Mc is casually called virgin, cherry boy, or something similar by one or more of the females around him

> Mc is casually called virgin, cherry boy, or something similar by one or more of the females around him.

For what purpose? Doesn't this usually just alienate the target audience?

It makes the audience relate to the MC more.

Its stupid because most of the girls that do this are also virgins, so what are they so smug about again?

The industry increasingly hates otaku since 2008 so they make fun of them while those idiots still give them money.

I doubt the validity of this statement.

They're women. They're allowed to be virgins.

There are just as many female otaku as male.
Also, the target audience is often 20-somethings who got laid once at an office mixer, found it taihen, and now spend their saturday nights buyfagging.

Men aren't allowed to be virgin. Women aren't allowed to have sex.

Self-loathing is a central characteristic of otaku. There's a peculiarly indulgent sort of pleasure you get from wallowing in your own misery. Being derided by their own entertainment fits.

Not when the MC then proceeds to bully her until she's crying on the floor in revenge.

What's so hard to understand about S&M?

Then how can male become an unvirgin if females aren't allowed to have sex?

Fuck another man in the butt.

2 virginities lost.

You need to fuck your mom

Not really.
People who are depressed find comfort in being treated like shit. It's cathartic.

Prostitution, even royal princes were taken to them.

That's gross, so a male has to risk STDs to lose his virginity? No thanks, I'd rather stay a Wizard

Because they will always have that girl end up falling for mc or being indebted to MC, revealing she too is a virgin, so the virgin audience feels better about their status of being 30 without ever kissing someone or having sex.

>For what purpose?
It makes me diamonds. Nothing turns me on quite like being belittled.

>alienate the target audience
Maybe if it's a show for kids/younger teens, but you gotta be 18 to post here. Do you really think their are grown men on his board who've never had sex? If there are any then they're weird and kinda sad.

It appeals to me.


>alienate the target audience
What? How? That makes absolutely no sense.

Hating on otaku, he means.

Yes, but I don't understand how that alienates the viewer.

How many replies out of those were enraged roasties who couldn't handle the truth?


The Konosuba author isn't a woman though

Not OP but I think he means that seeing a female character mocking the self insert for being a virgin suppose to upset the feelings of viewer making them drop the show

Why is he so butthurt about worst girl?

I'm not going to lie, seeing Megumin vandalize Kazuma's body annoyed me too.

at the time everybody thought that he was because he was keeping his true identity secret to the public and his pen name is feminine.

Now you understand why the gender and sexual norms of our society are so retarded.

But Aqua is best girl user.

>Self-loathing is a central characteristic of otaku


Women are allowed to have sex as long as it's with their one true husbando who they must immediately have take responsibility and grow up as a housewife in Japanland. Anything past that is slut material

Sure am glad that doesn't describe me at all haha

>being 30 without ever kissing someone or having sex.
There is nothing wrong with this. Why would anyone feel bad in the first place?

That comic was too damn relatable.

Because society says so. You're supposed to be indoctrinated as a little obedient procreating slave.

Being a virgin elevates women but decreases the value of men. This is basic shit user.

Screw society. The only way I'm having sex is if a girl drugs and rapes me, and I doubt any girl would have that much shit taste.

Because It's likely that a 30 years old virgin will not have children and thus, his lineage/bloodline will end with him.
Also because women are considered to be one of the most desirable things for men, so someone who can't get women is labeled as inferior in the social scale.

I guess that user had a small penis. I thought the scene was funny.

Speaking as the target audience, it makes me erect.

Men can't be virgins - "never had sex" is a social construct. Women can be virgins, intact hymen is biology.

You can have sex and not break your hymen. You can break your hymen without having sex.

>"never had sex" is a social construct.
This is the most reddit post I have read today.

Why are Konofags the worst thing in recent years?

I finished Kono, what the fuck am I supposed to watch now?


I just have found and read it. Fuck my life.

>It's the current year
Thanks, wouldn't have noticed that

They're tempting you to force yourself on them

Humiliation is a fetish

You can always lower your standards to the ground.

Look at whats happening to NA and other third world shitholes

yes aqua is suppose to be a stupid sexy bitch goddess with a fat butt that you want to hate fuck


>being an unvirgin
>on Sup Forums

You don't belong here

dumb frogposter

When the one calling you a pedoneet virgin is a fucking retard, those words don't carry much weight. Just laugh it off and give her a dog biscuit.

dumb frogposter

> Caring about whether someone has put his lump of meat into another person
> 10 000 years after the start of civilization

You don't want to have sex or kiss a girl? Are you gay?

She'll still be right.

>Self-loathing is a central characteristic of otaku.

I want to do these things with a girl I love, which is rather hard to find.

porn is always a good standby

Have you considered that living as long as you have without finding a girl you love to do those things with might indicate that you are gay?

I don't know why you are so obsessed with me being gay, user, but I can assure you I'm not.

what is it, reverse gives me nothing

Do you have all the Twitter links filtered or something?