal bonds.

Billionaires go "raise the income tax! raise it higher!" but they don't pay any significant income tax because they only collect so little "payroll income".

So fuck off.

Gates is already rich
he just wants to kill any competition, make it harder for any startup to work
he's free to donate anything he wants to charities across the country if he's so worried,

Dose the IRS put a gun to their head if they pay too much money in taxes, and do not accept a refund?

People keeping more of the money they made????

That’s just ILLOGICAL!!!!!1!1!1!!1!11!

>people shouldn't have more of their money that they earned.
Why the fuck do you faggots think others are entitled to something that belongs to someone else?

people believing this fuck are the problem. You think he amassed all that money bvc he gives shit away.

I love this board, literally the first thread I clicked on and already I get to read such retarded shit. Ringwingers really are something else.


The government would just spend it on welfare or give it to their friends in sweet contracts
If they want to spend their money on that, fine, but dont try and force everyone to

Think of the jobs created when they spend that money. It won't be wasted on dead-end government programs

Why doesn't Bill just donate all his money to the government then?

If he wants to pay more he can, you can literally donate money to the federal government directly. Super rich people in the early 1900s and late 1800s did this out of a sense of duty and to influence the government a bit.


>implying billionaires spend their money
jesus christ. Sup Forums can make the connection that Jews are the most stingy and greedy on earth. They can make the connection that jews own all the banking institutions and control the vast amount of wealth.

SOMEHOW they can't make the connection that billionaires are stingy, greedy, jews.

What the fuck went wrong lads?

What? I only make 60k a year and I pay 22% of my income. 26% technically since my state has income tax but I pay 22% federal.

Why are they getting lowered to 20?

Thats corporate tax not income tax you retard.

Stop lying and delete your shitty thread you fucking frog.

You are a fucking idiot if you think Bill Gates pays taxes or gives a fuck about you.


Maybe this fag should deal with his company that's causing radiation in st louis. His foundation ignores any questions about it.

Carlin is a cuck but I agree. These glow in the dark niggers don't care about you.


>billionaires taxes will drop from 35% to 20% of their income
are taxes money for the government to operate or are they punishments?

But captial gains taxes are raised alongside income taxes. They're talking about taxes in general, not income tax.

the daily news of companies investing big and coming back to the us helps I guess.

>since you're not going to tax us more anyway you should be doing it at higher levels, I'm readdy
Why doesn' t he give money anyway at the level he thinks it's fair?

False. Don’t confuse people and corporations.

some of actually remember when Bill was a startup. Had my computer 4 years before Windows was released.

Because capital being invested into other businesses so they can grow benefits us more than sending it to the government to be spent on niggers and other bullshit

>people like me should pay much more
doesn't he know you can always pay more taxes than you are required to? why do these fucking cunts need the law to pay more and even then they try to avoid paying more with their jew lawyers?

fucking cunts piss me off

(((Bill Gates))) could easily write a check to the US Treasury as a gift


He could choose not to itemize and just take a standard deduction and pay a shitload of taxes

They're not my taxes therefore I don't care who's paying them nor how much they are paying.

bill gates is such a cuckold

No billionaire had ever became a billionaire by paying income taxes. Take make it inventing a company. Income tax is for suckers like you and me.

But his monies are in charity companies. He doesn't pay taxes and he got Buffets money too.

If he wants to pay more then he should just take all the money from his tax cut and donate it.
It would have a much better effects because then he can make sure it goes to a cause he cares about and doesn't get squandered by bureaucracy.

Buying microsoft products is literally cucking yourself.

A prorgressive tax is supposed to place heavier burdens on wealthy people it is designed to create an equitable society where oligarchs can't have airplanes to rape children in and get away with it. It was designed indeed to where society respects the rights of all people. The billionaires actually have more rights than you.

Having said that bill gates could definitely pay more taxes and he does a lot to pay less.

Corporations are legally "people" haven't you heard?

Because (((they))) deserve.

Right Wingers are obviously low IQ when the people your helping don't want it.

If he wants to pay more, what's stopping him?

I tell you a secret, the poor do not create jobs.

Implying Billionaires even pay their taxes the only reason they're aloud to operate is because their too important for the economy.

Because when it's 35% they pay some kike 3% and he ends up saving them 10%. But when it's 20% they just pay it

Truthfully I don't even give a fuck what the taxes are. I try to pay as little as possible cause I don't make much, I expect everyone to do the same. However, if rich people felt any sort of sense of community and weren't REQUIRED under threat of imprisonment to subsidize the niggering of niggers, they would probably be inclined to pay more. I know I would, and I don't even have much extra.

Oh also, this is referring to human billionaires, not kike ones. Deep down everybody recognizes the solution to our kike billionaires problem, just for whatever reason are opposed to it. Even the most primitive humans would know what to do

I tell you a secret. Rich people horde wealth and do not circulate it around the economy. Give one billionaire a million dollars and he might spend 10% of it. Give a 100000 poor people 10 dollars and they will likely spend 100% of that. Spreading wealth around increases money velocity and helps stimulate economic growth.

Billionaire charitable donations increase by 15%
Sounds good to me

Because the government is too big. Depriving them of revenue will force them to cut spending. I suggest welfare cuts.

>implying this is to help the rich and not starve the bloated government

What is stopping billionaires from selling all their property, businesses and assets and donating all the money to causes they believe will help mankind? Why do people need the government to take their money in order to give to others?

Because he feels like he has more money than he could ever use?

Billionaires constantly reinvest their money. Bill didn't stop when he took over the computer industry, he took over other industries creating more jobs.

>why aren't they driven by envy?


