Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya doing?

Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya doing?

This one's an eventful one, so I'm having mixed feelings, but I'm fine overall.

Leaf me alone I don't want to talk about it.


Yesterday I found out I have an infection in my heart so I can't really do anything.

Pretty good.
The Cromartie thing is finished so that's pretty cool.
Mods finally trying to improve Sup Forums is kinda nice too.

Good. I'm trying to break my "bottle of vodka every saturday" habit so I can lose weight and it seems to be working.

I'm actually doing okay, I just wanted to make a bad pun.

How long do you have left?

Not too well, I've just had to add the names of about 10 DBZ characters to my filter list.

A friend of mine is dying.

I'm doing fine.

Hopefully another 60+ years, my bloodwork was positive and my heart was healthy, It'll just hurt to sleep or move my torso for a week or so.

Reminder that you shouldn't eat hydrangea irl.

Either a Japanese pop-star is actually the girl I've been having vivid dreams of since I was a small child and she was actually dreaming of me too, or a deific trickster being is winding me up for an epic pratfall.

I'll let you know in a handful of months.

I... what?

I found out that a girl I dated for like 2 months in high school is a successful singer while im a 30 year old neet.

Surprisingly, this is not related to You must be my soul brother. Never fear, with the right motivation you too will be able to climb out of neethood.

I guess having friends can be hard to


have you been taking your meds?

Dia Frampton

I played some eroge and it was fun

>lying on the internet
is the only person who is telling the truth.


what currently airing anime has the most titty fanservice?

I just started a new med, but this is something I've believed in for years. The new med is unrelated, unlike the ones that made me think my ex-gf was eaten by and replaced with some kind of shape shifting rakshasa.

>successful singer
Are you actually envious of some pop musician?

im so fucking done this season. like holy shit i have been searching for a decent show for fucking 9 months now and have only gone through piles of garbage.
also the realization that this is one of the few things that makes me happy in life hurts

Good day, I played like 11 hours of elona and now I'll catch up on all this season's stuff I'm behind on

Classroom of the Elite

Not great, my stomach has been hurting all day and I'm feeling really sluggish. On the bright side I'm really enjoying Armor Hunter Mellowlink, which is nice since it's been getting harder and harder to find anime I enjoy.

Post your MAL and I'll PM you something you might enjoy. It's going to be anime though if you catch my drift.

I'm not posting my MAL on Sup Forums, but thanks anyway.