Concerned conservative here

You all may know me already

I realize you guys are stalwart with your conspiracy theories, but I just wanted to state that you are harming the plight to keep our gun rights and our movement with your "crises actors" nonsense.

This will get buried along with pizzgate and Seth Rich, YOU will cause assault weapons to be banned, but maybe that's what you want

Other urls found in this thread:

Weak bait. Try again later.

Prove me wrong

Neocucks should stick to kikebart and your selected kike media outlets.

How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, whileBrowardschools1.comwas created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
Why did he stop shooting?
There was no one there to stop him.
What made him stop shooting and "blend in" to walk out with the rest of the students?
And why did all the students start evacuating at that point in time? How did they know it was safe? Where did he go between the time he stopped firing and the time the students started evacuating?

It was a drill -

Drill -

David Hogg Supercut -

This is anti semetic


You don't get it Ben, we aren't winning in either scenario. The only scenario we're winning in is when the Jew gets ethnically cleansed and we establish a white libertarian ethnostate where your kind is not allowed.

So we might as well go all in on the crisis actor shit.

gaged because say

The onus of proof is on you, not the other way around. kike

Fuck off kike

>stop asking too many questions or they'll ban our guns

If “crisis actors” rustles a few jimmiez then I’m all for it.

You can’t have it both ways you lousey queers.
>4chin is just virgins
>ohfuck Sup Forums!

Smarten up.

How am I supposed to debate this when you're fantasizing a scenario that will never be practical and always winds up as the losers

What plight?

You chimps lost this war when the last law you managed to pass, 24 years ago, turned the gun you were trying to ban into the most popular rifle in the country overnight.

This current spergfest about gun laws is legitimately cringeworthy to watch.

>harming the plight to keep our gun rights

Explain how? It shifts the conversation and instills doubt.

Is it true the kid was also interviewed after another shooting a year ago? Enough to make anyone doubt if real.

Oh look, a sane post on pol. He didn't go far enough with his reasoning though; it's not just AR-15s that are going to be regulated.

RIP pol

>I realize you guys are stalwart with your conspiracy theories, but I just wanted to state that you are harming the plight to keep our gun rights and our movement with your "crises actors" nonsense.
The "you" you're addressing is 99 percent Russian shills who are trying to do damage to America. Everyone needs to recognize this so we can shut down the shill conspiracy theories. They're designed to divide and harm us.


Just disgusting


Also Bill and Hillary are legitimately allied with child traffickers. It shouldn't take more than Laura Silsby And Jeffrey Epstein to come to that conclusion. The fact the entire thing got called 'fake news' should tip you off to the nature of the media and the truth.

Do you care about the truth? Because I hold the truth as the highest ideal, but I'm not sure if that's something Jews believe, it certainly doesn't seem to be in my experience.

shut up kike


>being an optics cuck

Kill yourself, kike shill.

>concerned conservative here
You are trying too hard, shill. Its almost cringeworthy.

>doesn't realize assault weapon ban starts civil war

kys kike

Like you guys would leave your parents basement and serve.

Who will eat the hot pockets?

Bottom line: the people are distrusting the media
We are breaking the conditioning

They are shills and easily manipulated morons. The entire goal here is to discredit them and make them look crazy, and so far it is a smashing success.

Any conservative movement that doesn't address the racial question is doomed. Minorities will not give a shit about the constitution.

Come and get em

This is a concern troll slide thread. They are very organized today, probably because they know we’re on the right track as usual

Why hasn't the shooting footage been shown?
Why was a perfectly functional building demolished?
Why did the kid have a FUCKING EARPIECE during the interview?
The kid is literally a crisis actor that they were feeding lines to.

>No goyim, don't spread the truth! Don't you know that the truth hurts your cause? Just let it get covered up.

No youre not, maybe on the right track for the left.

I don't even know what I'm "sliding"

that republican flag is proof enough

only faggots associate with that icon

Thanks dude, this shit happens every time and I'm tired of it too, we can never get to the truth because its always obfuscated by Jews who make up silly theories and cause everyone to disrespect us. Or people who seriously think some gun modification will cause 2A to get repealed.

How about CNN fucks off?