
Are people literal retards? What most people think is “Ah, my religion told me this” and so that’s all they believe. It’s as if to them, no other religion exists in the world, and that theirs is the only one.

Also religions have a lot of retarded stories. Take Christianity, they have this belief that the reason death and sin and all bad things exist is because the first woman who God created 6000 years ago from mud took a bite from an apple that a snake gave her. That's literally why all bad things exist, according to Christians.

What the fuck. How does it have 1 billion followers. Are people literal retards? Seriously. I'm almost pulling my hair out at how retarded people are. Help.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>believes nothing exploded into everything
>believes all life on earth came from non-life

Look up other religions and their beliefs you literal retard. Every religion has their own stories and beliefs about everything. Every religion is so completely different from each other, but every religious follower is just as devouted to their own religion they were born into, than you are for yours, you literal retard.

You heard about Zeus? He was a deity that had tens of millions of followers, his fictional creation existed before Jesus' fictional creation, literally thousands of years before the concept of Jesus even came to be, Zeus was already being worshipped by the masses.

Also I don't "believe nothing exploded into everything" you dumbass, I have no idea how we came to be, but that's what scientific evidence says has historically happened so far, and that's what we understand. Scientific theories can be overwritten by ones that make more sense, and by newer discoveries. It's not 2000 years old and has nothing new except for new interpretations by literal retards.


Are people literal retards? What most people think is “Ah, my ideology told me this” and so that’s all they believe. It’s as if to them, no other ideology exists in the world, and that theirs is the only one.
Also ideologies have a lot of retarded stories. Take Communism, they have this believe that all people are equal. That's literally what they believe

That's called symbolism.

Well people aren't born into an ideology like they are a religion. "Welcome to being alive, now here's a religion, now attend church every Sunday and donate money or else you'll go to hell!"

People choose their ideologies and it literally changes over time. It's different when one is a teenager, to when one is in their 20s, to 30s, 40s, etc.

For religion, it's just one religion for life. The one they're born into. Most people don't think "Oh shit maybe my religion is wrong and I am a retard for having believed it" but they do question their ideologies

>Are people literal retards?
>gets basic stuff wrong
Yep. You're included, you dumbass.

>Well people aren't born into an ideology like they are a religion.

A Catholic came up with the Big Bang theory. And a singularity is hardly "nothing."

And I guess it makes more sense that magic breath mixed with mud creates life, and not self-replicating organic molecules.

Life is easier when you don't let it upset you. I was raised Southern Baptist in a rural community in Alabama. It wasn't until I was a teenager and moved away for school that I even met non-Christians. If it hadn't been for that experience, and one parent who encouraged skepticism, I could still be Baptist. I hope I'd have enough basic intelligence and reason to shake it off by now, but if you stay in the bubble there's not pressure to change your belief structure, or any opposing beliefs that really challenge it.

plus we just don't teach critical thinking skills in school like we ought.

Quote what I got wrong then or else stfu you religious follower retard

What? Literally everyone I knew growing up had differing ideologies, and we were born in the same area, similar backgrounds, etc. Through reading, education, experiences, etc, people change. No one has the same ideology or not exactly the same as another person's.

>Quote what I got wrong then or else stfu you religious follower retard
Just to be pedantic, Adam was made from mud while Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs, and the type of fruit she ate is never explicitly mentioned. Additionally some Christians read Genesis as metaphor (an officially sanctioned reading by the largest denomination, Catholics).

Joy Beyhar is a religious leader. Ask her anything

>1 billion Christians
There you go. Completely wrong.

>6000 years
>taking Genesis as historical
Arguably wrong.

why are you so quick to call others retards? The truth exists in everything, not just religious texts. If people need religion to find the amount of the truth they are able to handle than so be it. But, that does not negate the fact that the kikes have been spending centuries perverting all religions into fallacious bullshit that ignores the teachings within.

I bet you love muslims

>the first woman who God created 6000 years ago from mud
Error 1: Eve was made from Adam's rib.

>took a bite from an apple
Error 2: Not an apple.

>that a snake gave her.
Error 3: The snake did not give her an apple.

