How would you change communism in order for it to work?

How would you change communism in order for it to work?

Make the entire world population Scandinavian.

Just tweak a few things so that there is private property and ownership of the means of production. Do keep the authoritarian state though (I know, it's just for the "transition period", comrade) and crack down on faggots and other degenerates. That seems like a workable system,

have it with free market capitalism and a small limited government that protects individual rights

source pls

No revolution. The transition to gommunism happens as and when it's able to, not as a result of a revolution. there must be an overabundance of all resources.

obligatory OwO what's this

Simply implement full robotic automation when or if it ever becomes available ( and it's well on it's way ).
Then divide up the resources equally among the population.
This suddenly makes this type of communism different than any that came before ( and failed ).
Because it makes machines the slaves.
Not the people. The people simply benefit from machine slavery.

More free shit

Easy, I'd abandon communism and move on to something that works.
You cannot make communism work in the real world. There has to be an infinite supply of everything and things just have to magically get done.

Communism does work already.

Prijatelju, ne seri

>overabundance of all resources
This will never happen. People will never feel like they have enough. There will always be a market for something. Even with automation, there'd still be a market for services (which would be 100% of the workforce under full automation).

what in the fuck am i looking at
is that a wolf with communist cock

I think you're confusing private property with personal property. You literally just described the soviet union

> works

First, purge any trace of it's image as a pack of furries and faggots. Degeneracy is rife in Western Socialism.

It would be a war crime.

Then reverse the brain drain. Offer massive incentives in the building of a true merit-based, high-oversight meritocracy. Reclaim the higher ideals of mankind they had in the past.

Put a mind control microchip in everyones' brains and assign people as willing slaves to a central control AI.

private is synonymous with personal in burgertongue.

The distinction we'd make is private/public.


Druze, ne seri

Kill all commies

Private property is your toothbrush factory, personal property is your toothbrush. This is the terminology that's been used for 100 years, but okay. What does public property mean? That's the end goal right? You want the toothbrush factory to be owned by the public, but until it is, it's called private property, because it's used to extract profit.

youre fucking retarded. In Marxism private property refers to ownership of the means of production or anything that generates wealth for one or a small group of individuals. You would still have personal property in communism

I would take capitalism.

Change the name to "communism"

Change literally nothing else.

the world would probably implode if this happened
the only reason people don't do whatever the fuck they want all day is because you need to work in order to live. that's a lot of time and energy spent not doing degenerate shit

having people work in the administration that actually know how economics work
also have it established in countries with an economy that actually has something to offer

promote nationalism and national pride
increase individual freedom and losen up the economic restrictions slightly to allow small business to commence. promote enviormentalism, have a nuclear, space and experimental weaponry program. heavily promote the idea of the ideal working man and the perfect mother while rightfully demonizing the decedance of the western world.
buy +-500 T90s that russia is soon to replace with the armata

I wouldn't. The Marxists lost me forever when I realised that if you dare to disagree with them, to even the slightest degree, the only thing they care about is making sure that no one else ever hears you speak.

Communism isn't about anything positive. It isn't about "liberating" workers. It isn't about creating a better society. It is purely and exclusively about controlling how other people think; and I know this because again, if you don't agree with them, there is nothing they can't rationalise doing to you. Once you've been declared an enemy of the people, anything goes; you can be tortured, murdered, it's all fine. You don't exist in their minds as a human being any more. It doesn't matter what happens to you.

We aren't talking about marxism lad. read the title of the thread you special little individualist snowflake

look at who created wasn't intended to work for more than a select few

rid history of any mention of it

Whites only

Free helicopter rides oughta make it better

By eliminating it

what the fuck are you saying private property is part of capitalism, and communism is there to destroy capitalism, nobody would have private property in a communist society, pealse study your own ideals before you go out and try to even discuss what you apparently don't have an idea on what you believe.
-communism aims to put an end to capitalism and private property.
-communism proposes that only a select group (representing the State) control the means of production.
-communism is an economic and political system that aims to distribute resources to each person according to their needs.
so that fucking idea that you have in your head of a happy world with communism is never going to happen, the only ones that you make happy with communism is the government, try to look this up and change your ideals because you have no fucking idea of what you are saying.

>1 its need to stop being communism

I'd throw away all the economic control aspects as well as the massive state aspect. I'd throw it all away, and allow people to do as they will naturally, which is engage in mutually beneficial exchange with one another however they wish to do so, so long as there is no aggressive force utilized to derail the natural chain of property rights transfers.