America!! Stop idolize your black people. You're ruining the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

America!! Stop idolize your black people. You're ruining the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand your abnormal sexual pathology Sweden but if you ever nigger chaika again I will murder you in your sleep

Its not my fault man, I just want to hangout in my midwestern town with a wife and kids without niggers and shit.

what do you expect from KEKED anglos who worship memefricans


Why are blacks in anime so pretty but blacks IRL are just niggers?

We don't.

No, you're supposed to get murderous once they start niggering Rem.

Anime can't capture the lips, nose, or smell properly. Also, all anime blacks have dat gud hair.

Most of them aren't wearing that pig disgusting weave, either.


la breton del 56% + el ogro de las Americas = la abominacion...


ahahahahaha prepare to be blacked foolish white man

>be pajeet
>see nigs culturally appropriating my hair
>do nothing
I hate niggers.

you cant culturally appropriating your own race....

Stop having such a shit culture that all your entertainment is made by us, faggot

Niggers are not the same race as pajeets unless jews are the same race as whites.


mr popo?

Niggers are only cool in anime because they are pajeet-ified. I was so pissed off during Black Panther, everything chadwick boseman wears in dreamworld is fucking pajeet clothing.

Oh no

dark elves are top tier.


good taste fellow degenerate