Ahh feelz good man

The south african whitey genocide is finally approached I would like to thank jews, Chinese,cucked west and Russians.

Be careful of what you may say negro, or youll have your testicles sliced off and hung on a tree

Can anyone feel bad for whites in SA? I mean they had the chance in the early 90's to start fighting back and taking out some of the ANC leadership but they failed to do anything.

kind of a bitch when the ANC is being funded by zionists and niggers love to be paid to kill, fuck niggers

Be careful of what you may say whitey Mohammed is right around the corner btw keep your women safe

Is that a problem man don't worry l'll leave Europe in 30 yrs when it's fully Islamic and collapses

> (You)
>Be careful of what you may say whitey Mohammed is right around the corner btw keep your women safe

Be careful what you say tyrone, Chad virgin cock is coming to lure your negro females


But fuck black women. Tho? The goal is too make Brazil 2.0 in America thanks for joining in tho


Oh thats fine as long as young white boys can get nigger mullato qyaderno octerno pussy

fake. white boys dont have dicks that big.

> (You)
>fake. white boys dont have dicks that big.
I assure you its real



>Chad virgin cock is coming to lure your negro females
How will jigaboos ever recover?





Lol can't even compete even white girls are willing too suck moldy toes

Throwing a rock instead of sticking his fists up man to man with honor. The skin color checks out.

You coons always fight in packs because you're afraid of taking us on one-on-one. It was the same story back when I was in school. No shame, no honor, no sense of sportsmanship. Every American kid who's been to an at least 20%-or-so black school like I did has chimp out stories.

> (You)
>Lol can't even compete even white girls are willing too suck moldy toes

Niggers cant compete when their females are willing to get choked by a white chad than suck nigger cock



Yup, maoris in new zealand do it as well
Seems to be common among darker skinned races

black men will tell you they are unfazed by black women's attraction to white men, but what they say on their nigger forums paints a different picture

That boer probably fucked that black boy up the ass after school, probably along with the whole rugby team

fuck off nigger, dont associate us with you, niggers are far inferior in comparsion with arabs.

Who said I want to associate with Muslims btw ALLAH IS A CUNT