If mushrooms are suppose to open your mind, why did it push me to the right of politics...

If mushrooms are suppose to open your mind, why did it push me to the right of politics. I was always told the right was close minded...

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maybe you've been lied to about what open mindedness is.

perhaps you haven't taken a strong enough dose of mushrooms to realize that you are being lied to on a scale which is hard to grasp.

I am open minded. I opened my mind to all the views in politics and saw clearly the bullshit the left pushes and the bullshit the right pushes. You just need to forge your own identity and it does push you right as you become the manifest of your own destiny.

And what's that level

Can we dispell the myth once and for all that there are "lessons" to be learned from psychedelics?
They're nothing more than drugs that mess with your ego.

>not taking the mushroom of immortality daily

So you sit on the fence?

5 dried grams in a dark room

The answers are within you user. Psychedelics open the doors to those answers.

I will never not be sceptical about this despite never trying them, given how CIAniggers act around them.

You couldn't be more wrong.

there is no fence. conservatism builds societies and liberalism destroys them. it is a pendulum and it swings from one to the other perpetually. you have to learn how energy moves - never in a straight line

same here, hallucinogens "made me a nazi" hahahahahaha

the psychedelic right rises

I meant the level of ideas abubab

shut up m8

they have a medicinal purpose just keep god and portals out of it

You mean the fence created by the false idea of only two ideologies that completely oppose each other?

Pro tip: the right is right, and the far right is even more right

Before taking them I never cared about psychology, history and religion. Now I do and it has made me a better person

The pendulum is swinging towards destruction of western ideals and id like to stop that

You aren't the only one who turned right after shrooms and acid. Myself and a few friends did as well. We started to notice certain (((people))) and what they did where before we we're oblivious. I recommend everyone try shrooms. The length of an acid trip is a bit much.

That's not really a lesson though. What really happened was you found some sort of newfound significance in those things, which you already knew a bit about before.

Just a warning to any Sup Forumsacks that aren't already aware there are groups online of people who are predominantly leftist who actively shill on websites to get people to take drugs, especially addictive substances. Occasionally they will try to convince people to take other drugs as well.

up the dose of your mushrooms until you grasp the meaning of my statement. only then a jedi will you be

And the mushrooms didn't help me being interested in all three of those things. I just decided to think they mattered more coincidentally all at the same time

>he hasn't taken a large enough dose of mushrooms to dissolve his ego entirely.


Really? That's fucked. I was a lefty before mushrooms and then I started seeing through the bull shit. I'm not shillin fgt

Quit taking drugs you degenerate hippies. Just because you escaped the farm doesn't mean the mushrooms did it for you.

both sides have people of both God and ignoramus status. DUH

You probably participate in more degeneracy then I do

At sunset

I've always wanted to try them but with my luck would probably get the wrong ones & an hero accidentally. Are they hard to grow?

Mushrooms aren't addictive jackass but I see what your saying

"beware of wisdom you didn't earn"

>why did it push me to the right of politics.
It made you a reactionary.

fear of God is the being of wisdom

> (((reactionary)))


Read through this cult checklist and realise how similar the modern left is structured. >Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished
Needs no explanation
>The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel
This is how you have "progressives" shilling for people who go against everything they hold dear all of a sudden
>The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members
Rural and suburban retards
>The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society
Famously leftists are more intolerant, more likely to break ties with m8s with conflicting views.
>The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
This is THE policy of leftism
>Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
Regular calls to cut ties with right wing family members from the more devout cultists
> The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Quite literally

And so on. Their entire system is built on shame and forced compliance, unquestioning loyalty and contradictory ideals. Their beliefs don't come from evidence, and so much as attempting to gather evidence is discouraged. You'd think people so obsessed with "ending inequality" would be the first to encourage scientific testing for racial IQ and behavioural differences because to end inequality you should first know what factors contribute to it, yes? And you'd think if they truly believed in it they wouldn't discourage such research because they'd believe it would vindicate them. yes? But no, they're shamed into fighting what they know is true.

you can order the spores and do it your self kits. The mushroom itself is illegal, but the spores contain no psilocybin and have retained a legal status in many places.

Sometimes you can find them growing in the wild (though i dont recommend obtaining them in the wild). i dont think they're hard to grow


psychedelics opened my mind more beeing reflective on your own behaviour, forgiveness and self improvement

its raises your self awareness

i was thinking about the reason why i experimented with these substances on 1 trip and came to the root conclusion that i really like to "watch" reactions

I know and I'm sure for many people they provide some help I'm just reminding people to be suspicious of drug threads and the direction the discussion goes in as these groups do exist.

Such a shame, I've taken it a + - a hundred times more or less, I never felt this way. It was the worlds strongest kind too. The walls move, voices go up and down in volume, you see patterns and the world lags. More than that, meh. I didn't get any new interests. It helps with depression tho, so it's not a bad drug in my opinion. Everyone should try it once at least.


