Dear black people browsing this board: doesn't it suck knowing that the first black president turned out to be a total...

Dear black people browsing this board: doesn't it suck knowing that the first black president turned out to be a total failure worse than Bush?

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Hahahaha so true, nigger President was an absolute dumpster fire

He was an average president.

He was meh
Bush was an unmatchable disaster

Wonder when the guys who write his scripts will finish his next book

He was pretty shit but worst than Bush?
No fucking way. He did have Bush's mess to clean up mind you.

he had the potential to become the greatest president ever but chose to racially divide us worse than reconstruction times. i'm genuinely ashamed of him.

He didnt get tens of thousands of Americans killed for Israel nor add 10 trillion in wars for them
He also passed the second largest taxcut since Reagan

Doesn't matter. Everyone loves Obama and remembers him fondly. Liking Trump makes you look like an idiot and the public openly mocks you

He wasn’t worse than Bush, but expanded on the problems Bush Jr started. The Iran Deal was good tho

>not realizing all presidents are puppets

how does it feel to be this stupid?

King nigger

Factually half the think Trump claims he successfully did is because of the Obama administration. Do I think he could be a better president? Yes, he tried to be a bi-partisan president when it was clear one side refused to work with him. However, I don't think Trump is doing a great job.

People who were at W’s throat for 8 years now look back fondly at him. I wonder how bad the person after Trump will be.

can't be worse that your shithole caliphate in the making

America lost so much respect when he was president. Russians and the Chinese wouldn't shake his hand since he's a bongo. It was just bad.

Not really? I didn't expect much from that phony CIA shill.

Disagree, Obama never made me feel proud to be an American
Bush made me certain that we deserve the respect and admiration of the world.

>total failure worse than Bush?
Come on now, What are you a liberalfag. The nigger was nothing like bush. He really did fuck all and wasn't what the people thought he was going to be or do what they thought. Saying that is like saying trump is hitler because they both put country first.

> implying obama put the country first

At least Bush pretended. Obama openly admitted that he was speeding up the training of ISIL forces in Syria.

I'm an American. It sucks that our govt is overwhelmingly corrupt and we will go the way of the Roman empire with less than a third of their stay

Hey to be fair we evolved rapidly, the roman empire was more or less the same for hundreds of years. We went from Canvased wagons to Fison bombs in the blink of an eye

All city people voted for Obama. Only rural retards voted for Drumpf

Oh, but he was not a real black!

The only people on earth who believe this are Republican Americans. Literally everyone else thinks Bush is a war criminal and main cause of tge refugee crisis in Europe.

Please, Obama isn't black, he is a mixed-blood, neiter black, nor white.

> commenting on anything to do with politics
Shouldn't you be at prayer ahmed?

But Onogma is a war criminal. His drone strikes in the middle east and somalia haven't ended any wars that Bush started as far as I know. His "foreign policy" was a joke, he supplied salafist extremist groups like the FSA and Daesh with weapons and training, he ruined healthcare insurance with obamacare and the affordable care act, he ousted the democratically elected leader Gaddafi in Libya which destabilized the region, need I go on?

The only good thing he ever did was at the end of his presidency when he and John Kerry gave Israel the middle finger, but even then it was a case of too little, too late.

Worse than the guy that allowed 9/11 to happen? I don't think so Tim. No president can top that.

Obama was a very articulate and classy president. It's a shame that he embraced the commie cause which vows to destroy his own people as well as ours.

maybe two years ago, but now that Trump is in office even liberals are like 'remember how cool bush was' He's being remembered pretty fondly right now for some reason.

The hilarious thing about Obama is that he isn't even a descendant of slaves, so his presidency didn't have any of the symbolism it was supposed to.

>implying obama put the country first
Can you not read meme flag. Is english not your first language. I said the comparison of bush to obama didn't make sense. Never said presidentnog put the country first.
Nigger was more central then left winged, Made promises and barely delivered on anything. Liberals now like him because he's black and need to virtue signal. Because their not racist.
Bush said what he was doing and acted. The people hated or loved him for it after. Now those same people who called him a war criminal support him because the slight criticism of trump.

