She's got a point /pol

She's got a point /pol

1/3 of all gender-confused /gay males are pedophiles.

If a kid gets shot they die.
If a kid gets diddled, they'll remember it forever.
It's a false equivalency, and both are awful.
That being said, don't touch my fucking guns.

I guess it's time for a blanket ban on trannies, right? If it saves one life, it's worth it, right?

Ban Muslims


As a Libertarian... great, let trans people use the bathroom of their choice. We should honestly be moving towards having many single use bathrooms over two gendered bathrooms anyways.

But stay away from our guns. Trans people should be armed anyways.

Ban abortion. Way worse than guns.

>She's got a penis /pol
Fixed and correct

I seriously hate when people rephrase things to sound clever and witty.
>limit people's basic freedoms
>hurrr see? you're limiting my basic freedom to wear a dress and be a perv



That man deserves to hang

No one is saying ban trannies from the other bathroom because muh children.
We’re saying it because men and women deserve some privacy from each other to do their business and it’s a sexual assault risk as ANYONE can claim they’re a women and walk into an enclosed area alone with women.

There’s been several cases this year already with “trannies” using the women’s restroom and getting caught taking pics of women peeing or masturbating to them in there.

Dana? More like Dan

Any responsible parent would rather their child die quickly by gunfire, rather than be raped by a mentally ill monster and suffer for life, faggot

She doesn't have a point. Trannies and school shooters are both mentally ill people who we need to protect children from.

Explain to me how forcing me to pretend you're a woman after you chop your dick off is a fundamental right

Trannies are sentient, consciously know what they’re doing. Guns aren’t sentient.

>She's got a point /pol
Yes. Mentally ill people should not be allowed to be a danger to our children.

I live in Oregon, in portland its pretty bad.

I have noticed most places that dont have Male and Female bathrooms often just have one or two single toilet locked door Everyone Goes type bathroom. Its easier not to touch the subject with a 10 foot pole, everyone in the big disabled locking bathroom!

related: they are good for fucking in if your relatively alone


Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Children don't molest themselves. Mentally ill people molest children.

No, we are also saying it because we value security for children, fucking shill


I'm more than willing to support gun control if we get to exeute all sexual deviants in return.

Show me where in the constitution it was said that men going into women's bathrooms are a fundamental right

>cutting your dick off
>less than 0.01% of the population
>gun rights
>100% of the population
no she doesn't have a good point.

No, because abortion kills more niggers than guns ever could.

I'm starting to think everyone that uses this word is mentally disabled.

>gun free zones don't work
>tranny free zones do work

it would be a fair point if the example they used wasn't transgender people using womens bathrooms. It's hard enough for feminists themselves to agree on that, let along the general populace. Ultimately it comes down to arguing that people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want even if it's a big fat gross guy in the womans bathroom. Funnily enough people don't like that idea.

I would rather have my child shot than to have them interact with a tranny


You shouldn't listen to low-grade schizos

>Yes. Mentally ill people should not be allowed to be a danger to our children.

See: teachers union

>related: they are good for fucking in if your relatively alone

fucking alone isn't fucking

Not even an argument tranny fag

Are they admitting that trannies are as dangerous as guns?