Would all our problems be solved if people had to pass a test in order to vote?

Even if it were just naming a single policy of each candidate and needing only to get half of them right, even in your fucking beaner language it doesn't matter, this would deter the uninformed from voting only how they were told. How has a bill like this not been passed? It's too logical for the dems to oppose publically. And especially now that we have republicans in the house and the senate... republicans can secure their reign indefinitely

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>It's too logical for the dems to oppose publically.
Have you heard the debate about voter ID laws? Democrats somehow think all of that is 'racist' and 'targeting minority communities' and oppose even providing identification, let alone a whole fucking test

"especially now that republicans control* the house and the senate" is what I meant, obviously.

>Letting even younger retards to vote

The voting age should be increased to 24 along with at least 2 years of military service

>Would all our problems be solved if people had to pass a test in order to vote?
Yes we should use the following test:
>Are you white?
>Are you a man?
>Do you own anything of value?
If you answer no to any of those you can't vote.


Voter id arguments are incoherant at best, and insane at worst

>giving more people the right to vote

thats the opposite of the solution to our problems

All of our problems would be solved if we ended women's suffrage and didn't let people receiving assistance from the government to vote.

Why so worried, wasn't generation Z supposed to be conservative and based?

The last thing (((they))) want is only intelligent people voting. Imagine if you needed to own land to vote, or you needed a certain IQ to vote. They could not call the shots anymore, the intelligent people of the country would. They thrive when they get low IQ people, children, minorities, drug users voting.

You can't really pander to intelligent people

Nice crisis actor photo. Here's a hogg.


...So what? voter Id != showing you know what you're voting for. I could see how dems could argue some "ID privilege" or some nonsense, but they can't argue that it is not the case that voters should be required to know what they're voting for. And who gives a fuck what they think anyway if the bill could be passed without them.

>go thru all the trouble of shaving your head so you look less like a filthy semite and more like a filthy beaner
>It is degrading but the narrative demands these concessions
>pretty white blonde girl effortlessly steals your thunder
Its a weird microcosm that you think they would have seen coming.

16 year old voting will lead to age of consent being lowered, the pedos have this planned

Look at all the adults.
Motherfuckers didn't lift a finger when Cruz was announcing his fantasies to anybody who would listen. Look at their faces. They know they've fucked up and just hope nobody asks them why they didn't do anything.

Furthermore, they want the government, who failed to prevent the shooting, to be in charge of gun control. How fucking dumb are americunts really?

100 years ago
>most people are married before 25
>16 year olds go to war
>at 18 most people already have jobs
>18 years old seem like a reasonable age to vote

>median age of first marriage is 5 years later for both sexes than it was 100 years ago
>can't drink til 21 (USA)
>most people study until 22-23 years old and don't have a stable non-part time and non-internship job
>almost all18 year olds are parent-dependent immature retards
>voting age is still 18

I say raise it to 22 or 24.


Of course it would

Only land owners, or only vets or taxpayers or something.

Massive plebs and children shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Letting 18 year olds vote was nearly as bad as letting women vote

Because kids are fucking retarded

If you were over 20 or so you would know this


Good thing CNN has about 5 viewers per-hour.

I've always thought that if you get taxed you should be able to vote.

I'm almost 50 so I'm very much past the age to enlist for those 2 years, but I'll tell you what. I'm of sound mind, physically fit, and will take a physical and written exam for a waver on my age to serve in the national guard for those 2 years if that is an added possibility.
If that isn't on the table, go fuck yourself.

Actually the voting age was 21,
100 years ago

Lefties got it changed in the 1970’s by appealing to “18yo are dying in Vietnam!” And classic cuckservatices gave in

‘‘Twas the story of 1900’s America

The minimum voting age should be 26 & only then those over a certain iq, 16 year old kids should NOT have a say in politics, a subject they can't even begin to comprehend due to their lack of life experience & lack of maturity.


I don’t think iq is a good measure plenty of high iq people are fucking idiots about politics.

It should be either a property owner or anyone who is not a tax payer or receives public bennifit shouldn’t be allowed to vote

Also the age should go to like 21-25 at least

>leftists be like: "sixteen year olds need the vote because everyone older than that is too intelligent to vote for us"

Brave hero lifeguard.

Just saying

>almost 50
>posts on Sup Forums

Your life sucks.

Yeah I thought I had a lot of good insight at 16 too, turns out I was a fucking idiot

The DNC must be worried about election polls and think they can get more votes this way, especially when their usual crimes of voter fraud (illegals, dead ppl, multi-registered ppl) are uncovered and stopped.

I'm 70.

Go fuck yourself. We didn't have a standing army when the country was created and we don't need one now.

the neurotic, activist, jew courts will agree with the dems too, sadly.

I don't think most people should vote at all. The more people I've realized that they have no perspective on most issues, they follow the medias reporting or use logically fallacies mixed with emotion.

I don't think people in college should be able to vote. Even though that includes me, I will sacrifice my right to make sure that the rest of the retards in my classes can't vote either.

If you have an opposing viewpoint to mine, I urge you to take an anthropology class at your local college. $2000 and you'll be red-pilled for life on the simplicity and astounding ignorance of people in "academia".

>any foreigner is allowed to vote in the Muttstates


>16 years olds should be able to vote
>but not be allowed to buy a gun until 21.
how convenient

>why 16 year olds should be able to vote
>because they're emotional, vicious, and they do what we tell them to do
great argument, CNN, you're right

is this not the girl that people post on here all the time, saying she's a porn actress from blacked.com?

>Would all our problems be solved if people had to pass a test in order to vote?

No, we've tried that before. When niggers and non-English speaking minorities can't pass them, it'll be called racist.

Women of all ages should be stripped of the right to vote. They don't have the mental capacity to make an informed choice.

>it's racist to ask what the candidates policies are

I don't think you people appreciate the immunity to criticism this idea has. Almost everything can be attributed to racism, e.g. IQ tests, not letting niggers vote, proving citizenship even, etc. but asking "Do you know what you're voting for?" Nope. You're not even thinking about it, just whining that the dems would have their way like a defeatist.

Standing army is a good idea.
Having what amounts to 4 of them is a bit of overkill.
Spending more on them than the next 7 countries in the world combined is why we are taxed like crazy, and still can't have health insurance or education for the masses

>Would all our problems be solved if people had to pass a test in order to vote?
Not all, but a lot of them, if the test is good/hard enough. Seriously, why should ignorants vote?? They always tend to vote left or default to previous vote

It's called a whiteness test.

Tyrone can't ready

I fucking hate myself, *read