Having a moron in office like Trump will do that to you. I even look at him differently now.

Hey dat King Wakanda u B talkin bout!

FDR was the real nigger.

It's leftist nostalgia. They miss the days of Jon Stewart being relevant and neocons being so easy to mock by simply saying, "REPUBLICANS LMAO!"

Dems are quickly coming to realize how good of a thing they had when all they had to deal with were cucks. But even then, Bush was Hitler to these people.

Black user here. Bingo. Also hope he gets jailed for fisagate for the lulz if nothing else.

Congrats your programming is complete.

His policies, especially Obamacare, actively delayed and hampered the US economic recovery. And the Minority Mortgage Meltdown goes all the way back to Clinton’s housing policies. Bush happened to be the useful idiot in the right place at the right time when it all collapsed.

You, “it was Bush’s mess” idiots act like he pulled some kind of lever and deliberately crashed the economy. He deserves the heat on Iraq though, but Obummer went on to firebomb Libya and Syria, another two countries that did nothing to us. Obummer was a neo-con too, but the difference was that he had the full support of the legacy media.

You Gamgergate Gen faggots don’t even understand basic bitch conservative thinking or history yet. SAD.

I'm white and Obama was the greatest president in American history.

> Trump: If she wasn't my daughter i'd fuck her.

Like that stopped him...

The urban retards are nothing more than whites who work in parasitical sectors like government and finance and their third world hordes.

Quebec niggers aren't white faggot.

Shouldn't you be watching john oliver right now? I think he just released a new video.

You're retarded then. The GOP has put forward 2 retards to bookend Obama and make him look good lol

Obama is beloved and will go down in history as one of the top 10 presidents. Already he's ranked very highly by presidential historians on both sides of the aisle. Where does your guy, Trump rank? Dead last of course.

Je n'habite pas en Quebec

his show is on sunday sweetie

Republicans put up the best they have.


Bush gave one of the greatest speeches any president has ever given, at a time when the country needed it the most, he single handedly got the whole nation to be
>fuck yeah let's invade Iraq and Afghanistan even if it's unrelated.
He made the average american stand up and say
As he gave that speech there were no democrats and there were no republicans, only Americans, you're probably too young to remember.
Obama's involvement in the ME was worse than Bush, by a lot.

Come home black man.

Seriously though, we need more black businessmen and investors.

Slowest economic “recovery” in history, period, worse than the Great Depressions. Yes, there were two. We never learn about the second crash in ‘37 because the Marxists write our government schooling curriculum and Roosevelt is supposed to be God in the flesh.

And whatever economic recovery the American society eked out in spite of and not because of Purple Lips was fueled by super low interest rates and about a decade now of easy money to mollify the Boomers with their retirement plans, which we’ll be paying for very soon. No one under the age of fifty-five has felt any sort of recovery.

>maybe two years ago, but now that Trump is in office even liberals are like 'remember how cool bush was'

You are confusing yourself. They are saying how cool Bush is now.

Killing the white ones is eroding things isn't it.

That's a bit of an understatement

It wasn't the slowest recovery. It was the longest recovery because it was the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression. Maybe if Republicans stopped crashing the economy so hard, it wouldn't take so long for Democrats to clean up their mess.

I remember the wall at school for all the local graduates that died in the wars he started, people fucking hated bush with a passion for sending those kids to a desert to die

He's probably the least Israeli friendly President you guys have had in 50 years. That's the only plus I can see in him.

Top 10 black presidents, sure

I remember when he reinstated the draft.

I remember how retarded he was. Remember when he talked about Mars when the war started to go wrong lol

>Unironically citing the Jew York Times, itself unironically citing the American academic establishment.

Where did all these fucking newfags come from? Gamergate was years ago.

We were an Obama board until the_donald 56ers like you started coming here.

>+3% GDP.
Stopped reading right there.
Did you know that, economically speaking, the worst year under Clinton was better than the best year under Obama?



