The first thread was a success so I've decided to bake another bread:

The first thread was a success so I've decided to bake another bread:

The most frightening thing about the current push for gun control is the notion that those with mental illness should be prohibited from buying a gun. Not only does this restrict the inalienable right of all people to defend themselves, but it sets the precedent that people with mental illness deserve less rights than normies.

Anyone who knows anything about the history of the political abuse of psychiatry knows how frightening and how quintessentially marxist this idea is. Can Sup Forums start another campaign like "It's okay to be white" but instead put up posters that say something like "Equal Rights for the Mentally Ill" or something to that effect?

"Mental illness" is such a vague concept that anyone can be classified as mentally ill. It is obvious where this is going to lead. You think browsing Sup Forums is seen by the public as a sign of mental stability?

They aren't just coming after our guns. They are coming after *us*. We have to do something about this.

Part 1:

Other urls found in this thread:

speech by Levrenti Beria, the head of the NKVD (later known as the KGB), making it very clear that they intend to infiltrate psychotherapy in the west:

>American students at the Lenin University, I welcome your attendance at these classes on Psychopolitics.

>Psychopolitics is an important if less known division of Geo-politics. It is less known because it must necessarily deal with highly educated personnel, the very top strata of "mental healing."

>By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. At least a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only Communism can resolve the problems of the masses.

>A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of "mental healing." He must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities of "mental healing." He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities of "mental healing" until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist principles and desires.

>To achieve these goals the psychopolitician must crush every "home-grown" variety of mental healing in America. Actual teachings of James, Eddy and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your mis-guided people must be swept aside. They must be discredited, defamed, arrested, stamped upon even by their own government until there is no credit in them and only Communist-oriented "healing" remains. You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise of "psychology.". You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psycho-politician or an unwitting assistant to our aims.

>You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in your nation. You must achieve such disrepute for the state of insanity and such authority over its pronouncement that not one statement so labeled could again be given credence by his people. you must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark.

>With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons which can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil rights or any hope of freedom. And upon these people can be practiced shock and surgery so that never again will they draw a sane breath. You must make these treatments common and accepted. And you must sweep aside any treatment or any group of persons seeking to treat by effective means.

>You must dominate as respected men the fields of psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities. You must carry forward the myth that only a European doctor is competent in the field of insanity and thus excuse amongst you the high incidence of foreign birth and training. If and when we seize Vienna, you shall have then a common ground of meeting and can come and take your instructions as worshippers of Freud along with other psychiatrists.

>Psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it you can erase our enemies as insects. You can cripple the efficiency of leaders by striking insanity into their families through the use of drugs. You can wipe them away with testimony as to their insanity. By our technologies, you can even bring about insanity itself when they seem to resistive.

>You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever their loyalty of a soldier in our hands or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind.

>However, you labor under certain dangers. It may happen that remedies for our "treatments" may be discovered. It may occur that a public hue and cry may arise against "mental healing." It may thus occur that all mental healing might be placed in the hands of ministers and taken out of the hands of our psychologists and psychiatrists. But the Capitalistic thirst for control, Capitalistic in-humanity and general public terror of insanity can be brought to guard against these things. But should they occur, should independent researchers actually discover means to undo psychopolitical procedures, you must not rest, you must not eat or sleep, you must not stint one tiniest bit of available money to campaign against it, dis-credit it , strike it down and render it void. For by an effective means all our actions and researches could be undone.

>In a Capitalistic state you are aided on all sides by the corruption of the philosophy of man and the times. You will discover that everything will aid you in your campaign to seize, control and use all "mental healing" to spread our doctrine and rid us of our enemies within their own borders.

>Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization of healing societies, by constant campaign about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness make you Capitalist himself, by his own appropriations, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of the nation.

>By psychopolitics create chaos. Leave a nation leaderless. Kill our enemies. And bring to Earth, through Communism, the greatest peace Man has ever known.

>Thank You

The first mental health/fire arm investigations are those with DD214's first.
This is not about kids, schools, or mental health.
It is a 1993 plan, again 2012 to disarm vets with any history of ptsd, and DV, or have taken any drugs.
This is a plan to disarm the militia, democrats have been creating this plan since 1993.

This is exactly what is happening. It seems like they have been "baiting" vets with disability money if they claim PTSD.

Guns for LGBTQ!

The push vets to accept PTSD "disability" and encourage them to do so.
since they plan to obviously disarm the most tactical patriots first.
No joke.
I also know they have taken kids simply for their parent training with militia. No convictions, no court.
The Obama IRS uses CSSD and probate courts to take their kids, also effectively stopping those kids from being trained or becoming militia.

