Honest question for racists

I'm not a racist, but I want to understand the logic behind it, appreciate ur answers
okay so say
>blacks have lower IQ, warrior gene etc
>this combination of traits leads to worse outcomes for society
>someone happens to be born black
>they are statistically more likely to have a detrimental effect on society
>hence they should be removed from a less bad (i.e white/asian) society
to me this seems like punishing someone who has already been dealt a bad hand by the accident of birth, to give an analogy

>person born with congenital condition
>can't work, needs medical care to live
>is a net detriment to society

should this person also be removed from society? are racists completely amoral? what is the moral/logical justification for punishing someone for the accident of their birth? is it just 'shit luck pal, GTFO'

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So? This just proves we need to remove them before they have a chance to have babies in the ethnostate

I'm a racist but I don't advocate for deportation of legal citizens nor eugenics
I just cross the road if a group of blacks are walking towards me

If your highest goal is to improve society, then yes, you should remove both individuals from society. I wouldn't want to live in a death cult though.

but it could have just have easily been you, unless you are a libertarian who doesnt care about taxation society is useful in so much as it leverages the wealth of people for public good, what would u do in the case I gave, of someone who could not contribute? I get the full nat soc thing of killing all undesirables, that is consistent, but anything else seems like a contradiction

yeah I get that, it's like a heuristic thing, u make a snap judgement because blacks are more likely to commit crime, that's not really what I'm talking about tho, im more talking about actual policy/ethnostate people

Why are you so afraid to live in a country that was built by your own people? Why do you want to live in a white country so badly?

From what I've seen here and on Sup Forumstards posting outside this containment board, the actual reason behind it is very simple: keep europe european, kick all non europeans, with european meaning racially european. The same applies for anglospehre countries

With the handicapped, society can stroke them a check and mostly put them out of sight and out of mind.

With blacks, society strokes them a check and they still commit violent crimes (rapes, murder, shooting, armed robbery), ruin out schools, and degenerate our culture.

im not afraid of that, I dunno what you mean

so it is just 'shit luck, get out' then? i.e. 'fuck you I got mine'

So go back, what's the purpose of this thread? The "accident of birth" decides many factors in your life. Try entering a rich family's house and telling them you want to live there because it's not your fault you were born poor. Try walking up to a woman and telling her she can't refuse you because it's not your fault you weren't born a Chad.
Non-whites will just have to make do with building their own civilization in their own land.

well yeah actually I do believe in taxation which is ofc a form of wealth redistribution so in some sense I am telling the rich person that because of their luck they should pay more, the rape analogy is silly tho, tax is not rape. So you are admitting you are just amoral about it then?

You are fucking racist you retarded brit. You just used facts to justify your superiority complex for pitying them. Racism is a natural thing it's not bad or good. It's only bad when you start justifying harm because of it.

hmm, I don't think that's what racism is, racism is negative discrimination based on race, pity is not discrimination. Also you can pity someone in a shit situation without feeling superior, empathy is a good example. You know, there but for the grace of god go I

How is telling you you're not entitled to something someone else has just because you want it amoral?

Well generally, we wouldn't have the removal problem if they weren't imported to begin with

well lets be specific, it's not children with toys it's actual material conditions, employment, healthcare etc. If people are denied these things they will suffer, imo it's needless because society has more than enough wealth to go around, so by witholding it you are a bystander in the suffering of others, thats how I see the morality of it

one of the major reasons america is as rich as it is though is because of the massive amounts of free labour they had through slavery, you imported them. ofc my country and others the story is slightly different but still

>society has enough wealth to go around
Fuck off and get a job you degenerate commie.
People like you are a net loss on a society, you don't contribute and want to be treated as well as a real productive member. You just won't ever be equal, you're trash. That's just the way the world works.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior

That's not a negative definition. That's an ego boosting definition. And when you pity someone you aren't seeing them as your equal you're looking down on them. You don't care about them, you just want to look good without doing anything about it.

Wrong. Slavery was also a net loss, just like you.

Being rich is luck for some, like 6th baron Neville-Letherington-Gordon, but for company founders it might be mostly skill.


If you prevent blacks from entering in Europe you wouldn't even have that problem in the first place.
If your own people have some kind of medical problem you should help them, but that is almost a non issue because the percentage of people that can't work is irrelevant.
Blacks on the other hand are a net negative for the economy.

