Ive wanted to be a reporter on 60 minutes since I was 8”

Is Hogg using a tragedy to eventually get himself his dream job?

His reddit username is DavisGreen111


Other urls found in this thread:


He's just a youtube-era kid, and being from an FBI home he's simply a high achiever. His parents and the media are enabling and using his dreams to pursue the agenda. He's not a villian. Just another shallow vapid kid from privileged settings.

Reddit admins have already scrubbed that account, also banned anyone from talking about it.

>High Achiever
lmaoing at you fags


If he wanted to be in news he really fucked it all up with his horribly scripted crisis acting.


>Pathetic critical thinking skills
Yep, he's a Democrat

Russian shilling non-stop. Nice proxy faggot.



lol busted. Shilling faggot.

Nice meme flag, faggot

>Using conspiracy theories because people actually agree with control.
Yep, he's Republican.
Btw Pro Second amendment here. How pathetic is it when a democrat's emotional argument is better than yours because yours is fucking conspiracy and literal nonsense.

Hey I'm not the Russian paid to whore Sup Forums with retarded posts.

explain this.


You're right. You're a jew and you're not even paid to shill. You're forced to do it.

You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded

boomer tuber who annoys me

Hahahaha what a brainlet

Yes, keep using the Jew meme on anyone who calls you out on your bullshit. This shit is fake as fuck.

>Just another shallow vapid kid from privileged settings.
>privileged settings.
holy shit that's it. All we have to do is raise the issue of why everyone cares about this but not when kids from the hood are shot. They're already willing to go for each others throats, just douse them in bbq sauce.

Do you quote movies from 2006 because that was the last time you felt alive?

Please do explain Moshe

Never trust a green guy

Does it matter? He has a dream and he's pursuing it at whatever cost to his reputation. He's actually doing a good thing with his time instead of wasting his life playing vidya, wathing anime, and becoming a 4channer.

I just said he was stupid, thus a Democrat. Obviously you are just as fucking dumb because you responded to that with conspiracy theories and gun control. Ease off the sugar youngster, it's getting late and you need to get to bed.

Low iq I guess. My gfs iq is only 119 and she got a 2100 with tutoring. This kid spent potentially hundred if not thousands of hours studying extra, yet his parents couldn't drop $2k on SAT tutoring fees. If I didn't know how much of an add this kid was, I might feel bad for him. Oh well. Karmas a bitch. Have fun at South Florida State you little faggot.

Fuck off CIA Nigger.

He's lucky some crazy bastard high as fuck on meth doesn't go down there and make his wish come true(to be on 60 Minutes.
After all, as a convicted felon, I follow the law. Always have.

Taking out the trash one night, accidents happen. Right FBI?
That would suck, what terrible luck.

Even the most retarded of democrats don't obsessively rifle through news to patch together a retarded conspiracy theory. And some of them believe in healing crystals.
That's what I was saying.
>Can't fucking read
>Weak banter

You sound a lot like a dem yourself.

CNN is giving him scripts to read and he's doing their bidding because it's a big break for him. Never let a tragedy go do waste.

I can't fucking wait til everyone in America is morbidly obese and whenever someone says to eat some vegetables you retards call them CIA shills.

The whole thing was a hoax.

>wants to be a reporter
>put in the middle of a tragedy
>first hand, unique account - like a field reporter

what the fuck did you think he was going to do. If you like sports, and Lebron approaches you to shoot hoops, you play ball.

If you like video games and some professional asks you to scrim, you're going to play.

if you like movies, and you're offered a role to act for Scorsese, you're gonna act.

The kid is being given the opportunity to act as a first hand, eye witness in reporter-style discussions with his own commentary. Of course he is in.

If Trump asked you to speak at a rally, wouldn't you take that opportunity?

Democrats don't rifle through news to claim something is a conspiracy theory because Democrats are the ones inside high schools killing kids in false flags to push gun control, harassing old ladies at their house to push russian collusion, and spying on political rivals in an effort to maintain power.

You'd think since now that there are so many hoax shootings, someone would have leaked, someone would have given us actual evidence beside some old news footage that was edited to fit the frame.

The kid is not at all an actor. An actor would actually be coached into saying things coherently with emotion and effect. He's definitely pushing an agenda but it's probably because he saw people get killed and truly believes in what he's saying.
>inb4 he talks like a real high school kid because he was trained 15d chess.

FYI - for a white kid coming from an affluent community, a 2100 won't get you anywhere. Maybe to University of Florida.

This kid wants to hit a top 10 school, without a doubt. He needs a 2260, maybe higher to have a chance.

also IQ is a joke.

>2k on tutoring
Nigger what? Just spend $19.99 on a book or some shit. Hell the first time I took the sat I was still drunk from the night be and I still scored 1550 (it was still out of 1600 back then). Shit for less than 2k you can just get a fake id and have some chink take the thing for you

This is just further proof that reddit is shit tier - never post anything on reddit on any account twice. never post anything on reddit or any other forum that tracks posts, but if you have to atleast use a fucking different account for it every time

The tutoring is the thing that matters most or studying, I didn’t study and only did a summer tutoring session and only got 1850 on my first attempt

some kids just can't cut it. I know some in my town couldn't. thousands (tens of thousands) on tutoring and classes led to 1900s. You gotta have the brain too.

>He thinks that democrats are still the power in charge.
>Trump is suddenly democrat again

y-your're right. You've unlocked the secret of the democratic hivemind. When awakened, we all together watch Bill Maher in perfect unison, laughing and booing when the crowd laughs and boos. Then, at the command of arbiter Colbert, we shout our daily "Fuck Trump" Chants. Most of my last few months has gone directly to networking candidates to participate in false flag operations, and even though WE HAVEN'T SUCCEEDED IN GETTING YOUR GUNS YET AFTER SO MANY TRIES, we eventually will. One of these days, even though right now it looks like people are pretty adamant on the second amendment, we will break you down.

More like Stanford instead of Harvard. Both his parents are FBI and highly connected. Now with the entire MSM behind him he's a guaranteed Harvard admit. Then on to Columbia J-School and CBS or NBC News. That is, unless Sup Forums manages to discredit him before he leaves the news cycle.

Eh all depends when I was younger I got tested for IQ mine was 127. All depends on your study habits. Everyone I know that got a 2200+ studied their asses off. Too lazy for that. Also if you don’t pay attention or arnt diligent during tutoring it’s obviously not gonna help.

meh, idk. it was worth it for me.
also got my IQ tested in person for some 'gifted students program' when I was younger. some ridiculously high number that I don't believe and don't care to verify. fuck IQ tests. battle royale-style fights should replace them.