Homosexuality isn't normal

>homosexuality isn't normal

I haven't finished discussing this and will continue to post this until I'm done

Other urls found in this thread:


>rape happens even in the animal kingdom
who knew?

>killing your neighbor and eating his kids is normal
Oh look this thread again, and look at the flag!

what you saying mate, that you're not above animals and must submit to that behaviour?

hey OP, it seems normal enough for you, faggot


Well I wasn't done and the mods think they can censor stuff

I'm legitimately surprised faggotry hasn't died to darwinism yet. It has no evolutionary purpose.

faggotry is a glitch in evolution, it happens, but its a glitch and its gay as fuck

>conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
>homosexuality is normal

Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in mine,

Neither does bloating into a two-legged landwhale, but it still happens because we're comfortable enough to allow it to happen.

The storage of extra calories as fat does have an evolutionary purpose. You're probably right about it being due to behavioural sink, though.

What is wrong with homosexuality ?

that's because evolution is not how things work

>remaking the thread immediately
seems legit. sage and report

A strong male fucking another strong male is the most masculine thing you can do. It's the apex of masculinity.

Having a little bit of extra fat does. Being effective spherical does not.

Fags are a result of a brain malfunction.
It's not something that gets passed down since they don't reproduce but it happens all the time anyways.

Same reason why so many people have foot fetishes. Brain glitching out cause the sex center misfires.

Porn made me attracted to a lot of weird shit. I have been no fap for a week and I still have thoughts about stuff. Will I get better?

>implying that makes it OK.
It's a biological defect, OP.

why? One of the answers is genes that code for homosexuality do other things too like increase intelligence and creativity. It's also a myth that a guy person can't fuck a female, if you can masturbate with your hand, you can use a pussy to do the same thing.

>implying the body has a cut off point for calorie intake

That's not how it works, but morbidly obese people DO have reproductive problems. Most morbidly obese women have severe problems conceiving - which in itself is disgusting, and probably nature trying to tell them something.

>Porn made me attracted to a lot of weird shit.

You've been Jewed, my dude. That was the whole goal of porn, and it worked.

>It's not something that gets passed down since they don't reproduce
Plenty of closet fags with entire families carrying on the genes

Male homosexuality more common than female
Female homosexuality has no purpose in nature because hetero males fuck them anyways.
Females get gay because of disgust towards the male gender (abuse and fall of our male strength since lefties took over)
Male homosexuality has a purpose in nature, having less children. Its pupulation control. Nowadays we masturbate and have sex too much, and our collective brain thinks we have like 1 bazillion people on earth, our brain doesn't know that we only ejacuate onto the flor or into a condom. instead it makes us gay. So gayness happens when our civilization reaches its climax. Like ancient greece, rome, and now the whole western world. Soon we collapse....

I Imagine that I will mentally heal after a long time of No fap. I will just have to abstain irl from anything degenerate.

Exclusive homosexuality isn't natural at all. No animal has ever exhibited an exclusive attraction for the same sex. All animals partake in heterosexual sex when given the chance. Even animals aren't fags.

>Will I get better?
You're on the right path. To get to the next level you need to worry less about sex, and what gets you off. After a few weeks/month+ of nofap just about anything will do it my dude. Start reconditioning yourself to find traditional shit really god damned hot, work with it, and soon you should be good to go.

There's been so far not much evidence linking genes to homosexuality.

Regarding lions, it's more of a one time off thing. Lions who fug other male lions still breed like normal ones. Homosexual humans though, seem to forego this thing.

You should look up the definition of the word "normal".

Homosexuality is LITERALLY not normal.

You are bisexual boy, it's not going away.

this is so stupid

homosexual behavior can be observed in plenty of species of animals, doesn't make it normal behavior or a common ocurrence or that it means they love each other since love doesn't exist in animals other than humans

call me when homosexual animals start breeding then I will have a say whether it is normal or not

Most, if not all observation of homosexual behavior in animals has been in captivity. As in, a not normal situation. I also don't think there have been any examples of animals behaving like total faggots like you.

>It has no evolutionary purpose.
It delays overpopulation.

Well thats not true because I used to be disgusted by homosexuals until I was watching trap porn. I really think that I just have to heal mentally. I have been reading a lot about porn and I think I am addicted to arousal and if I succeed at no fap I will get better.

homosexuality is fuckin gay lol

I guess rape is normal than too and should be legal
also same sex intercourse among animals is about dominance and getting a quick one off not being homosexual
there are no homosexual animals
all the animals that rape same sex animals also have sex with females
also notice how there are no lesbian animals (no. asexual animals are not lesbian) because they can't rape each other
there are hardly any animals that have monogamous relationships and those that do are never with the same sex

homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a myth and animals raping each other because they're stupid animals doesn't somehow dispute this
there are no animals that are sexually attracted to members of their gender

How is this politics

Homosexuality is the definition of normal, it happens in all cultures and it happened thousands and thousands of years ago when there was no "jewish" media. Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Native Americans, all of them had history of homosexuality.