A burden is a burden. Some one getting a bad deal in life in unfortunate, but when you know beyond doubt that the vast majority of a portion of the populace (blacks and mexicans) are going to be nothing but a burden then what logic is there is keeping them around? Return them to Africa, sterilize them, Shoot em in the hear for all I care.



I have a job, what do you mean? I live in a country with socialised healthcare where the majority of healthy people who can work pay into a pool that acts as a safety net for people who get fucked over. Do you not believe in taxation? if you don't then I can see how ur ideas are consistent

the ego thing is rather irrelevant, what matters is the actual other persons living conditions, whether I feel superior to them or not doesn't matter morally if they are suffering

>it might be mostly skill
it's not, look wealth distributions, If you are born into money you have to be incredibly retarded to end up poor, if ur born poor u have to be incredibly lucky (and savvy, im not saying it's all luck) to end up rich. That's why in highly individualistic societies like the UK and US wealth disparity is so stark



slaves were free? I mean relatively speaking, sure, they were tons less than workers. Still had to feed and house and clothe them though.
Also who gives a fuck? Everyone has benefited from slavery at some point, niggers even sell their own kind as slaves in Africa for fuck sake. Your country benefited from slavery too, so no playing that card.

If life were a SIM game, and I saw a race of people hurting the rest of my people at a disproportionate rate.... Well, uh, what do you think I'd do?

When you stop looking at the issue through your feelings-goggles and start looking at it from a statistical logical point of view.... It all becomes very clear.

Problem is... Most people, yourself included, simply aren't willing to acknowledge facts that go against what they believe.

see I get this, I don't think we can argue about it because we just hold fundamentally different beliefs, I never got the 'your own people' thing, my family sure, but I don't feel anything towards a random white person I see on the street

Your house is on fire. Your neighbor's house is on fire. You have the only hose.

Who's fire do you put out first?

I'm just a race realist. I hear that makes me racist. I don't care.

What are they doing in Europe in the first place they can have their bad genetic luck in a shithole somewhere in Africa.

I would be fine being killed in the blanket effect of something like this if it meant millions of minorities and retards were also killed, my one life is not worth the net positive effect that would have on the world, not by a longshot.

I worry about you brother European, how you don't feel a bond towards firstly your fellow brits, then to fellow Europeans based on the fact that they're your fucking people is probably the saddest thing I heard this week.

Fucking misery.

I don't dispute the statistics that blacks commit more crime (on average) than whites in ur country and mine, but at least admit then that you are acting amorally by punishing someone for the accident of their birth (which is what ethnostate policies amount to)
I think this is pretty contraversial on Sup Forums but I also believe a large amount of that disparity is due to socioeconomic circumstance, but thats not the issue here, im asking about morality/the logic behind racism

my hosue ofc, but I don't feel the same way toward random white people that I toward my family

nah, seperate things, it's the descriptive claims are a different matter, im asking about the normative 'what is to be done' shit

so it's just 'fuck you I got mine' then yeah?

thank you, someone with a consistent set of beliefs

I dunno, maybe I'm an outlier, I would prefer to move into a white neighbourhood than say a pakistani one, but thats a heuristic thing because of criminality rates, not any sort of 'bond' i feel towards whites, I went to college in rotherham and uni in manchester, and despite seeing brown people every day I didn't feel any hatered or w/e

I look at it this way:


Bears are dangerous. A bear might kill me, it might not. But I wouldn't want to be in a locked room with a bear. I wouldn't even want to be in the same woods where a bear is wandering around. In fact, I generally take whatever steps I can to avoid situations where I will be confronted with bears.

Conversely, the msm is telling me bears are great, my friend group should be more inclusive and include bears, my daughter should date a bear, and that people who don't like being around bears are really bad people.

Now, I don't want all bears to die. I don't even want them to leave my country. I just want them to leave me the fuck alone, and go do bear things by themselves, with other bears. I'm a human.

Change the word house with country, and see if your same answer applies.

Because at the moment, you people are trying to put out your neighbor's fire, while your neighbor is raping your daughter. Also your neighbor is a nigger.