Hinter dieser Gruppierung steht Hannes Ley (Hohenzollernring 6, 22763 Hamburg, 040/696669565), der sich aus den staatlichen Fördertöpfen "gegen RECHTS" bedient

VERBREITEN !!! "antifa" Hamburg geoutet !!!

mushrooms help alot with empathy. left wingers are all about masturbatory acts of “charity” that dont end up helping people long term at all

the actual selfless and empathwtic course of action is doing what needs to be done regardless of temporary discomfort.

wrong mushrooms op...;-]
make sure you know what you are eating... wrong shrooms will kill you....

I'll never forget walking out of a Grateful Dead concert in Atlanta when I was eighteen. I was tripping hard and the acid exposed the predatory nature of the feral niggers occupying the urban hellscape to the point that they looked like demons.

It didn't give me wisdom. It gave me the means to seek out wisdom

To be "open-minded" means to be willing to consider ideas that are uncommon or frowned-upon.

If you have any sense at all for the direction that our culture has moved in for the past few decades, or any sense for the censorship and blacklisting being done by our most powerful tech companies, universities, etc... then you would have no trouble figuring this out.

Related thought: Perhaps in 30 years, after witnessing the self-destruction of Europe and another 3 decades of global jihad, "right-wing" thinking will dominate, and anyone preaching socialism, gun-control, open borders, etc... will be commonly ridiculed and shunned. At that point it would be fully appropriate for /pol to represent their interests and serve as a thorn in the side of the dominant narrative. But we've got a long way to go before we get there.

that. is. intense.

I found a place called sshroomery just now. I'm gonna check it out. Hope it's legit.

can we get this to be trendy? im the same

Mushrooms pushed me to the right too haha. The right is right. Simple. They are the least brainwashed

that sounds like an intense ride. im jelly.

Shroomery is fine.
Just get beginner grow kit. its easy as all fuck.

THE best forum for information, IMO. For spores, Sporeworks has been the best vendor, hands down.

shroomery is legit. or at least was circa 07'.
erowid and bluelight are good sources too for dosage.

I've also had a few moments close to death so many those experiences have also helped

You found the "niggers are literally Tolkien orcs" redpill early, then. Hell of a way to do it!

Oh, and easiest method, PF Tek. Doesn't yield much but is so incredibly simple.

to add to this.. We meme because we don't have to let the pendulum swing all the way left to destroy America. There are many pendulums of many colors and sizes. The left swing momentum that (((they))) are pushing is drawing more people to the far right. Beautiful things happen out of this chaotic rhythm, such as Trump.

Being around a shitload of druggies in my younger years definitely pushed me further right. You get first hand experience as to how selfish, worthless and scummy people can be. At that point you either accept it because you are yourself a piece of shit or you hate it because you are yourself not a piece of shit.

try a deliriant, like datura. you'll talk to your dead ancestors, smoke imaginary cigarettes and the world will be revealed for what it truly is.

Thanks anons! I'll check out the other sites too.

>not taking in complement the fuga daemonium (flight of the demons) to keep your mind pure

Mayb not large enough dose?
Mayb you are already true to yourself.
I took shrooms and started to think about my ego. Then began to laugh because i think about my own self every fuckin day. I wasnt freaked out by this introspection and really enjoyed some music. Let the drug take you on the journey user dont try to force some predetermined path.

>the psychedelic right
i like that
me and most of my friends are actually the classical eco faggots only that were raging nationalists

Could this be a new trend was talking about? We could use their tactics against them to redpill.

holy shit this is one of those days when i the world confims my life decisions

the psychedelic right rises

anyone interested in a discord group?

I saw pictures when I had my eyes closed. I released I could change those pictures with thoughts. Then I envisioned two grids over my body. I pulled off a yellow grid then a red grid.

discord dot


Come join

So many strains. Are they all about the same? Any tips for 1 a new to start with?

The psychedelic right. I'm sure there are more people that have taken psychedelics then been swayed to the right

no i just like doing certain drugs and see through the systemic bullshit in germany
some of you guys are fucking paranoid ffs

i have done a shitload of these kinds of drugs and the thing with strong psychedelics is they blast you with reality. by destroying your ego, which i believe to be a defense mechanism against existence, you are left with pure perception -- almost a crystallization of the natural order. nature has a right-wing bias, and like nature, these substances will ruin you if you disrespect them. nothing in nature is equal. the belief that inequality is natural and good is the fundamental principal of right-wing thinking.

They heighten your senses of what's ugly and what's beautiful. Try listening to post-modern cultural marxist junk music that's featured on youtube everyday and then listen to a delicate piece of classical or religious music while high on mushrooms and you'll see. Same with dancing, architecture and other cultural aspects.

These mushrooms grow all over our land and our ancestors ate them, so don't let anyone shill your out of trying them because they're "foreign" or something.

fuck yeah, BASED POO

Also interested in architecture and military strategy

Wrong. Inequality itself is not a good. The problem is that the "solutions" for inequality almost inevitably trample on the rights and opportunities provided to the individual.