Your grasp of the story of the Fall of Man is, how would you say, retarded. Maybe if you understood what was really happening you would be just a wee bit wiser, and a wee bit less anxious to criticize things that you really, really, really do not understand.

Fuck religion get right

>Eve was made from Adam's rib.
to be fair is this less "retarded" than being made from mud?

I grew up in an Atheist family. Then I became Christian. Then I became agnostic and then I finally became Pagan.
Funny story, my Ideology changed according to that. First racist, then tolerant, then Communist and now National Socialist

No, it's not, as Adam was made from mud. You might want to note that you share 17 different minerals with dirt. and when you die, obviously you decay back into dirt.

However, Eve was made differently from Adam for a very strong reason: for a man and a woman to cleave together and form a union that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Note that Eve was not made from Adam's foot, so she would be underneath him, nor from his head, that she should be over him.

She was made from his side, so that she would be next to him.

>Then I became Christian.

No, no you did not. Sorry.

Who are you to judge?

Those who have forgotten the black sun, are not our friends.

An actual Christian whose track record is 100% on these matters.

Let me put it to you this way. Assume animals can talk.

If a caterpillar told you that it used to be a butterfly, would you believe it?

Religion is used as a form of control and social engineering.

Islam = war

Judaism = subversion

Christianity = pacification

[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Haven't seen you around for a while. Did you take a different trip? Or did you fuck off, like everyone told you to?

So you say you are to me what a human is to a caterpillar? You want beef, cunt?

As a Christian I even agree with you. Some of our earliest saints never looked at their faith at such a basic understanding. Early creation myths were observed allegorically. It's a shame what has happened to Christianity really, as a person who studies theology, history and many other forms of social sciences and pragmatic sciences, I can confidently say that Christianity has the ultimate compatibility with science. Think about it, Jesus had said that he was the way, THE TRUTH and the life. Science is about observing the truths in reality and disregards anything that can lead to a rabbit hole. The two should never have been separated to begin with and the instant it was we took a nose dive into speculations that could never be concluded. Anyway, good luck with your spiritual search user. I hold nothing against you for your opinion on my faith.

Interesting. Do you believe in the existence of the gods? If so, can I ask a few quick questions? Not going to argue, just curious about a few things. I like asking about polytheistic mindsets because it's not my own.

I missed you. No bulli pls

yeah the mechanism of creating life from non-life didn't get any clearer with your explanation, and I'm going to assume it's less convincing than science's version based on self-replicating organic molecules. I like Genesis fine as an allegory, instead of following the perfect will of God man imposes his own misguided self-will out of hubris, and ends up suffering for it.

I say that you are a caterpillar attempting to convince me that you used to be a butterfly.

As I know that cannot be the case, I tell you that you are incorrect in thinking you used to be a butterfly/Christian.

I can now prove it to you, if you'd like.

How did you become a Christian? and what bible passages told you that was correct?

You think the clay came to life by itself.

I say that God, who is Life, blew into the statue's nostrils and Adam became a living being.

I have an actual explanation, whereas you have dirt coming to life.

I don't think you have anything to stand on vis-a-vis "reason".

You clearly do not understand the complexity and social influence religions have on the creation of civilization. Look up Jordan Peterson and watch some of his youtube videos on Christianity. One thing to note is that in the OT the Jews had nationalistic states which could be interpreted as either civic or borderline ethnic. Another thing to note is the huge influence on reforms such as Calvanism had on the ideas of individualism and self-determination.

Religion, society, science, technology, demographics - they are all linked and changes in one can lead to changes in others. That is why scientists overestimating the impact of global warming is such a big deal and why demographic change in the religious and ethnic make up of people is problematic

so you're like a backwards version of humanity's religious path?

>I say that God, who is Life, blew into the statue's nostrils and Adam became a living being.
Again, I tend to prefer the explanation about self-replicating organic molecules and millions of years of natural selection. To each his own I guess.

And again, you have absolutely no mechanism where the first organic molecule originated. Or from what it was composed. Or from where. Or how.

>To each his own I guess.
Indeed. I have chosen Jesus, and life, and heaven, and good; you have chosen the devil, and death, and hell, and evil.

