Shits on scholars and academics for a few minutes because they read christian books from a thousand years ago to reach...

>shits on scholars and academics for a few minutes because they read christian books from a thousand years ago to reach a conclusion as to what might have happened at the time because those are the only writings we have
>btw you should buy my wife's book she explains it better because she remembers her past lives and that is a better source :)

he seems more and more cucked / pussy-whipped with each video he makes


He really is a smart guy that can make a good argument. Unless it's about Christianity. That's a huge blindspot and where his cogdis turns rationality to rationalizing. Very similar to the scholars and academics that he criticizes and with similar objections. I bet he realizes it, too.

Nobody cares what a Russian propagandist says or thinks.

"If the famous Scipio Nasica were now alive, who was once your pontiff, and was unanimously chosen by the senate, when, in the panic created by the Punic war, they sought for the best citizen to entertain the Phrygian goddess, he would curb this shamelessness of yours, though you would perhaps scarcely dare to look upon the countenance of such a man. For why in your calamities do you complain of Christianity, unless because you desire to enjoy your luxurious license unrestrained, and to lead an abandoned and profligate life without the interruption of any uneasiness or disaster? For certainly your desire for peace, and prosperity, and plenty is not prompted by any purpose of using these blessings honestly, that is to say, with moderation, sobriety, temperance, and piety; for your purpose rather is to run riot in an endless variety of sottish pleasures, and thus to generate from your prosperity a moral pestilence which will prove a thousandfold more disastrous than the fiercest enemies. It was such a calamity as this that Scipio, your chief pontiff, your best man in the judgment of the whole senate, feared when he refused to agree to the destruction of Carthage, Rome's rival and opposed Cato, who advised its destruction. He feared security, that enemy of weak minds, and he perceived that a wholesome fear would be a fit guardian for the citizens. And he was not mistaken; the event proved how wisely he had spoken..."

"For when Carthage was destroyed, and the Roman republic delivered from its great cause of anxiety, a crowd of disastrous evils immediately resulted from the prosperous condition of things. First concord was weakened, and destroyed by fierce and bloody seditions; then followed, by a concatenation of baleful causes, civil wars, which brought in their train such massacres, such bloodshed, such lawless and cruel proscription and plunder, that those Romans who, in the days of their virtue, had expected injury only at the hands of their enemies, now that their virtue was lost, suffered greater cruelties at the hands of their fellow citizens. The lust of rule, which with other vices existed among the Romans in more unmitigated intensity than among any other people, after it had taken possession of the more powerful few, subdued under its yoke the rest, worn and wearied." - City of God - Book 1 - Chapter 30 - By Saint Augustine

ITT russian shills who want you to worship a kike on a stick

Yeah, totally.
I mean it isn't like the Catholic Church invites the Jews to abandon their errors and false teachings and convert to the True Faith...

Is this moron's IQ above 80?

He follows a religion for which the majority of what we know about it was preserved by Christian Monks. So, make of that what you will. It's like a follower of pre Islamic paganism "returning to his roots" through learning from Muslims scholars and writings.

Why aren't you Christian?
-Without Christianity none of the knowledge we possess today would have been possible, education stems from the Church
-The world would not have been colonized
-Islam would have been expelled long ago if we were a Christian Nation like our Founding Fathers intended.
-The evidence for God, is overwhelming, read "Intelligent Design", "Correct, Not Politically Correct" and "Stealing from God" to get a better idea
-Macro Evolution has never been proved by Science, to put it more bluntly, Darwin was wrong
-In a Christian society, usury is outlawed, we would have never had to face the Jewish Question if we didn't lose our Faith.

Whew...good thing paganism is about struggle and virtue. Truth over comfort, and all that, unlike the weak people Augustine is responding to.

>Paganism is about struggle and virtue
>The god's of Rome practiced incest, adultery, murder, lies, and theft
>Their gods literally can be conquered in combat or tricked.
>They worshiped people like Nero as a living god
>Uh huh.

Islam? Expelled? You mean like how Isabella made the Jews and Muslims become outwardly Christian and blend into the population of Spain during the reconquista? Sorry, I can't stand behind civic nationalism, Christian or secular.

Spain was already nonwhite lol

Christian isn't civic nationalism
I love blacks, and because I love them all I can do for them is give them the word and leave them to their own devices, they're not happy being outside their element.

I mean, the ancients made it pretty clear that the gods' vices were just that, vices, so that's going to have to be a non-argument.
As for the emperor, the purpose of course is to honor and respect him as the foremost among the patres patriae, but I'm sure some dumbasses might have thought that, but you are a bit confused here. The emperor (if considered worthy) was made divine after his death by Senate decree, to permanently honor his memory as a symbol of Roman ideals. This is of course done alongside historians' works showing the good and bad (and their own bias, naturally)

>Christians made Neanderthals look ugly because they hated the idea of "Nordic forefathers" being greater than Jews
Has this guy gone completely insane? Their reconstructions of dinosaurs weren't that great either, what was that prove. Hell, a lot of these scholars weren't even Christians.

>When they ask for sources they demand that you use Christian sources
This getting more and more idiotic. No, you retard, they demand primary sources. Most scholars would probably kill for sources written by pagans. But it's not their fault that Nordic pagans barely wrote anything down. Hell, without Christians you wouldn't even have the sagas.

He is full of shit with Dunning Kruger effect
If he was really smart he would keep mouth shut in matters he doesn't understand (everything but rpg)

how to I use the 'old capcha' instead of that fucking trash ?