>genetic dead ends are natu-

>love doesn't exist in animals other than humans
holy shit you're an idiot

i agree with you. but i dont think thats something Worth killing other for.

Only male homosexuality does this. Female homosexuality is a myth, and it happens when females lose thrust in the males

>muh LGBT revisionist history
Romans Hated homosexuality and used it as an insult
just because they recorded it's existence doesn't mean they liked it
they recorded everything because they understood that historic records should reflect the truth

>believing in evolution
Nice meme

>what are beards

Fags had to be fags in privet, so they did the traditional thing and get married, have kids and a good job. They were still carrying on their genes while also buttfucking other dudes in gay bathhouses.

homosexuality isn't normal user
it may occur naturally but it doesn't make it normal

number of homosexuals divided by the global population

and as long this number is >0,5 homosexuality will not become normal.

Cannibalism and rape also occurs in the animal kingdom. Humans are held to a different standard, so therefore that kind of shit isn't accepted in a civilized society.
Fuck off OP

Normal: adj. as per the norm.

Anything that isn't the majority is by definition not normal.

You're associating normal with good, which is wrong.

Homosexuality is literally not normal. Stop misusing words.

kek you're an ignorant retard m8
animals do not and cannot experience the complex human emotion we call love

Giraffes, but for the most part you're right.

They also have a history of pedophilia. Your point?

Actually, it was only "gay" to be the submissive one, the penetrator was not considered gay in any way. Your argument is moot.

Mein Neger

How is homosexuality being found in nature an argument for it?

My dog humps pillows, legs whatever it can for relieve itself. Nature doesn't have the concept of attraction and relationships. Nature is about breeding and surviving. Nature came first, so yes, homosexualty isnt normal. It only came into existence when man happend. Because man can choose to change direction and not follow nature. Gay men, that's a choice. Because, he's not incapable of mating with a women. He just chooses not to. Being gay is something that happens as you grow, and its something you continue to choose to do

Except we gonna have robot waifus with artificial wombs.
The future is now, old man.

We know for example that children who were abused are more likely to be homosexual, so it's not 100 % genetically deterministic.

that's a myth with no real evidence
Same with the gay penguins

What about tel aviv?

Youre delusional. How are you gonna get one? You're not getting one. You're just another little cuck who's just gonna watch other men impregnate robots. You're fucking pathetic mate

Homoexualiy has been observed in over 1,500 species. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals

It is excessively rare in human cultures in the world or only implied from evidence. In other animals, homosexuality is also excessively rare but for non-existent for exclusively homosexual (having homosexual orientation) in other animals.

So no, it is not normal in any regard.

Come on you cunt, you ain't even tryin.

Saying it's a myth doesn't make it a myth. The easiest way to lose an argument is to overextend your opinion. You're not doing yourself any favors by denying documented cases of specific species of animal regularly engaging in homosexual pairings. It's enough that it isn't true for 99% of species, you don't need to literally deny every single instance of it.

Lions eat the children of other lions to make the females desire more children. By your logic eating children of others is completely natural because it happens in nature.


wtf does that have to do with anything?
homosexual activities in Roman society was extremely uncommon
the idea that
>alpha Roman males had intercourse with weak young males all the time!
is a bs myth made up by faggot revisionists and it was not common in any sense of the word
and those that did do that were looked upon as abhorrent

Homosexuality is as normal as putting penis into grapefruit

Correction: humans have observed what they personally identify as "homosexual activity" in animals. Animals are not homosexuals the way humans are in that in most all cases it does not appear to be either a deliberate choice for male partners exclusively, and often it is homosexual sex only.

Animals don't typically exclusively mate with and pair with the same sex or make specific bonds with same sex only. It just almost never happens.

Nah like everytime we should save our civilization. Save our manipulated females. We gave them the feeling, that they can be like us. It was our mistake and we have to revoke this shit what happened after ww2. Jews are selling Robot waifus you fool

Afaik it was common for roman patricians to have male sex slaves.

you need to actually read the comment chain
we've already established that animals are stupid and rape each other all the time
but there are no animals that prefer the same sex and there are no animals that pair with the same sex
so They are not "homosexual" they're just stupid animals and often it's about dominance not sexual preference
all evidence that suggests otherwise is anecdotal

Mods kill this thread already. I honestly don't see how you can argue this unless you're just willfully ignorant.

It's almost like individuals have individual and unique preferences. It's almost like homosexuality isn't automatically a preset, but rather is often a consequence of who one falls in love with.
>Whoa! That would mean not all gays are promiscuous degenerates afterall! Can't let that fact change the ideological narrative though!