Or just give them their own societies retard? Theres no reason to keep them here if they are going to be causing problems for both us and them

> t. Pajeet education
America wasn't rich until well into the 20th century, almost a century after all slavery was abolished

Bears dindu nuffin and i'd gladly take any wildlife over niggers any time

but my country isn't on fire, there are problems sure, like the paki rape gang shit, but I think you can enact policy to do something about that, I don't think pakis have a 'rape gene' or anything. It doesn't seem to make sense to just disregard the vast majority of people because some of them have retarded views. It's like the feminist thing that all men are evil because some rape, pure nonesense

>to me this seems like punishing someone who has already been dealt a bad hand by the accident of birth, to give an analogy
And what's wrong with this?

Black people look ugly

I didn't say the sole reason, but to pretend like it wasn't a cause is silly
>The Nobel Prize-winning economist, Douglass C. North, stated that cotton “was the most important proximate cause of expansion” in the 19th century American economy. Cotton accounted for over half of all American exports during the first half of the 19th century.

like I said, I don't mind a consistent worldview, but it seems pretty amoral to me.

think about it like this OP: if you have a lower IQ and you are born into a higher IQ society, you are only being dealt a bad hand by being born into that society that is incompatible with you
kicking you out of that society might seem like a dick move, but if they are incompatible with the society they're in, then of course they're going to rage out against it and be oppressed by it simply by virtue of being the human being equivalent of a circle getting jammed into a square hole

How are they being punished for their birth though? If you're black in the US, you have a free ticket into any college, a free ticket to government assistance for life, access to all sorts of grants only available to blacks... Etc.

Is it because of police brutality? Alright, hypothetical time.

You raise dogs. Red dogs, and blue dogs. The red dogs have a tendency to bit people and act aggressive for no real reason. Blue dogs have a very low rate of violent tendencies. Both breeds of dog have access to the same food and toys in your home. Yet, the red dogs still bite people 10x more often than the blue dogs do.

Your sister brings over her toddler to play with the dogs.

Which breed of dog do you feel safer letting your sister's toddler play with? Would you take more caution in working with the red dogs?

You don't need to like every Brit that you see on the street, actually, you are probably going to dislike a lot of them but you need to realize that they are your extended family and you have a common story with them.The people that come to Britain are going to be attached to their cultures while taking advantage of the social programs and someday they are going to implode because not enough people are going to support it.I was an anarcho-communist a few years ago and in a very simplest away I thought that everyone in the world could just come together and fight for a better world but boy was I wrong.

They have an entire continent to themselves, there is no reason to have them here and to allow them to continue to reproduce when all they bring are problems to our society. What is moral about allowing our society to suffer and the civilization our forefathers worked so hard to create to crumble?

You're right, they don't have a rape gene. They follow a religion that tells them women are property, and that non-muslims are lower than animals.

They're fleeing their burning home (burning because of other muslims musliming the shit out of everything) into your burning home.

You cant possibly remove all peoples luck, or infinite number of defining moment that were outside their control, people are not equal please understand that. Circumstance is not immoral, or unjust. If i win the lottery, you are not entitled to the benefits that I recive if I happen to win. Either you did noy play, or you simply did not win, neither is an excuse to place restrictions on what I do or am.

well blacks should just have their own sovereign society because there's so many of them thay can't be dealt with otherwise.

> if you have a lower IQ and you are born into a higher IQ society, you are only being dealt a bad hand by being born into that society that is incompatible with you
would you also be okay with deporting low IQ whites? the question also goes 'where will they go?' again, if it's just 'fuck you I got mine' at least be willing to admit it

uh huh

I literally don't give a single shit about morals. I protect what's mine and my values, and those who think like me. Everyone else can go jerk themselves off being failures because they wouldn't want my help even if I offered to help, which I have done and have seen it demonstrated time and time again.
The weak minded are a waste of time and effort.

The weak deserve to die, so the strong may flourish.

>Zamorak give me strength!

no, because we still need entry level labor. Difference is that really stupid white people STILL commit crime at an infinitely lower level than even an average nigger.

Again, 13% of the population, 50% of the violent crime.

they were all literally paid for having sex with blacks xd


good we got their in the end, I don't think we can really argue any point if you are willing to admit you don't care about morality

弱肉強食 is a more aesthetic way to put in imo

a bad average is just a bad average. and a low IQ white man is still mid 90s, MAYBE 80. you obviously can't just throw anyone and everyone out, you need to find a line somewhere, and the simplest answer possible is people who are most similar to you getting to stick together, even if they are on the weaker end of your race.


your country IS on fire. Your government is refusing to implement the wills of its citizens, preferring instead to replace them. There's not really a way a country can get more on fire while still being a country.

got a smirk out of me, have a (you)

I am a product of my lineage. I am a fundamentally different thing. It can not have 'easily been me'. I was only ever going to be the child of my parents. This argument where consciousness is teleported into a meat suit via divine lottery is anti-scientific magical thinking. It's not random that you didn't inherit wealth, it's a consequence of your genetic line and the choices that line tends to make in the environment. I refuse to be parasitized in the name of some slave morality. There's plenty of reasons to be charitable to your fellow man, but this isn't one.