Did you know the 2008/2009 global financial meltdown was the worse since the Great Depression


Obama is the fifth worst president all-time for me and Bush is slightly worst at fourth. Lots of bad shit came out of Obama’s presidency but nothing was anywhere near as cancerous as the Patriot Act and we're still nowhere near dealing with the damage from that. At least we have a chance someday to truly get rid of obamacare.




I like how you had to Photoshop Obama to call him retarded. Donny 2 chins just has the retarded look 24/7

And yet even the most retarded Americans are still potty trained.


amazing how quickly people forget

i will never forget how terrible bush was

It’s objectively the worst recovery of all time, despite not being the worst recession. The Carter recession Reagan inherited was worse in many respects, particularly inflation, than what Obama inherited, and Reagan turned it around in one term and the misery index went down for him more than any president since Truman.

Also, you’re ignoring how the roots of the Minority Mortgage Meltdown go back to Clinton. But keep believing tax cuts cause recessions like a good little tool as opposed to government-sponsored and financed programs to artificially expand home ownership and distort the market. No way, the rich just got too much in tax cuts, just like Hillary said! Then Bush just pulled a lever and crashed the economy on his way out, just like that!

>cue autistic clapping

What is this bullshit shit??
Melania is a drop out:
When she was a teenager, Knavs moved with her family to a two-story house in Sevnica.[22] Then, as a high-school student, she lived in a high-rise apartment in Ljubljana. She attended the Secondary School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana,[23] and studied architecture and design at the University of Ljubljana for one year before dropping out.[24][25][26]

enlistees are retards.


>And yet even the most retarded Americans are still potty trained.

one year
>oooone yeeeaaaarrr

2016 was when the magic happened of course. How could I forget?

reread his comment retard. he was amazing motivating americans to want to go burn down the middle east. nobody gives a fuck if your ass was all upset that people die in war which had nothing to do with what said.

Obama became president in january 2009 numbnuts.

He did pretty well, about a factor thousand better than busb

Yes, a dumpster fire filled with baby diapers.

>he gave a speech that a bunch of retarded conservative celebrated so that means he was better than Obama
All you trumpfags are dumb as shit

Lol this is what Republicans do every time. You retards crash the economy with no fucking survivors, and then complain that it takes Democrats too long to clean up your mess.

maybe u retards should stop crashing the fucking economy every time you're in charge

No He was terrible. Worst we have ever had.

The moment Trump took office, he started taking credit for how amazing the Obama economy was.

That doesn't mean she has a low IQ. I don't think you even know what an IQ is, do you?

no shit retard, how fucking stupid r u


>thinks only conservatives wanted to burn the middle east down
oh child you need to learn some history. everybody was applauding the ruining of the middle east. EVERYBODY.

My only real criticism of Bush is that he failed to call out the Iranians as the source of IED's and insurgent attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan. He aslo allowed the "No WMD's" argument to prevail even though US troops found and destroyed WMD's nearly every day in Iraq.

Bush permitted the narrative of the unjust war that prevails among even young ultra rightists today. In fact the War on Terror was very nearly a strategic masterpiece. We completely surrounded and isolated our biggest enemy: Iran. Dictators like Qadaffi were so frightented they began makeing peace overtures to the US. We created a picket line of US bases in former SSR's along Russia's border. We locked down the free flow of oil out of the ME. The wars jump started an entire new generation of weapons, tactics, soldiers, and officers better suited to the post Cold War battlefield.

The cost in US lives is nearly insignificant when compared to other conflicts. The cost to local civilian populations is irrelevant.

Strategically, the GWoT was a stretegic masterstroke except Bush allowed subversive domestic media to win the propaganda war. If you think GWoT was expensive or cruel, just remember that everything thise young men died or were mutilated for was given away by Obama in exchange for nothing. All that blood and treasure wasted.

No one can be worse than Bush Jr. No one. He was half retard. Literally.

Did you know that every US President going back to Carter has inherited a financial crisis and every one was resolved within 18 months?

Enough with the fake meme bullshit. Anyone that does the smallest bit of research can tell that's fake.

Lol. Trump can barely string a sentence together.