And you think the choices are close? They could not be further apart.

I could tell you all the reasons why such things are believed but as usual I am ignored to argue with the people who want to make you look foolish.

Now let me ask you again:

What part of Genesis would you like clarification on?

Yes, and it is also used to free you from a form of control and social engineering.

>Do you believe in the existence of the gods
Yes, but the Hellenic Gods to be precise
I was searching for a Religion when a priest told me that I can be saved by my faith in Jesus Christ, by faith alone. He then proceded to talk about God's love for the humans and I was swayed by this

Exactly. Do not be conformed.

>You might want to note that you share 17 different minerals with dirt
>a complex formation of different elements contains some of the elements of a varied mixture of elements
such powerful, very wow

By mass, a human is mostly oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, making us far more similar to plants.
While vital to the body's function, many elements shared with "dirt" (such as zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium) are comparatively scarce in the body.

do you want to live in a world that is governed on the laws of nature rather than the laws of man? nature is not governed by logic and reason, but by chaos and uncertainty--especially in the quantum world.

>posts every abrahamic religion that copies Zoroastrianism without posting Zoroastrianism itself

well you see, religion always controlled the masses. This was always known. To control society itself, it has to rely on stories from birth. How else will we all trust each other if we don't the same story from a young age?


it's all the same story repeated from different angles

Still, that's cool.
Okay, so can I ask why you believe in polytheism more than pantheism, panentheism, monotheism, or atheism? What reasoning is there for you that you find polytheism more convincing than any of these?

So you heard part of the gospel, and you partially assented to it.

There is a parable in the bible called the Parable of the Sower. You are the ground where the seed, the gospel, was taught, but the birds of the air took the seed before it could take root.

While you can be saved by grace through faith, you have not done it yet. Merely intellectual assent that God loves his own creation is not the means of salvation, nor is there any passage in the bible that would lead you to that conclusion.

I'm 100% on this, friend. It's not me, it's a gift.

1) first time you're claiming this
2) yes huh tho
3) your mechanism is literally magic breath

Dirt's 17 elements are 17 elements in you.

Water is also related to dirt. It's called mud. Oxygen is also in dirt, as is nitrogen.

You're not a plant, and you're not just an animal. But you were made from dirt.

What level are you on Sup Forums??

Not magic, God. The works of God are greater than magic. See, e.g., the showdown between Moses/Aaron and Janus and Jambris of Egypt.

Teach me about spine beatles

Is Christianity big in Norway? I see some Norwegian anons and their understanding of Christianity is mesmerizing. They don't shy away from knowledge and know how to link stuff together like what you just showed us. Really love reading this stuff, thanks man.

This is pretty much how I came about getting back into religion. Currently on one of the last two stages, or somewhere between them.

He just belittled the Genesis story, and you're asking him about the state of Christianity in his country?

You obviously cannot comprehend the word of God and yet call people retards? Disobedience and sinning against God is why this world is fallen. Yet all your mind can gasp is a bite from an apple

last but with radical islam

So, a demonic suicide bomber. Here's your v&.

Christianity is the only true religion. Every other system of beliefs, is the human need for reaching the metaphysical expressing itself blindly, or downright worshiping evil.

the only difference between miracle and magic is whether its performed by your god or someone else's

Actually religions often have similar stories and tropes
A virgin birth, a great flood, Gods being angry at humans for bs reasons, heavens and hells (sometimes refered to as underworld) etc. etc.

I'm an atheist but it's good to know this, since it shows what stories people valued and thought were worth preserving
And if you prove ignorant towards religions then you don't really have the right to criticize them

However I just wish biblical literalists would fuck off, the earth isn't fucking 6000 years old, evolution is real and so is the big bang, stop trying to convince me some sandniggers knew how the world came to be before they knew to wash their hands after taking a shit

Meanwhile I see other Christians saying that Christianity ISN'T a religion like the other faiths, it's a "relationship." I really wish you guys would get together on this.


at 2 and have been there for many years
christanity (catholicism specifically) is too cucked to preserve the west

He didn't belittle Genesis. He just gave you a factual interpretation on how we did in fact originate from dirt and how Genesis' explanation isn't that far off.