You said this in the other thread:

>Obama used the IRS to target vets, disarm them for child support money, and take their kids via adoptions in probate courts.
>Same way Lerner used the IRS to audit conservatives, the IRS CSSD used it to take over 20,000 children.

How do you know it's over 20 thousand and do we know where these kids are? Have any of them been placed in the hands of nefarious people?

Didn't they already push some retarded mental illnesses during Obongo era already? Something along the lines of "not liking the state is a mental illness".

They're not stupid, everyone who's done research into the completely hypothetical scenario of things going tits up completely in this country is aware of the fact that vets would basically comprise the entirety of the new revolutionary NCO corps, and a vet with a gun under his bed is significantly less likely to be escorted peacefully into the brave new world if things get any more overt than they are today.
A rifle behind every blade of grass means they get to try again after someone else wins the second American civil war, but a trained group directing fire from those rifles means that no one else gets to stick a finger in our pie while the lights are out.

>placed in the hands of nefarious people?
Bruh if they were taken away for political reasons that answer can only be yes, even if the cage they landed in is gilded


Nobody cares about your faggot ass


The kids that get sold to traffickers and pedos are 80% from white conservative/vet families.
"adoptions" have been record high the past 4 years, some kids taken simply for their father training with their local militia, many from child support debt.
I know vets that lost their kids to the adoption process.
Way to many militia families lost their kids the past 4 years.
It's blatantly obvious. We cant find the kids since probate court records are sealed and "confidential".
At least 20K we know of, but expect that number to be much higher from IRS targeting.
lois Lerner was nothing compared to Obama/Clinton's adoptions using the IRS.
75% of vet ptsd "suicides" are from those vets losing their kids, not ptsd.

This is bad. This is real bad. The mental illness portion is no joke. First they'll go after vets, then they'll go after people who have experienced trauma, like rape victims and cha ching school shooting victims. Anyone who's been traumatized enough that their first instinct is fight over flight. After that, they'll false flag us enough times to convince us to give up our semi auto guns, they'll keep pushing for more and more illnesses to be added to the mental illness category, like stress and bad credit history. Now, the only people who have guns are the people with too much to lose to fight back. Repeal the second amendment and boom full control. Doesn't matter how dirty the deep state plays it from there, you're powerless. By 2030 the entire world will be brainwashed, a couple of wars later and the new world order is formed to "aid" in relief. This is the worst possible thing that could happen to us in the history of our country. Do not take this lightly.

>many from child support debt.
How is this possible? You have to pay child support to the mother of your child and if you don't the state takes the child from BOTH of you?!

I do not believe this to be hyperbole.

> ... browsing Sup Forums is seen by the public ..
literally nobody cares or knows what channel 4 is

Family court separates the Father and Mothers get sole custody.
Father gets behind on support. 2,400 in debt is a felony, some guys never even knew about the court hearing.
OCS steps in, takes kiddo from Mom, or OCS acts in the custody process with "custody investigators".
I know one court house engineered to take the kids from the local militia, and does 1,500 kids a year.
All vets, militia, or conservative families.
Hillary Clinton wrote the 1997 Adoption Act.
Bill Clinton built 16 new family and probate courts to take kids.
Yes they target patriots/vets and yes those kids are the ones most abused in the democratic trafficking rings.
Some kids have been underground in bases/bunkers most of their lives and used as sex slaves. They dont even know the outside world exists.


You’d have to be crazy to want to own a gun, user :^)

>OCS steps in, takes kiddo from Mom, or OCS acts in the custody process with "custody investigators".
how the FUCK can they take the kid from mom because dad didn't pay child support? how can this even be real?

>I know one court house engineered to take the kids from the local militia, and does 1,500 kids a year.
>All vets, militia, or conservative families.

If you can do so without doxxing yourself, you should tell anons where this courthouse is.

Planned Parenthood also has an adoption program for newborns where the mother can adopt away the kid without the Father's consent.
That feeds 20% of trafficked kids.
80% are by Obama appointed probate Judges.
1/4 of those Judges are pedos. They groom which probate judge to use.


Fairbanks Alaska was always the strongest citizen militia and vet stronghold.
Bill Clinton and the Jewish mafia engineered the Rabinowitz courthouse to totally destroy the militia and they did.
Just google Rabinowitz legal kidnapping.
It will turn your stomach.
Rabinowitz was engineered for a city/population of 250K people.
Fairbanks has 35K people, they cleaned out the kids so fast now they import kids from Somoa, Guatemala and abroad to Alaska since the court is so big.
I even know the names of the ones most responsible.

>how the FUCK can they take the kid from mom because dad didn't pay child support? how can this even be real?

People running the government harvest children. There is a whole fucked up horror show going on right in front of everyone.