We always say don't argue with stupid, but I rarely see people live it, especially natsocs. I'm willing to tell people that up front.

the major problems with the UK atm imo are economic ones that have to do with austerity policies, immigration factors into this but It's not so much that brown people are here, but that the benefits of the cheap wages they provide only go to a very small section of society, once again it's a problem of wealth disparity, but I'm not here to talk internal UK politics but the logic behind racism/ethnostates

again, your country is openly ignoring it's citizenry in favor of replacing them. That's on fire. Also uncontrolled immigration is designed to increase income disparity. Your value as a laborer becomes cheap. Why is it a good thing to import people who do not like you and do not share your cultural values?

>nor eugenics

I don't think human subjectivity is something that can really be tackled by science, the nature of conciousness sure, but the reason why I am me and not someone else idk. If that's the way u wanna view it okay, I tend to take a rawlsian approach with the veil of ignorance, to try and assess what is moral. Again, there but for the grace of god go I.

what do you mean?

>Also uncontrolled immigration is designed to increase income disparity
this might well be true, I'm not for liberal immigraiton policy as it tends to harm (or at the very least not benefit) the working class, the problem with much of the late 20th century has been neoliberal globalised models of economy, where every person is an atomised unit instead of being part of a community, I think this is part of why ethnic enclaves form in europe, and why they stick together, we have failed to integrate people into a wider communtiy and so ethnic and religious bonds take the place of say, class bonds (I'm from yorkshire, most of my family were miners). But anyways I don't wanna derail the thread

* also now, asians are part of the citizenry, thats the tragic thing, the people who did those terrorist attacks last year were british citizens, they are our problem the tragedy is the failure of multiculturalism

ethnic bonds are the strongest bonds people form. You cannot integrate people into other ethnicities without either making their ethnicity a vanishingly small part of the population or waging a massive brainwashing campaign against their own people.

That second one is happening to europeans the world over, by the way.

>You cannot integrate people into other ethnicities without either making their ethnicity a vanishingly
this is what I (not really caring about my fellow white 'brothers') think can be done, we need to destroy identity politics, maybe I am naive, you accept that the ethnostate/racism thing is a form of identity politics right?
also if anyone calls me a liberalist I'm going to fucking kill you

its just natural for birds of a feather to flock together. plus, i dont like strange races in my homeland. they can go where they came from, i cant.

Here's the thing about identity politics.

It's a nuke. You either have it, or you die. Currently your enemies have a nuke. Do you want to get a nuke for yourself, or do you want to die?

woah a maori on Sup Forums

see thats one thing I respect about the daily shoah/TRS, they have the balls to admit they are doing identity politics, they don't do the 'anyone I don't like is an SJW' shite, as I've said in this thread a few times, I don't mind if someone is willing to be consistent
What I've heard so thats not been bullshit is
>It's harsh but it's for some sort of greater good i.e. to protect the extended family (the race), as one would with taking the less risky option
>I don't care about morality, fuck you I got mine

I guess this is the fundamental disagreement I have, I think this risk can be minimised with social programs that elliviate socioeconomic conditions.
I don't wanna get into a left/right etc debate as they always turn into shit shows, but this has actually been a really good thread, thanks lads

Every other nationality works super hard to keep their cultures and genes. It is LITERALLY fucking NATURE to help your species survive better than any other.

.....So why have you let people talk you into thinking you're somehow worth less than people who's morals include killing women for not obeying an order? You care about their ideals (normalizing pedophilia, women are objects, no gay rights) more than your own?

>I'm not stupid like you, but help me to understand why you're so stupid, and by understand I mean feel smug about myself without doing any actual work.

>this can be allevied by social programs
How? The western world is doing this everywhere and it's not helping. All evidence suggests this simply doesn't work.

I'm not a fan of identity politics myself, but it is useful to recognize what it is. It is a weapon and an industry. You cannot stop identity politics without removing everyone's culture. Identity politics speaks to the oldest, most primal part of humanity. The screaming ugly darkness.