Because through cooperative action humans are able to achieve much more. That's why a larger movie studio is able to create movies that feature big name actors, multiple locations, and good looking special effects. It's a fucking natural law at this point.

I'm guessing you have a bunch of libertarian brain cells in your head which is why your thoughts come out looking like hot garbage

They are retarded. And so are elders of zion believers


top kek. liberal fantasies.

Then he can give it away himself, not be forced to redistribute it to funds/programs that are degenerate?

>Q. Why can't someone give away their own money instead of trying to get the government to take everyone else's?


This is you. This is how dumb you sound.

>Please write stricter laws for me and the whole 10 other people anywhere near my level of wealth while we buy and sell mid to smaller governments and islands. Drumpf must do this for the good of us all.

It's not a great system. Just the only one that works right now.

I'm just tired of assholes that pay $155 in taxes bitching that muh millionaire only paid $230,000

no wonder they fuck off and leave the unappreciative country.

>helps stimulate economic growth.
so does you and all the other lazy fucks getting off their asses.

Imagine having more of your own money to put back into the system in a productive way, just imagine that.

they can easily pay MORE if they really wanted.

At the national level

At the state level they can only claim 10000 worth of deductions.

>boohooo the government doesn't force me to pay more
Is Bill a sadomazochist?

the OP isn't you blind rat

At least right-wingers make arguments.

the top income tax bracket affects the entire upper class you know
many billionaires don't even reach that income bracket because they have no salary or a very small salary

Tried that. Have the skills, but no, not good enough because I'm not good at useless shit like socializing/mingling. Not going to lower myself to flipping burgers and not going to work for a system which doesn't give a fuck about me and so many others.

Its not your money. Just because someone has something and you dont doesnt mean its rightfully yours.

Your parents didnt teach you a thing

This is so stupid.
What is stopping people from giving more to the government?
Also, Gates is a huge philanthropist.
Why wouldn't he encouraging others to give like he does.
He must realize the inefficient and corrupt activities that are inherent in government.

Corporations share some of the 'rights' that people do and for the purpose of some legal actions are considered 'people'. This is because corporations are owned by people, in specific to your autistic rage it is the owners that are addressed and their actions.

This is actually brilliant. Raise the billionaires' income tax to 90% so that dems have nothing to complain about. Then actually pay only capital gains taxes of 10% to 20%. Good man. к

Income inequality leads to destability, lack of social mobility, a leisure class etc.

Its a really really bad thing.

He could always just give that money away, but he won't, because he's a sniveling little bitch

>I should be forced to pay more!!
So why don’t you?
>because i want to be forced!!!
>also pull my hair and butt fuck me while i drink this soy chai latte

>Make hundreds of millions of dollars that serve you absolutely no purpose
>Give most of it away to charities anyways
>Now has to give even more of it away
>That's a bad thing
>But more taxes is a good thing

Why doesn't Bill step up and donate more of his money to good causes? Especially domestic causes, in our shithole country. Whats his fucking problem? He needs a nanny state to force him to do it?

>implying that it won't go to niggers when the gov't takes it

regulations do that, though...

the ones that help to secure monopolies, and prevent the small business from competing.

Regulations also keep rivers from lighting on fire you dumbfuck.

Overregulation is the word your sorry ass is looking for. And your too dumb to understand that concept and what it entails anyways.

Either way fuck off.

I don't understand the people that whine about their taxes being lowered. You can still write a check to the government if you feel you are underpaying. Of course it's easier to virtue signal instead of actually having any principles.

>people like me should pay much more
So fucking do it.
There is nothing, litigeously-speaking, stopping him from driving down a street and hurling $100 bills out his car window in fat handfuls.

hahaha you're using the result of a regulatory problem as the basis for more regulation, it's a special kind of circular logic.

I bet you support gun control too.

isn't this the guy who single handedly created the african population boom?

And the real answer to this is that most of their 'income' is not classified as such. They want the goyim who have to make income bear the brunt of the tax burden.


People like him are the reason for everyone being so poor. He is only saying this so he can save his wealth for many generations of not working while everyone is slaves.
It's simple, lower taxes = greater cash in your pocket. Higher taxes = less money in pocket. What you want?
So apparently this fucker wants to steal from your paycheck to fund his social programs funded by his tax free foundations.
Fuck this guy, I'll change my ways if he promotes capitalism, but how can you become the American Dream and then step on everyone else trying? He is doing that by increasing taxes and regulations by making it harder for small businesses to get ahead like where he was once before.

Frankly, this, but with less caps lock. The rich are only interested in placating the masses and easing class tensions, so they naturally virtue signal as Gates is doing here. "Well, as we all know, I would just loooove to be paying a fair amount in taxes, but the big bad government just won't let me!" Please. Spare me.

Whenever someone like you talks on a social media platform, I always wonder if youre litterally retarded or some kind of troll.

Like do you get paid to make right wingers look mentally unhinged?

But The limitless stupidity of people beleaguers belief, but I am nevertheless astounded everytime. Making me believe you could be a sincere imbecile.

We may never know.

reply is only a shitpost.

so, since it's a similar form of circular logic, do you support "gun control" too?

Why doesn't he donate with his foundation to the government?

>how can americans accept this?
because giving the federal government even more power has never worked in the past and it won't work now

If Bill Gates thinks that giving away his money will save the world, good for him. He should keep trying to eradicate malaria

He didn't say HE should pay more taxes, he said people LIKE him. As always, someone else should do it.

Oh no! The horrors that people will get less money stolen from them!

The sad part is that it would just go to nigger and wetback welfare anyway.