Assuming that there is only one true God who does the works of God, and the source for magic is satanic, you are absolutely correct.

Thinking they are the same? They absolutely diametrically opposed to each other.

What have you seen with your own two eyes that is demonstrably older than 6,000 years old?

the virgin birth thing is mostly zeitgeist bullshit, in christianity it's due to the septuagint rendering "young woman" as "virgin" in its translation of hebrew to greek. the flood, chaoskampf, etc are common traits esp. of near eastern religions. afterlife varies greatly across religions, and even within a single religion (observe the evolution of "sheol" in judaism to our modern heaven/hell dichotomy)

It's a true statement. If you're listing the religions of the world, you would list Christianity.

However, as religions (religio) are systems of bondage, Christianity is the direct opposite of a system of bondage/religion. In fact, the reward of becoming a Christian is to be set free. Free from sin, free from evil, free from bonds, free from addictions, free from religions.

And additionally, when you are born again in the Spirit into the family of God, you are literally adopted by God to be a brother or sister to Jesus.

That's a relationship that takes an eternity to develop, and that's exactly why we were made eternal beings.

Read it again.

>I watched Zeitgeist
>It's like totally all the same, guys

Americans are confused about everything. Your minds have been corrupted by the Jew, so you have concepts that nobody can understand, because it's a mumble jumble of incoherent, contradictory nonsense.

I don't even know what to say in regards to that relationship thing. If you want to get a solid understanding of Christian theology, head to a Catholic or Orthodox source, and bypass anything that is Evangelic, Protestant, Mormon, or whatever.

I'm Catholic, so I follow a

Mary was a virgin, as prophesied by Isaiah. However, Isaiah was making a double prophecy. A double prophecy is one that is fulfilled within the time of the prophet, so that the people know whether or not he is a prophet of God, and a later fulfillment that happens after they are all dead.

In Isaiah, he says unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given.

The first is Isaiah and his wife; they had a child born to them, from Isaiah's young beluah wife.

The second, a Son is given to us, is the Son of God, given to us to reconcile us with God.

Jesus had to be born of a virgin to do what he set out to do. He had to be in the line of David to take the throne. Both Joseph and Mary are in the line of David. But Joseph comes from the cursed line of Jeconiah, and was thus disqualified. Mary comes from the priestly line through Nathan, and was not.

So Joseph, Mary and Jesus all have claims to the throne of David, but Joseph is disqualified, and Mary can only take in the absence of all other male heirs. As Jesus is an heir to David, he will take the throne, and make it an eternal throne. And the line of David will rule forever.

Further, as mankind inherits the sins of the father, Jesus' father, God the Father, had no sin. Thus Jesus is born sinless. Then he lived a sinless life, was inspected by the priests and found to be without fault.

A proper sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the world.

>I'm Catholic, so I follow a devil

>Are people literal retards

Yes, but religion can also keep them grounded. Humans have an innate need for spiritualism and feeling part of some greater whole. We'll never be free of it. Even Atheists, although they don't believe in a GOD, do believe in a spiritualism of sorts (THEY are the enlightened ones, and it is their duty to convert those skeptical). However, atheists don't necessarily have a community for their beliefs, such as a temple or church, and that lack of community is what brings many atheists back to the religious fold, even if they'll never fully agree on the God question.

If Atheists want their "religion" to become dominant, they need communal spaces and actual leadership, which would ironically make them a true religion in the process.

That said, atheists DO tend to be more rational than your average religious person, but humans weren't designed to be rational and that is why atheism does not sit very well with a normal person.

Did you know that the 6000 years theory came from a cleric who added the age of the people within the bible since Genesis? Did you know that theory came to account in the 17th century? Face it, the theory was conducted by a politician of the first estate and was brought about specifically for politics. It's false and was only ever intended as a speculation. Science belongs to Christianity, we search the truth, you settle on a lie so that you don't have to progress into realms that you feel you aren't confident to understand.

You're no better than the pharisees that killed our savior. Absolutely disgusting!


>Dirt's 17 elements are 17 elements in you.
Considering a human contains more than 17 different elements, how would you account for the remainder?

