Other urls found in this thread:
>Control guns by banning them
>Oh shit, those kids are crying!
>quick! lets turn millions of law abiding Americans into felons and burn the constitution!
well regulated. and jewnald's doin it for ya. so no worries
well regulated
What even is an assault rifle? A fucking 8mm Mauser round can go through your average police body armor. Do people even know what an 8mm Mauser is?
maybe next time kids
Its too regulated, we should have full auto
Smile and wave boys, those fucking Jews can burn.
They need to get use to losing...
constitution doesnt say that. that's the problem. it is worst written "sentence" in all of English. and this is common law. so nobody cares about anything written down. things get changed not in legislatures but in courts. with people's mouths. that then evenly apply to everybody else. because these people are wizards basically. why is trump going to justice dept to ban things? shouldnt it be in legislation?
get fucked commies
Trump caved though, fucking coward.
burn the well regulated
>separated by a comma
>shall not be infringed
>well regulated, the right to never touch me, shall not be infringed
drunk masons
Not an argument, bone smuggler.
>well regulated arms
well regulated militia ftfy
it's the only fucking argument there is, masochist
Learn to read, ankle grabber.
exactly. well regulated militia. comma. the right of the people to keep and bear well regulated shall not be DONT TOUCH ME
Back to f-list, Miggle
learn to be less fucking jewy and blood lusty because muh indians. YOU dont fucking know how to read
you>dont know how to read
you must be the kind of person that thinks the principle text on the abraham lincoln memorial is babble
Then there is no argument, pillow biter.
A kike AND a faggot? That's some festering gene pool right there.
yo faggot no one asked you now go slam a dildo up your bum and shut up k thanks
none of this matters. theyre written down. common law is garbage. explain to me the contradictions ive been outlining please. by well regulating things. you dont infringe on any rights to have any guns. just certain ones. what is this brain surgery?
>doing nothing but talking about wangs
>gun lovers and inbred zog pedos
The good news is these people can't procreate
Lisa needs braces
Bump stock
Lisa needs braces
Bump stock
AH HA HA HA HA. Fuck your false flag control attempts.
Literally most of the successful writers in pedowood are gay jews.
>when you realized that it's these fucks who pushed that psycho over the edge
Those faggots are the reason he came with a gun in the first place.
we outbreed you dumb fuck. enjoy the aids and box pox and super snot gabagool
Least the nig that needs a wig wasn't pictured this time. I'm over seeing that dykes face on T.V.
The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The well regulated militia is the reasoning, not the law. Read the image I posted you fucking Mary.
pic. 88.7% of you are similar. go centipedos
big fucking baby
the initial ten clauses contained within the bill of rights were perfect, please provide conclusive evidence to the contrary.
fuck them stewpid lying kikes...instead of trying to disarm the only ones that can protect these assholes they should be trying to get schools made more secure
ooohhh noooo there's kids crying on TV. quick, burn the constitution!
youre a shrine hooker. adulterer. epstein whore. grabbems sodomite. and all for satan frogs. that's God's job. fuck it. wipe out yourselves. aaaand im gone. youre illiterate. the original degenerates
I just hate hypocrites.
Just more theater to ban guns.
How does it feel to be wrong and have most judges... you know the people that are experts in law for this country adamantly disagree with you? For me it feels good watching you get BTFO everytime
well regulated meant well equipped when those words were written you filthy lying kike
Its easier to make more kids than it is to revert anti gun policy.
I'm pretty sure an assault rifle is by definition, automatic, and those are already the biggest pain in the ass to get a hold of anywhere in the country. I think the twitter fag just meant to say "assault weapon". No idea what that might be though.
well regulated meant well equipped you stewpid faggot
Do people not know what "well regulated" meant in the 1700s?
Do you even understand mathematic operators? You just said he knows how to read.
well regulated meant well equipped when it was written dickhead
You know what I have to say about this, at least France still has good economy and we lost all are bankers.
It would seem they do not.
Actually he said that user is better than knowing how to read.
Take your (You) and get out.
>still calling ar's assault rifles.
>jewnald's doin it for ya
Bump stocks are not guns, don't confuse the two
it does so're just too fuckin stewpid to understand...
well regulated meant well equipped...
don't you assholes understand that we just overthrew the government...what kind of retard thinks the founders would give the new government all the guns and not the people who fought the revolution
better yet gas the kikes
well regulated meant well equipped you dumb fuck
WELL REGULATED MILITIA was likely the only permanent standing military force that the country was ever truly meant to maintain...
>there are people on this site right now who don't vividly remember 9/11 as it occured and soon there will be people here, perfectly allowed to post that have lived only in its aftermath
this is hell. right here on earth.
What does 9/11 have to do with anything?
it meant well equipped
Well equipped and well maintained, for sure. A lot of people ITT actually need to kill themselves.
the new world order was born on september eleventh
>What does 9/11 have to do with anything?
> no obvious Jews
Nice first attempt otherwise.
Fuck this actually makes me laugh. The american left has just been dropped in the ocean and they have absolutely no idea what the fuck they are doing
All this shit makes me want to be mean to people online behind fake twitter accounts
>control guns by banning guns already banned
...but aren't we talking about regulating militia?
Have they gone back to teaching French as the first language in Canadian schools or something?
9/11 will remain biggest happening until ww3
o gee i wonder what anyone has to gain by defanging the US populace
you are correct!
Ahhh okay that makes sense.
What the fuck are they doing there
southern Floridians literally look like 56%ers. Up in the panhandle you're either a white or a nigger.
i am sorry for being so obtuse
please tell me you're trolling faggot.
it just goes to show how brainwashed people got from listening to kikes...
the bill of rights are actually restrictions placed on the government...
rights were considered God given
meme flag shill. Hope you can feed your family tonight with those hard earned sheckles. also sage
People have the right - exclusively in order to form a militia.
No where else in the entire constitution is a single extra word added, so why would you think that random meaningless words were added to this part?
Your pic is fake news. VR never worked at Mar A Lago.
Also, Epstein was banned from Mar A Lago for a being a creep that was hitting on underage staff and trying to recruit them to give massages.
Those are some ugly teenagers, I kinda want them to get hit by a car.
> they ignore terminology of the time
> they ignore the clear intent at the time
Yet they have the gall to claim that "conservatives" and "extreme far right-wingers" ignore facts. Fuck me dead.
After reading that twitter I kinda just want them to roll out the retard gun bans so they can start lining up people on the walls already.
>damn i wish i could read
Did the politicians not see the hashtags?
>ignores the militia part
This triggers the Nigger Retard Asshole