Thanks for making a new thread user. Later around 2am PST (so the mods can't nuke it) I'm going to make a thread about gun ban solutions. Methods on how to obtain weapons through the black market, how to create makeshift weapons, and how to manufacture your own guns and bullets.


Trip confirmed. Trump has to be wearing thin cause he's slipping now. It makes me afraid this investigation bullshit is getting to him. Nonetheless, he's always been way too cozy with kikes and not to be trusted.


>Just google Rabinowitz legal kidnapping.
unsurprisingly, an initial google search seems to suggest that google may have done some cleanup work on the search results.

>I even know the names of the ones most responsible.
Why not out him here and now?

Thank you. If I see the thread I will save your information and repost it in the future.

Daily reminder to shoot CPS if they ever come knocking. Deal with what comes next later, but if they take your kid that's it.

I'll repost it every few days once I'm done compiling enough information.

this comment is on their kikebook:

> This Court House needs to be shut down and the court employees and elected Judge who made a settlement with Eugene Vent, Kevin Pease, George Frese and Marvin Roberts, was Blackmail.All those people involved in their case are the ones who should be in federal prison as soon as they suggested the settlement,the sheriff should have arrested those domestic terrorists on the spot...where was The Jury Commissioner?????bound by common law??????? This contract (settlement) should be void,contract done under threat,coercion,duress .To have a contract valid all parties must agree freely.

www face book com/pages/Rabinowitz-Courthouse/136993399677318

" Mom" signs over custody to the State, and any medicaid/foodstamps/ WIC gives the state First lien status for the debt basically.
OCS shows up one, kids are secretly adopted away, and raped.
Under the Codes of Ur Nammu Jews can legally kidnap and sell goy kids for 15 shekles.

I meant every night around 2am PST for the next few days, etc.

Whites also have the highest rate of (((diagnosed))) mental illness. They know exactly what they're doing.

This sounds like complete bullshit. Any source faggot?

Of all the words in tongue and pen, the saddest yet are "Sup Forums was right again"

It's all so tiresome.

Try Tammy Wilson and the word legal kidnap.
She has adressed it for years.
Linda Janmuth, Marla Greenstein are the ones pushing it.

Fuck the Jews got busted moving dope from the Rabinowitz already.
The framed a kid named Schaffer Cox. Try that story too, holy fuck.

Same courthouse just changed the entire ICWA, and laws to keep Jew kids safe from their own adoption scam.


Guess which kids are now exempt from "adoptions".
Sovereign Indians having to travel from Kenai all the way to Fairbanks, so the AG can secretly change the "adoption" rules.
Due diligence and this story can take you all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole.

holy shit she's actually a state legislature, not just some random woman.

>“I think they’re following the money. A few years ago during the Bill Clinton era, they changed a lot of the money from going from reunification to foster care and adoption,” she said. “I think the reason we see the growth that we have over the last few years — going more into having children in the system and less reunification — really has more to do with the financial support that’s received from the federal government.”

>Sovereign Indians having to travel from Kenai all the way to Fairbanks, so the AG can secretly change the "adoption" rules.
this is complicated so it is hard for me to understand user. what does exempting sovereign indians from adoptions have to do with secretly changing adoption rules?

The Rabinowitz is the real deal.
That's only the kid selling biz.
Their mining empire is a whole nutha story I will share tomorrow on your 2 pm threads.

They are Russian Jews not Indians.
Literally the Jewish mafia is creating it's own sovereign nation, in front of everyone's eyes.
Nunavuut Alaska should scare you.
There are no elected sheriffs in Alaska and no law school.
It is entirely run by Jewish lawyers that claim to own it.

>There are no elected sheriffs in Alaska and no law school.
There are really no elected sheriffs in the ENTIRE state of Alaska?

Not one elected LEO.
Whats worse is all Troopers take their oaths in Sitka which is Russian/Fed clay not on actual state lands.
They swear an oath in the Russian Jews not the actual State.
Where you take an oath is the most important thing.

If a sub did actually launch a missile at Hawaii.
How did the Alaska quake get predicted to be 3-5 days?
Alaska funds the cabal and the Deep State shadow Government.

user I am not sure if I am reading your posts exactly right. After doing some research into Nunavuut Alaska, it appears to be a town of indigenous alaskans? Are you saying that the Jewish mafia is setting up its own sovereign nation IN Nunavuut Alaska or are these two separate things to look in to?

Sorry for my lack of intelligence/understanding.

Oh yeah I had already forgotten about that Alaska quake prediction... As far as I know it's impossible to predict an earthquake so that definitely proves SOMETHING has to be going on in Alaska. HAARP is there too.. is that just a meme or are the conspiracies about it true?