People get money and power by wanting you dead simply because of the color of your skin. Is it really that illogical to work with those who are similarly targeted?

Put the niggers and any other immigrants in YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Don't cheer them being forced on other neighborhoods. Walk your own talk on fixing humanity or shut the fuck up about it.

You failed to walk your own talk on the issue (no your exotic wife/dates and cheap laborers do not count as walking your talk.)

P.S. Those Jews you pity run almost every Central Bank in the world. What does that mean? It means they are Masters and you are their slave.

And so do middle easterners.

is/ought arguments are terrible.
yeah loads of middle eastern cultures are fucking bullshit, I don't think anyone is disputing that, I'm asking about people in your own country, your fellow citizens

sounds a little insecure, I haven't called anyone stupid, I just disagree with them, I want people to explain their logic, if it seems consisent to me I say (and have said in this very thread) fair enough

hasn't the status of black americans improved over the last 40 years? crime rates have gone down right, and as a lot of the crime is committed by blacks this kind of implies black crime rates have also gone down, I don't have any studies on hand but I don't think it's hard to argue that poorer people in more desperate situations are more likely to commit crime, if less people are in poorer situations crime will decrease, is the black crime rate inherently worse than the white? maybe, but it's hard to know since we don't have another control version of america or europe to do the stats on

>status of black americans improved since "The Great Society"
This is absolutely false. Federal social programs destroyed the situation of black americans. It turned thriving business districts into rotted ghettos. Social programs simply do not alleviate suffering and tension. They exacerbate it.

>poverty is linked to crime
It's actually a rather poor determinant of it. Crime is most strongly linked to ethnicity. poor whites in the US commit less crime than rich blacks.

ah alright, well I don't know enough about american stats so I'll defer to you

Humans are inherently tribal. Ethnostates are the natural Oder people followed for most of human history. It’s is jewish trickery in the 20th abs 21st centuries that has bro Gut about multi-cultural and ethnic societies. Most human sub species evolved separately for almost 100,000 years. There is significant difference between us. Extermination isn’t the solution, slavery is useless now having been surpassed by technology. But blacks living in white and east Asian societies are a detriment to those societies.

* wait a second I've heard this "poor whites in the US commit less crime than rich blacks." and have never seen any proof of this, seems a rather extreme claim

You presuppose that we should identify with "fellow citizens" not justly entitled to that status. This is wrong. They need to be removed because they have no just claim over us and this is only something a kinsman can have.

>someone happens to be born black
>happens to be
>they should be removed
They should be killed for fun and profit. I can't believe anglos have forgotten the basics.

You seem to have it wrong, friend.
I don't want to interfere with blacks.
They can have their tribal wars and all that noise.
I just want to live in a place where I can be surrounded by other whites.
I don't want to be guilt tripped all day about not babysitting blacks enough.

Its not that I want them to suffer, I just don't want to deal with them.

belief is required

sage and hide

>should this person also be removed from society?
depends how violent they are.

That bird sings poorly.

go look at federal crime statistics. It's absolutely true. The trait that is most strongly linked to criminality is ethnicity.

So since you were wrong about social programs fixing unrest, what would you do instead?

Look I was a very hardline liberal when I was young, I've dealt with niggers all my adult life, that is why I'm racist. I've met a handful of blacks that were ok, but they are still subhuman. A decent nigger is like a bear that's been trained to ride a tricycle, its not fucking natural. I've seen the consequences of niggers being left to their own devices and its Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and the pits of crime, drugs and nig nogery that are completely unsafe for decent folks. Niggers should not be pitied any more than the cockroaches you find in your kitchen, they don't belong there, and should be exterminated.

We would have tolerated niggers if only they had stopped the whining, stopped acting as a willing weapon for kikes, and had some gratitude. They shit their own bed.

In comparing racism to pre-existing conditions, two shits don't make a right.

neither have health insurance

Being rich is actually about luck all the way down.

For example, as a rich person you might have worked very hard and had to make all kinds of clever decisions and be a good person.
But, did you get to choose any of those traits? You don't choose your IQ, you don't choose your genes or the amount of willpower you will have.
You don't choose your good parents and you don't choose the reasonably stable environment you grew up in etc.
All the things that shaped you into who you are, are out of your control.

With that said, I don't think people should be punished for being lucky.