Can we win with Israel?

Can we win with Israel?

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How many nukes you got?

Sampson option is a bluff

few, unoffical ones

USSR had nukes in Poland and they disappeared in early 90s

probably, our forgin relationships are a disaster to anyone we dont sell weapons to

You win this war with propaganda not conventional weapons.
Make Movies NOW
Make shitty ones with crappy gfx but make them fast and ride the wave of attention while it's still high

yeah dude. learn the truth. The Jewish people are not "one tribe". They are a collection of tribes that sorta cooperate purely for mutual self interest and protection. The one common thing amongst the elders of those groups is that they will all scratch eachother's backs.

Jewish youth is mixed, but the internet in all its corrosive power has shown in clear light how negative the older generations were towards their own people. Its just boomers going " i must keep getting mine till I die" but in fucking turbo mode, and some of the early model 1980s era and prior generation going "This seems good enough for me too"

Meanwhile just like the rest of the world the working class people are getting the dick.

You sure about that? Pretty sure you guys had to disarm to join NATO/EU.

I wonder why that is.

Yes just name the Jew.


Pszepraszam, but I don't think Poland's sneak level is high enough to pull that shit off.

actually poles are sneaky as fuck. Even hitler have said that their underground army was best organised ressistance ever.

If we managed to sell weapons via "humanitarian aid" to almost every side of arab spring conflicts we could as well be hiding a nuke or two.

this world is too small for two chosen nations
jews have to die

you underestimate us, the bureaucratic fuckery we can pull off is unmatched even by the Russians


and you're right.

there is no point in having nuclear weapon, and being quiet about it. That's not how it works.


This but unironically

No because your retarded Fictional Russian Enemy (tm) made you build a geo-political wall to the East.

As many Nationalists predicted you are getting trapped between the Zio-Globalist/American sword and the Russian wall that you built yourselves.

Tough shit, better start accepting faggot parades, liberated sperm-deposits and niggers.

Hungarians and Orban were much smarter, they have plenty of geo-political space to move to because they did not resorted to create fictional enemies in order to have a National purpose.


>Beat the Jew with a saber
Kek, what's this from?

Yeah, let's just become Putin's bitches like Orban, only 30 years after leaving USSR. What a great plan.



Cuck to Jews or Cuck to Russia/Putin. Neither are great options. Rock and a hard place
>But muhh Russia anti-zionist
Ya lets just ignore the massive amounts of Jewry present in USSR... I'm sure that vanished overnight right? That's why now that Israel is bankrupting the USA they are getting closer to Russia for military armaments. Hmm...


ever heard about Merkel roots and migrant crisis that destroyed every western country which we had personal issues with? germs for invasion, bongs and frogs for not helping us with hitler and commies, swedes for fucking deluge
Even Ukraine is getting blacked lately

you haven't yet see even the little part of Polish sneakery. You think who did kikes learn all those tricks from

We're not fighting against Israel.

Commie-jewry is the enemy.

1) There is no independence in this World and it has been that way for several centuries. This is especially true for smaller nations. Anyone who doesn't get this is a child.

2) What does the USSR has to do with modern Russia?! In fact the illiberal democracy and state capitalism that they have now is very similar to what the PiS party wants (but will never get while inside the JEWestern structure) and that makes the Fictional Russian Enemy (tm) even more retarded.

Is there a vetting process we can use to save the Jews who actually have souls?

You mean like an actual war or propaganda war? because if it's the former then we'll put you into jewish death camps in no time, but if it's the latter then you might pull this one off


polish-iranian alliance/defense pact when?

Not if my military has anything to say about it.


>There is no independence in this World
You have no idea what does it mean to be under Russia's boot for over 200 years, so kindly fuck off.

>What does the USSR has to do with modern Russia?!
If you honestly ask questions like that, there is no point of further discussion.

Since when you fight your own wars? Your military serves only to keep arab-niggers at bay. You use your dumb, effeminate American mercenaries and their 700 billion a year weapons to fight anything that is above the Hamas. You are even afraid of the Hezbollah.

