Was he supposed to off himself or was he supposed to get caught?

This has been the least convincing false flag ever.What was his role in this.Was he supposed to kill himself but fucked up like eveyone else involved?

Why would he kill himself? He had fun killing people and now they're going to give him a free place to live in.

He was late to the party. Was supposed to do the shooting in the morning when David Hogg did the video during the first fire alarm.

Covert ops team came in and brought in some bodies while the kids were made to wait in classrooms.

Cruz showed up later in the day, pulled the second fire alarm, shot some rounds but pussied out when he saw the dead bodies already there, and evacuated with the kids who were now being told to evacuate after being locked up in their rooms.

Cruz hoped to just disappear and went to McDicks and the rest is history.

Most likely going to get suicided if thats the case


look at this picture of him and his brother. It all looks so staged. I dunno what the fuck

Wrong. Nobody died.

The blonde chick that was walking with Cruz said that she had expected him to be the one shooting which means that she already knew that he was the designated patsy. Somehow he got away and was able to escape the school avoiding the Mossad Jews from suiciding him.

Of course the photo is staged. People stage photos. Every photo is staged. Have you never heard anybody say "Ready?" as they take your picture?

That picture is super weird. Photographing that moment is a strange choice also. Members of my family have been cremated and laying the urn to rest is similar to lowering the casket into the ground. This isnt a photo opportunity. Furthermore, who is there with the camera asking for the picture to be taken? Very bizarre.

he looks literal special-ed class retarded.
like wtf fo real?

What's weird about it?

Looks like a shoop
Left side of cruzs face has odd pixels

did you even read my post?

Now, they are holding his brother hostage.
I wonder if the only person in the world that the "racist" Cruz cares about is his black brother.

>Was getting caught part of his plan?

Theres tons of reports about multiple shooters and NO PROOF he had a gun at all. There's no proof that real rounds were fired and there's no proof that he took and Uber anywhere.


>(((involuntarily committed)))
They said this would happen...

He didn't do shit. He didn't even know he was the fall guy.

came here for this

Holy shit

That's the same bitch who took them both in when their mother died and kicked Nikolas out of her home while holding onto the estate herself. Now she is going to settle it in court herself, and committed an 18 year-old brother to make sure of it?

Just how Jewish IS this community, exactly?

Nick was already an adult when he started living with them, how do they think they have any claim to the adoptive mothers estate. Even younger brother Zach is an adult as of today. And it doesn't matter how horrendous of a crime he committed, he cant be exclude him from his inheritance.. Just some strange shit going on

>free place to live in.
and free cocks in the ass. Do you know what an american prison is leaf?

They always kill themselves, even Elliot rogers did that.

It proves he's non-white.

He took the black pill and became a spree killer Chad. Just like James Holmes, he'll be getting naked pictures and love letters from roasties while in prison.


>implying a leaf would consider that a bad thing

>least convincing false flag ever.

Las Vegas "Harvest Festival" Massacre

MKULTRA'd. Already confessed.