Future languages of the world are going to be:

Future languages of the world are going to be:


Prove me wrong. English language is going to die because white people don't reproduce themselves enough.

Other urls found in this thread:


What about ESL? Don't think Chinese as second language is a prevalent thing outside the immediate surroundings.

>English is reliant on white people
Really now?

Already being conditioned for Spanish.

Every single product now has Spanish in it. Every service offers Spanish.

> espanol number dos
Makes me fucking rage every single time

Never see other languages, fuck in Chicago English is already on the way out

At least it s a european language


>english language dying
>a bad thing
i'm forced to talk a barbarian language completely devoid of any creative culture.

It isn't a dry overly-practical language like English.

spoken by your mongrel, rape babies Carlos. American Spanish is not the Spanish you speak

>the number of speakers indicates it's importance

Good thing we're forcing all the non-whites to learn English now while we're still around.

Of course economy is what really matters. He was just referring to the population of native speakers for the languages.

You've been doing that for a century.

No no no

Mandarin and Arabic are archaic forms of language and thought.

The idea that people would have to learn 20,000 characters in order to express complex thought in Mandarin is laughable. Most people in China take decades to just learn the kanji, it is a waste of time and detrimental to the development of any rational thought.

Imagine an asshole from the half ruski land trying to learn faggoty scribble art as a language.

Arabic is tied to their religion. There is nothing else which it provides or encourages. It is backwards, literally and metaphorically in its relation to how society works today.

One of the main reasons why English is so prevalent and useful is it's ability to express and convey a multitude of complex thought with a minimal amount of syllables. French is a close second. It will continue to be English with French being the standard diplomatic language.

>Mandarin and Arabic are archaic forms of language and thought.
>What is language evolution
American education.

>when you realize french will survive only as a bastardized nigger mating call

code is written in English.

Are you actually retarded?

English is also the language of aviation. It’s not going anywhere.

>shill logic
>English is in slight decline
>"might as well burn any book you own that is written in English lmao"

have you read or studied these languages? have you lived in these countries?

they are archaic

and what the fuck are you talking about language evolution? these languages have not evolved in the past 1000 years. Microcosms of dialects occur within the geographic areas but the fundamental structure of the language has not changed.

The simplification of Mandarin during the communist revolution only a detriment to the symbolic and artist form of the represented characters in their meaning.

Fuck off whop.

>Lingua Franca of the business world
>ESL schools in every country across the world
>literally serves as the foundation of programming

English isn't going anywhere.

Finnish on the other hand

Fuck Spanish, the most subhuman language to ever exist.