Jews are The Female of Races. Your ultra-materialistic worldview, your parasitism, your manipulation, your lying, your emotional stupidity, your lack of physical courage is "The Female" in it's purest form.


No vet. Only ovens.

Poland should annex Germany

Ohh the historical grievences! 1946 a Russian grandmother that had lost all her family in Stalingrad had no grudges against Germans and in 2017 the Pole is crying because the Commies did to them 1/50th of what they did to the Russians. Ohhh the drama...

Russia = USSR?! You do know that they have a 13% flat-tax rate or that their population has full access to the Information Age and they even have almost all Western fakenews channels on their cable TV do you?

>Soviet Jewnion

ibf movies pouring out from hollywood portraying ww2 poles 2x as evil as the germans

Say it with me: JEWISH DEATH CAMPS.

I see not one violated hole, this thread sucks


Russians literally praise the Commie era as the "Golden Age of Russia". They also praise Red Army and Stalin from "saving Europe from fascism". Retard.

Not yet. Jews need Poles to help them contain Russia and also because the JEWuropean Union is at a very delicate phase and they are not interested in more JEWuropean divisions. They cannot take their pressure and propaganda too far yet.

Only if america grows a secondary brain.


And yet 85-90% of their votes goes to anti-communists, Putin and Zhirinovsky. Russians don't view the USSR in retarded black-and-white terms you retard.

Poland is western civilization...ok claim your place on the throne reclaim stolen lands, and remove the germans from the planets

NO, you have a fuckton of tanks that you can't put there and a navy that you can't move without alert the US, they have better air force more nukes and free credit with US, the real question is "Can they jew Poland?" now, Germany and France are less pro Israel because they have lots of muslims so maybe Poland could be ok

Yes, the Jew fears the Christ of Nations.

You are Slavs. You already won. DON'T EVER FORGET THAT

>Putin's bitch
Pick one. He's actually doing something good for once not being anyone's lapdog. A rare thing in Hungarian politics desu.

Israel is a state filled with hateful homicidal maniacs who think the world owes them monthly welfare checks.

>Poland is western civilization.
Says who?



.pl .hu .at .cz




That's because you are greedy and racist, which makes everyone else revert to the same tribalism.

Ignore the hate on here but you people need to change before 80% of the public starts to hate you passionately again.



Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev:
>”In the past, polonisation and latinisation of the Russian people would have been to the ruin of its spiritual self-existence, its national visage. Poland descended upon the Russian East with a sense of its own cultural superiority. The Russian spiritual type seemed to the Polish not some other spiritual type, but simply a lower and non-cultural condition.”
>”Altogether different is the Polish soul. The Polish soul -- is aristocratic and individualistic to the point of morbidity, in it so powerful is not only the sense of honour, connected with the knight-chivalrous culture unknown to Russia, but also an obdurate ambition. This is the most refined and elegant soul within Slavdom, drowning in its own suffering fate. Pathetic to the point of affectation. The mannerisms of the Polish soul always strike Russians as artificially elegant and sweet, lacking in simplicity and directness, and repelling in its sense of superiority and suspiciousness, of which the Polish are not free. The Polish have always seemed lacking in a sense of the equality of human souls before God, of brotherhood in Christ, as connected with the acknowledging of the infinite value of each human soul. The unique spiritual aspect of the Polish nobility has poisoned Polish life and played a fateful role in its state destiny. Russian man is little capable of such scorn, he does not love to give another man the feeling, that he is lower than him. Russian man is proud in his humility. The Polish soul however draws upward.”

chodakiewicz is fucking incompetent though, his burger is showing hard


Isreal doesn't have any...

Oh look it’s the polish patriot living in the UK with same few links again in each thread he goes.

No you cant.

>american education



Israel certainly did their best to help Trump get elected. For that alone, I say give them 4 years of support and see what happens.




wasn't he living in Sweden?

Honesty and humility from a Jew.

You're ok Shlomo

oh looks its mr fucking bean brush teeth kurwa jebany brit brudny szmato ty