>he remade the thread

this is such a jewish written article

homosexual behavior means nothing

I could engange in "homosexual behavior" and doesn't mean I'm actually a homosexual

according to that article logice if I kiss a guy like theycdo in certain countries as salute or I kiss my dad that means I engaged in homosexualbehavior

pure BS

>animals can't be mentally disabled

no I'm not overextending shit
there are zero homesexual animals on earth and there is zero evidence that suggests otherwise
a documentary by some LGBT retard with a clear agenda trying to skew his findings is not evidence
the burden of proof is on those that believe that homosexual pairings happen in the animal kingdom and there is no hard evidence that this actually happens

that's because LGBT revisionist history rules the internet
it was not common but it did happen

Do you have any sources? I am quite interested.

>Nature doesn't have the concept of attraction and relationships
Not really true.

>no I'm not overextending shit
Yes, you are. In typical Sup Forums fashion, you are overextending your argument because you think you're somehow "winning more" if you deny every single last thing that you possibly view as a threat to your view.

Thus why you are denying anything you don't like as a myth or revisionist history. "EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS A JEWISH OR GAY LIE!". Do you even listen to yourself?

Even if faggotry is found in nature, y'know what isn't? Lube.

It's time to ban ass lube.

I suspect he's somewhat correct when it comes to classical civilisation. I've no doubt it's exaggerated and often interpreted with that particular bias in mind.

burden of proof is on those claiming it was common when there's no indication there was
and there is little to no evidence that it was common

as for evidence that it was uncommon Thats pretty easy
for example Roman laws under Christian rule banned homosexual acts
even executing those who received anal sex
so clearly it wasn't common enough for their to be LGBT rights groups making laws to protect their members

I think he means the animal concept of an attraction or relationship is significantly different from how humans perceive it. Animals don't have "dating" like humans do. They don't really have a concept of "other fish in the sea", or hurt pride from a failed romantic venture, or a million other things that humans do that animals do not.

The concept of exclusively pursuing relationships with other animals based on sex/genitals is exclusive to humans, so the idea that an animal could even be homosexual is far fetched because they lack the mental capacity to make a conscious decision to solely pursue the same sex(and most all species do not do so by chance purely by instinctual attraction)

I was never brainwashed or sexually abused and I started to feel attracted to males when I was 13. Pride marches are disgusting and I think there's a politicized agenda being pushed on youth now. I just want to be an upstanding member of society and gay.

they probably think that because that's literally their job

>it's found in nature, that means it's normal

Yay for rape, cannibalism, incest and murder I guess.

There is a huge difference between skepticism of potential revisionism and being bullheadedly sure of it simply because you don't like what it has to say. He is a clear example of the latter.

>In christian rome

We know for example that the roman legions brought greek hedonism back home after their conquests so it does seem like there is more evidence for patrician homosexuality.


>get raped as a kid
>coincidentally become a fag

You are right jew but still a jew she dedamotynulo

>It was against the law, and therefore it wasn't common!

Holy fucking christ, you are certifiably retarded. I was being nice before but it's very clear now that you have no capacity for deep thought. By your dumbshit argument, the US doesn't have a drug addiction problem because it's against the law to use it illicitly! Wow! Future historians, take note.

there is nothing wrong with having sex with teen boys.

no I'm not a stormnigger
but I do know there is a concerted effort to try and prove homosexuality is normal through both historical evidence, biological evidence, and zoological evidence
but in all three of those fields of study all suggested evidence supporting the views of pro-LGBT "scientists" is questionable at best
there is evidence that can be interpreted as homosexual pairings in the animal kingdom but there is no hard evidence and all the evidence that is provided can be dismissed as easily as the poofter can say that it proves that he's normal
in other words it isn't conclusive in any way

Animals also cannibalize themselves, eat feces, rape, kill their family etc. This is a non-argument youre making.

you're an idiot
making drugs illegal is as comparable to making homosexuality legal as it is comparable to making guns illegal
you're just a loser who can't accept that hes wrong

if homosexuality was as COMMON as LGBT revisionists claim then in a democratic society there would be enough people to vote for it to be protected by the law
and since it wasn't legal at the height of Roman degeneracy clearly indicates that it was never nearly as common as ppl lIke you claim

but like I said earlier burden of proof is on those claiming it was common
and there is zero evidence that it was anything more than extremely uncommon degenerate behavior looked down upon by the majority of Roman society even before Christian rule

Homosexuality is unideal as it has no regular way of producing offspring.
Same way barren women and sterile men are unideal.

You wouldn't wish it upon your children, but if that's the way they are you shouldn't hold it against them.

Transgenderism is a whole different problem.