>Water is also related to dirt. It's called mud.
What the fuck am I reading.
Are you claiming that because two things can be mixed together in one way or another, they must be related?
What does "related" even mean in this context?

>But you were made from dirt.
This conclusion relies on the observation that there is an overlap between "dirt" and a human in terms of elemental composition.
Given that this overlap is far greater when comparing a generic plant (or any animal, for that matter), would it not be *more* reasonable to claim that man is made from plants or other animals?

>Oxygen is also in dirt, as is nitrogen
The vast majority of nitrogen is found in the atmosphere.
Soil typically contains fuck-all for nitrogen, even less of which is bio-available.
While on the topic of what a human is made of, at least 10% of the nitrogen in you is from petrochemical nitrate fertilizer.

Are you saying that the genealogy in the bible is not reliable?

Lol, no.

Studying geology at university we are taught in detail how the earth came to be, a process this complex that created this large of a variety of stone could not happen in 6000 years
metamorphosis of stone alone makes it impossible since is a slow process
but it is also an observable process which could give us a possible timetable, that timetable would be very incorrect but would be still way bigger then 6000

the 6000 years theory was very loosely put together in my opinion by a person who was not qualified on the matter

I didn't watch Zeitgeist, I don't know what that is
and I'm not saying it's the same, I'm saying these stories that are always repeated are obviously meaningful to people (otherwise they wouldn't preserve them)
I find it fascinating that they use these stories but in different manner each time, the messages change to fit the religion in some way, these changes are subtle but they are key to explaining the point of each religion

I hope our Canadian friend can now see the disgust you have for the Genesis account, and God in general. Hopefully he won't ask you anything about Christianity, as you haven't a clue.

All Catholics follow the devil. Orthodox too.

"Use your knowledge of good and evil, do good, and avoid evil, and thus be like God."

That's the devil's gospel.

Were you taught by eyewitnesses?

Because I was.

Did they tell you that the geological column exists nowhere in reality? Because it doesn't.

Did you have anything YOU have seen that is demonstrably older than 6000 years old?


I think those billions of people can’t cope with life very well by themselves and need to use religion to make them feel secure and give them some kind of purpose.
They’re utterly hopeless at making decisions for themselves and appreciate being told what to do, how to do it and when to do it.

I just can't believe religion still exists. I swear it's going to die out in like 70-80 years. 2 generations, maybe 3. At least in the West. It's totally beyond me to believe in something like that.

Whatever you want to believe. Protestants can only justify themselves by inventing distinctions between themselves and other Protestants, and then Catholics and Orthodox.

Every Protestant is right, and every one else is wrong, just because he read something in his bible. A Bible that was composed and written by the Catholic Church, lollolololololl..

>the disgust you have for the Genesis account, and God in general
Consider me a confused skeptic.

>Hopefully he won't ask you anything about Christianity, as you haven't a clue.
Never claimed to. I argue simply against what points you've presented.

Ah, thanks for your insightful input. That sure clears it up for me. I'm just gonna throw out all my books from those retards like CS Lewis, GK Chestrton, Malcolm Muggeridge, Pascal, Newton, and thousands of other learned scholars and thinkers and scientists, cuz OP thinks "religion" is retarded.

you sound like someone my 97 year old grandmother wouldn't let in her holy home.

and shes a catholic who chased the pedos out of our town and back to the vatican

>Take Christianity, they have this belief that the reason death and sin and all bad things exist is because the first woman who God created 6000 years ago from mud took a bite from an apple that a snake gave her. That's literally why all bad things exist, according to Christians.

That's a valid concern. It could be a metaphor for something. Maybe like how the dark knowledge of nihilism degrades the soul or something.

God doesn't exist. Christianity is jewish fairytales, Islam is jewish + arabic fairytales. Judaism is just old jewish fairytales.

Yes I actually was
You can check this yourself
You just need to understand the necessary physics and mathematics (saying the bible is your textbook is an ignorant copout and you should be ashamed if you use it)

And remember, by denying this you are denying the engineering with which the buildings you live in are built by
To deny the processes like by which metamorphic and magmatic stone is created is to deny the existence of often used materials
It's like saying the Grand central station isn't real
Since the amount of granite necessary for it to be made could not come to exist in 6000 years

Oxygen (O) 61%
Vital role in breathing and metabolism.

