The body language woman has been demonetized, what the fuck

The body language woman has been demonetized, what the fuck.

They said her video on david hogg was hateful.

Other urls found in this thread:

why split the thread doe?


They took down a bunch of right wing twitter accounts last night too.


she's a very perspicacious woman

She was too good. Many such cases. Sad!

was there a thread on her? I checked. It seemed worthy of its own thread.

Yes I am not even autistic and she taught me a lot about this. Wise woman.

I think they gave her strikes because she called David Hogg a "psychopath" 8:11 (kinda mumbled though).. but then later in the video she said "no I do not think he's a psychopath" 8:50

I LOVE THIS BITCH! And this video was great. All she really talked about was the heavy editing.

her video is kinda annoying. is she usually that snarky or just b/c she's talking about teens?

Yeah, she sounds like a bad joke southern accent in a videogame
I can't watch that shit, it's annoying

Probably because she was a teen and laughing and making up wild theories. I would shit on that girl too.

I like her voice, but the videos could be a lot better produced. good for Sup Forums autists

That vid of hers was anything but hateful she even denied the conspiracy sad that was her last one on the subject
makes one wonder

This is a weird little showdown. I think the overton window is being desperately pushed right now. This creepy little psycho is really bad for the narrative.

When half the country is scratching their heads like
>yeah Wtf is this little shits deal? Why's he so happy?

Then things might get really fucking interesting.

see I mean it was not "hateful" it was "hate speech"

>punished for saying its fake
>punished for saying its not fake
msm wants humans totally silent and retarded

You spelled "bot accounts" wrong, neighbor.

wait that video with the brownhaired grill is the freeman school shooting? the one in WA?

I was interested in hearing body language expert take on these trained actors

isnt she jewish herself?

Probably because it's outrageously offensive and politically dangerous to say someone is lying about surviving a mass shooting.

Imagine what a shoah of outrage it would be on Sup Forums if left wingers said the survivors of an islamic terror attack (the only mass killing you retards think is real) were all lying and in on a conspiracy by Trump to spread islamophobia, you'd never let it go for decades.

She isn't wise at all. She seriously made a video where she kept saying Jimmy Saville wasn't a pedophile. I can't take anyone seriously who just does videos on people without actually doing more than 10 minutes of research on them.

The left never stops talking about a fictional holocaust of innocent blacks by police officers

The truth is antisemitic

The shills really don't like this woman.

How can you listen to this hole for more than a few seconds?

Sup Forums likes people who fit their narrative.

You could do the same shit the girl was doing with a few months or weeks of basic psychology, even then it's not 100% correct. It's used to get a general idea of the person they're analyzing

The women saw a market of retards and her who is so high that she decided to make these videos. You can't get an exact persons thoughts or emotions because he/she crossed their arms and stuttered while blinking.

It maybe be used as part of a puzzle but this women is trying to Form a complete puzzle of people using only a slim section of their personal profile.

Glad she is gone. She aids the fucking regards further into their delusions. If she was so good she'd be a master psychologist, instead she's making YouTube videos on behavioral actions of serial killers, pedos and people within conspiracy theories.

Don't be a nigger Sup Forums use your fuckin brain instead of taking what some retarded who're said as a truth.

In exchange for giving the youtube people billions of dollars in ad revenue, they want to pay society back by choosing what media is good for us, like Elsa pedophile videos, but not educational ones

Yeah I fully agree.

>How many rounds were fired?
>What kind of bullets?
>What caliber of bullets?
>Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
>Who was the dead black girl?
>What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
>What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
>Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
>How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, whileBrowardschools1.comwas created last year?
>Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
>Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
>How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
>Why is there no transparency?
>Where is the footage from school cameras?
>What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
>Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
>Why did he stop shooting?
>There was no one there to stop him.
>What made him stop shooting and "blend in" to walk out with the rest of the students?
>And why did all the students start evacuating at that point in time? How did they know it was safe? Where did he go between the time he stopped firing and the time the students started evacuating?
>It was a drill -
>Drill -
>David Hogg Supercut -

Pewdiepie mentioned her once.

Is she the one that got her video on trending?

It's not educational you dimwit. You can't make up a persons personality from videos alone. Also not every action implies a hidden emotion, Jesus fuck little kids fall for this shit.

She's not smart by any means and she knows what she is doing, these videos take her maybe 30 minutes to do. Behavioral analyzation can be used to get an idea or possible puzzle piece of a profile when you're presented with everything about the subjects life.

I should of made YouTube videos like this, videos take under an hour and all I gotta do is pander to my viewerbase.

She comes in with a bias straight away on these things, she knows why she makes the videos and who views them. Therefore her analysis is already skewed as she'll just say that because so and so crossed their arms it means they're scared and hiding something!

For abunch of people on Sup Forums who are subjective of women, there's a lot of retards here.

This lady has always pissed me off

>she just begs for patron bucks all day who cares

Well she says what she sees from the videos that are sent to her and she isn't afraid of going against the right wing narrative either. She might be wrong on a some of things but her videos do teach you about body language and helps you notice lies better as well.

She seems wise in her sense of body language and human emotion.

Do you have a case I may be more familiar with? I don't feel like learning about this guy just to talk to you.

She always struck me as a bullshit artist without legit profiling knowledge anyway.

No her videos teach you fuck all, it'S an old way of psychology now. It's used as a base in some instances it from research we've learned that people can display different emotions due to reactions. There's no set involuntary reaction for every mixed physical action. It's not that easy. She's pandering a bias to you people and people who come in with her bias are biting the bait.

You need hundreds of hours or a life profile of actions and background research into a persons life to even begin breaking down their different and unique actions.

It's equivalent of fingerprints. People can display a unique reaction or fake a reaction due to anything within that moment.

There's nothing to gain from her that you couldn't google in a few hours and understand. She's a grade A moron with rushed videos.

She didn't say he was lying about mass shooting though. She just said they were immature teenagers who got on camera and that explains their behaviour (laughing, serious tone etc). Later someone posted the the clip where Hoggs was looking like he was rehearsing the lines and she just said there's no proper context to analyze because the the video is clipped.

This makes absolutely no sense. Most of our reactions are not unique especially when we are lying and telling the truth. You can talk to random people yourself and spot a liar by certain behavior and you don't need to delve deep in to his past and study it for hundreds of hours. Of course the signals may not be 100% fool proof, but in her case it's up to the viewer to make their minds.


it got lots of views, so maybe
>No her videos teach you fuck all,
>There's nothing to gain from her that you couldn't google in a few hours and understand

So you can, or you cannot learn? You are saying two different things here.