Can we meme in a governor, Sup Forums

Meet the 13-year-old running for Vermont governor

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There has to be an age requirement. Right? ..R-right?

Fucking fat cunt. I hate kids involved in politics. They dont know anything, they are just mimicing adults.

>fat kid govenor
that's real murica for you

It couldn't happen to a more liberal state. Bernie would be proud

he's just big boned you skinny little Euroshit kys
Kid has never even seen a pussy before, but he knows he's pro choice

Looks republican.

>chris christie got turned into a child by a curse

He was monkey pawed
>I want another shot at governor!

lmao this tard-lard will be manipulated to turn vermot into somalia within a decade

Bones soaked in lard.

No less punchable than this:

Cartman 2018


Of course the soyboy europeans make fun of his weight problem. Stupid fucking eurotrash.

I would love nothing more than a child Democrat governor in the country.

What's his stance on the Jewish Question?

>balls dropped last month
>believes he’s capable of managing state government.

in awe at the size of this lad

Nigga looks like a caricature of fat kids from looney tunes.

He should be running on a treadmill, not for a public office.

U mad you didn't do anything with your life while this kid is about to hold public office?

Even if you're against him, you ought to support him to burn it all down.

>What does he do for fun? Model United Nations — and, apparently, launching campaigns.
He knows his shit.
>"I am running to win," the young candidate said, "but I would very happily settle for sending a message about young people in politics."
You want youngins in poltics, right Sup Forums?

his policies are shit.
>heavily tax the rich and tax the middle class less because my single mom is middle class.
>rebuild crumbling buildings to make place safer(?)
>abortion is ok.

fucker will die from a heart attack in his mid 20s

icing on the fucking cake, he is completely blue pilled.


Kek, I hope he turns into the next Rob Ford.
The people in Vermont need to be sterilized. This tard actually has people clapping unironically. CNN needs to stop age discriminating and push for 13 year old voting.
I can only hope Tucker has him on and makes him cry on national television