That is the real essence of "conservatism"; a willingness to accept certain aspects of reality that will prevent most of our big problems from ever being perfectly "solved" (including inequality) . Respect for unintended consequences, suspicion of centralized control, disgust at the pandering of those who presume to have solutions to our ills; these are all related.

It's really a triumph of propaganda and social engineering that so many smart and "educated" people believe the shit being shoveled by the left. No one that was speaking glowingly of Venezuela few years back should ever be taken seriously again. No one that said "Trump has no chance of winning" or "Trump is literally Hitler!" should ever be taken seriously again. How could anyone listen to Nancy Pelosi and consider her anything other than an elitist, hypocritical fool I cannot understand. At least they are losing ground.

Where can I get these?

cow shit

I got lucky and my cousin gave me a bag. I've heard many stories about them arriving in your life right when you need them

>You'd think people so obsessed with "ending inequality" would be the first to encourage scientific testing for racial IQ and behavioural differences because to end inequality you should first know what factors contribute to it, yes?

I thought that would be true too, but its racist, user. It does not compute with their "equality" premise.

Ben you have to go to synagogue.

They grow on cow manure.
Find cow farm....wait for heavy rain, 2 days of sunshine. Find shrooms coming out of turds or close to turds

Pick them and hurt them, if they turn blue --->real deal.

You have to dry them properly so you don't get toxic mold.
(put em close to pc fan until they are brittle)

it just is. everything is unequal to each other. idiotic ideas like universal equality, equity, and so on are the ideological equivalent of clear cutting an old-growth forest.
furthermore, "conservatism" is a failed ideology. conservatives have conserved... what exactly? nothing. time to move on.
>big problems...(including inequality)
this is what i mean. inequality is not a problem and shouldn't be addressed. this is why conservatives are miserable failures and will be consumed by more revolutionary right-wing ideologies. you are bound by the left's morality, the left's language, their deterministic world view.

Personally what I found after taking them is that my identity was annealed. Leftists never want to grow up, they play silly games of pretend but substitute their stupid identity games for reality. After mushrooms I recognized that "self discovery" and any other manic fallacy is more or less the same as a child scribbling on their skin with markers and saying "I'm trying to figure out if I'm green or purple". The truth is fundamental there is no self to discover, you are the only one in your own head, the noise of the world around subsides and your purpose and identity become crystal clear. With this clarity it seems one embraces the truth as a long missed friend and with this will naturally go towards the right in their politics.

agreed.... its almost like people have leftist ideology to balance out their immorality by saying look "I care about the welfare of others".

you dont need mushrooms to figure it out. All you need to do is ponder the question "what if Sup Forums is right about everything they say about the jews"

people seem way too attached to it. It is extremely possible to find enlightenment without the use of any substances, but people are lazy fucks, and then when they find a level of enlightenment through the use of hallucinogens they declare that they are at the top of the mountain but never look around to see that there remain higher peaks.

>united nations flag

do you have to shitpost so hard?

I'm not interested in arguing over labels.

But if inequality itself is a good, do you favor taxing the poor to make the rich even richer? Why not?

I'm struggling to translate your hard-line position into policy ideas please help me out.

Are you actually retarded? Im some areas there are poisonous shrooms that look and bruise blue like cubes

You also need to take a spore print. Cubes have spores so dark purple it looks black, while the similar to cubes mushroom im talking about has more of a brown spore

Also its stupid easy to grow lbs of your own mush why would you go pick them

I'm gonna take shrooms for the first time ever next month but I'm already far-right fascist. I gotta be honest, reading about people's experiences online did make me a bit worried that I was gonna turn into a faggot humanist hippie after taking them, so this thread helps smoothen those fears.

Any advice/recommendations from people with experience?

I'm not proclaiming im at the highest point. Or "the teach in the middle of the road" as Buddhists say. Some people are born with clarity of thought and others families have been indoctrinated by bad ideas. My family are all lefties, I was told as a child that the Labour party are the good guys and the Libeta Party are the bad guys. I was consumed by ideology of the left. I was always in favour of left ideas. It wasn't until I took mushrooms that I saw truth and the right side of politics have more truth then the left. Just because you might be able to see the obvious bad ideas, doesn't help the people brainwashed by bad ones.

Use only with people you trust

Don't use more than 1g at first

You will be high for 8hrs, get comfortable

Use them outdoors, not in a city or apartment

Have a friend to watch over you. Always have a designated friend you trust to make sure everything is ok

Don't drink alcohol, you can't get drunk so you can easily drink yourself to death

Smoking 1 or 2 puffs of marijuana will make the experience more controlled.

Avoid looking in the mirror, you might be there for 5hrs LOL

Take the dose all at once. If you start worrying, don't fight the ideas or thoughts. Imagine it's like you're swimming. Remember to breath and just slide through the motions of thought. But most likely you're going to have a really productive deep chat with your self. And find circles funny.

Have fun

what is the world truly?

This is why right wingers give more to charity, and left wingers are more likely to abandon a friendship over politics.

Any cubensis strain is going to be about the same methods. B+ seems to be the easiest and fastest growing, in my friend's experience.