Carbon (C) 23%
Virtually every part of the body is made up of molecules based around carbon chains.

Hydrogen (H) 10%
Critical component of water and other hydrogen bonds.

Nitrogen (N) 2.6%
Your body digests Nitrogen and makes it into energy.

Calcium (Ca) 1.4%
Structure of bone and teeth.

Phosphorous (Ph) 1.1%
Structure of bone and teeth. Rebuilding of red blood cells.

Potassium (K) .20%
Major electrolyte of blood and cellular fluid. Required for maintenance of pH and nervous system.

Sulfur (S) .20%
Element of the essential amino acids.

Sodium (Na) .14%
Major electrolyte of blood and cellular fluid. Required for maintenance of pH and water balance.

Chlorine (Cl) .12%
Major electrolyte of blood and cellular fluid.

Magnesium (Mg) .027%
Important in bone structure.

Silicon (Si) .026%
Essential nutrient for healthy bone metabolism.

Iron (Fe) .006%
Contained in blood, required for oxygen transport.

Fluorine (F) .0037%
Helps the body strengthen the bones and teeth.

Copper (Cu) .0001%
Contained in enzymes, which regulate iron transport.

Zinc (Zn) .0033%
Growth and repair of tissues. Required for DNA binding. Creation, release, and use of hormones. Sight, taste, and smell depend on zinc.

Aluminum (Al) .00008%
Involved in the action of a few enzymes.

Manganese (Mn) .00002%
Supports the immune system, regulates blood sugar, involved in the production of energy and cell reproduction. Deficiency can lead to improper bone formation.

Iodine (I) .00002
Used in production of thyroxine which plays an important role in metabolic rate.

Selenium (Se) .00002%
Helps our immune system produce antibodies, keeps the pancreas and heart functioning properly.

Molybdenum (Mo) .000007%
Assists the processing of iron and nitrogen.

Chromium (Cr) .00002%
A cofactor in the regulation of sugar levels.

Cobalt (Co) .000004%
Contained in vitamin B12

You believe in incrementalism.

I don't.

I believe in catastrophic changes.

You have your religion.

I have mine.

If granite cannot come to be in 6000 years, why are there polonium halos trapped in it, as though it came about instantaneously?

Oops. Hole in your theory.

It was actually when I looked more into it and read the Bible that I started disliking Christianity.
I found the Old Testament rather engaging but the New just seemed like a lackluster. Perhaps I noticed that I prefer a strict teacher over a gentle one.
>why you believe in polytheism
Well, nothing in this world exists only once.
>pantheism, panentheism
I find those two rather interesting. You could interpret Pantheism into many Hellenic sects. It's just that the existence/world/universe is not made up of one God, but rather two or more counterparts who together create reality.
Something unfailable never really sat right with me. If God is omnipotent and omniscient, then why is there so much misery and so much evil? Sure, Christians have their answers for that but none of these were really satisfying. Same with why God would create the earth or humans. I also dislike all that dualism, that right and wrong and the teachings and morals in itself.
It's not some logical fallacy but rather weakness and meekness that drove me away from Christianity.
Well, I always had the feeling something higher were there. I just felt like that's how it is. I always were gullible.
And I believe religion is an important factor for the humans. Even if you take the stories just as nice parables, they have big importance for your mental health and they can teach you a lot of things.

Yawn. Canadians are such humorless people.

What if, you dense fuckers, religion and all those ideas and concepts, are real, but very distorted?
Look, pol is arguing about holohoax a lot. I literally just come from such a thread.
Pol is arguing about the legitimacy of the school shooting(s).

What if, what if the stories are ment to be decoded? What if they are not to be read literally, but figuratively?
What the fuck, would then happen, to your dense retard brain?

What if you, you fucking retarded braindead cunt, actually started to fucking figure shit out instead of just reading shit all the time?
What if you asked the most important question about Kristianity?
>Only through me, will you find god!
What if you followed that question with another, why in the fuck is god a "male" god?