Most Europeans Don't See Russia as Part of Europe, Except Poland - Poll

The divisions are growing between European states and Russia amid Brussels’ sanctions and Moscow’s tit-for-tat measures.

The French Institute of Public Opinion (Ifop), one of the oldest companies that do public surveys, has conducted an opinion poll at Sputnik’s behest, to evaluate how many citizens in the UK, France, Germany and Poland believe Russia belongs to Europe.

The vast majority of respondents in France (65%) and the UK (52%) and almost half of Germans (46%) believed that Russia doesn’t belong to Europe, while only 20% of Poles responded similarly.

At the same time 49% of Germans and 77% of Poles felt that Russia does belong to Europe. According to the 2017 polls by the Körber foundation more Germans answered positively (56%) a year ago, while far less Poles did the same (57%).

It is noteworthy that older people (35+) and those with a higher level of education more often answered the question favorably. Many Parisians considered Russia a part of Europe more often than those living in the provinces (37% versus 27%). Germans living in Eastern Germany answered positively 59% of the time, in comparison to 47% by Western Germans.

The highest rate of supporters of the idea that Russia belongs to Europe in the UK was among the liberal democrats — 51% in comparison to 28% in the ranks of the UKIP/BNP. In Poland people with higher education (84%) much more often answered the question positively, than those without (61%).
The relations between Russia and the European Union have rapidly deteriorated since 2014 after the Ukrainian crisis and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia as the result of a popular referendum. In a retaliatory measure the bloc imposed sanctions on Russia, while Moscow imposed a tit-for-tat food embargo on several EU food products.

That's because it isn't and never has been

Totally different people and culture(s).

Bolan ruled over parts of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine at various times in history so it's not geographically retarded

Just because the majority of Russians are white doesn't make the country European lol

Your nation literally covers the whole, if not most, of central asia

There is no "Europe." There's Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

He’s not a fucking crisis actor you paranoid Nazi fucks. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Do you not see every news report, every highly retweeted post on Twitter, every highly upvoted thread on Reddit telling you how fucking disgusting you are? STOP SPREADING THESE LIES. THEY ARE NOT CRISIS ACTORS. STOP YOUR LIES IMMEDIATELY.

russia is more european than usa and im not talking about the 56% meme
actually is more european than the mayority of european nations

Isn't 4/5 of Russian population in the west of Ural? Majority is European, where does the confusion comes from?

it was before they expanded eastwards like XV-XVI century

I mostly just feel bad for russians.

russia will integrate in europe sooner or later is the only real union that could prevent china dominium over eurasia ,in less than 50 years will happen
europe +russia could work autonomously in all the metric so when + outperferm the - will happen as usa power erodes new allianze will form and this one would be the first geopolitical union of the 21 century
its only matter of time

Russia - not Europe, Russia it is Asia

Vashe pohuy blet

Russia doesn't integrate. Russia takes over. Surely you've noticed this by now.

Russia is Russia. We are Russians. Neither Europeans, nor Asians.

Why would I remotely care if Russia is more European than USA? You are aware that 70% of USA posters are non-whites right?

Im literally nigger black

Cyкa, тyт кoд чтo-ли oдин? Hy и нaхyй тaк жить, пoд ЦPУ, нa бyтылкy пocaдят. Aнoн пpикpeплeн к кoдy, нy нaхyй вaш 4чaн, poт eгo eбaл, дaжe пoceмeнить нeльзя, пиздeц.

Russia is clearly part of Asia. Their history is so intertwined.


Helo дoлбoeбы

Ofc not Europe. Eupore - this niggers, ass holes from middle east and muslims from Africa.

Tyт пoхoдy вce дaлбaeбы