Russian Mission?
All those coastal villages are Russians not actual "natives".
Nunavut is a Communist agenda , started in Canada, then Greenland, now Alaska.
It's actually a way to create a sovereign offshore gas field.
Same way Shell oil just gave ASRC "natives" the entire Chucki Sea leases.
Dont need that pesky Jones Act to bring in those Russian semi submersible rigs now.

Good shit, bump.

Tweet pic to the President.

>Whats worse is all Troopers take their oaths in Sitka which is Russian/Fed clay not on actual state lands.
What do you mean by Russian/Fed? There is a part of Alaska that is under the control of the Russian Federation?

Also, I remember seeing pedogate anons talk about Glacier Dental on Sup Forums a long time ago. Is that part of a deep state child trafficking operation?

I can not believe I just typed that, and meant it.

McCarthy/Juneau Alaska is the pedo network.
I cant list names or Im sure id get suicided.

That's a good idea user. Any twatfags here? We need you to dump that pic with as many profiles you have on Trump's twatter account.

And encourage other twatfags to do so. Please and thank you.

>Nunavut is a Communist agenda , started in Canada, then Greenland, now Alaska.
>It's actually a way to create a sovereign offshore gas field.
Is there anything more you can tell us about Nunavut?

Also, I've never heard of the Jones act. I looked it up and it says this:

>Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act is known as the Jones Act and deals with cabotage (coastwise trade) and requires that all goods transported by water between U.S. ports be carried on U.S.-flag ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens, and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents.

So, there is an active conspiracy to get around section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act so that foreign ships and crews can engage in coastal trade? This would make moving illegal cargo easier?

Why do they want to bring in Russian semi submersible rigs?

This should probably be obvious but I'm not exactly the smartest person in the world.

Federal US government has been creating sovereign villages for Russian Old believers, Orthodox Jews.
The largest scam in the USA is really Alaska.
The only way to break and defund the Cabal is fixing Alaska first.
The cabal funds itself through mining and native corporations. Usually started by penny stock companies.
Nixon, 1971 ANSCA, gold standard. All planned.
Yuri Bezmenov mentions Alaska twice. And sure as hell some of the "mines" in alaska can double as work gulags.
They actually have a gulag system engineered into some mines and oilfield camps.
Soviets subverted Alaska with active measures

The Federal EWC/NOAA BIA give huge grants to these coastal Russian villages to hunt whales and walrus.
They buy up all the .50 caliber and big bore rifles.
The US government arms them more than any militia.
Pretty fucking disgusting.

>Federal US government has been creating sovereign villages for Russian Old believers, Orthodox Jews.
This reminds me of the Soviet/Russian "Jewish Autonomous Oblast".

>some of the "mines" in alaska can double as work gulags.
>They actually have a gulag system engineered into some mines and oilfield camps.

Are there people currently in these Gulags? If so, what kind of people have been sent there? How are their dissapearances kept secret? Does this have something to do with the fact that Alaska has such a high rate of people who go missing?


mental health industry is not to be trusted, considering how they abuse children by giving them tranny drugs and encouraging their delusions

This is a really good point. Also, read all of this guys posts if you like gazing into rabbit holes:

Chinese and Russian families have married specific Alaskan families so there half breed kids own huge corporations by bloodline.
Thats the whole scam. Its not North American DNA that owns these huge corporations.
Thats why the push the Beringia First BS.
And thats why Commies hate the 2012 Solutrean theory so much they outlawed it in Alaska 2017.
Name another State that has outlawed an Anthropological study.

>Lefties: How dare you tell someone they aren't mentally ill!! It's up to them to decide, you fascist pig!
>Also lefties: Umm, no sweetie, there is no way a guy who shot 17 people dead could possibly have some kind of mental illness.


>Thats why the push the Beringia First
What is Beringia First?

>And thats why Commies hate the 2012 Solutrean theory so much they outlawed it in Alaska 2017.
>Name another State that has outlawed an Anthropological study.
Holy shit.. how is it possible to outlaw a study? its illegal to talk about it?

So now the head of the Petro Fascist giant Exxon Controls the DOE/DOI/BIA/EWC/NOAA.
Nuanvuut two U's forms, Shell gives ASRC leases, And now China gets the gas LNG and ANWR.
Trump, Tillersen, somebody had to be colluding deep with commies years ago to get these things rolling so fast honestly.
Spoopy on the next level.

This is a highschool team? Is this highschool where the children of these corporations attend?

>Trump, Tillersen, somebody had to be colluding deep with commies years ago to get these things rolling so fast honestly.
So Trump is really a wolf in sheep's clothing after all?

link to law?


>And thats why Commies hate the 2012 Solutrean theory so much they outlawed it in Alaska 2017.

>The Solutrean industry is a relatively advanced flint tool-making style of the Upper Palaeolithic, from around 22,000 to 17,000 BP. Solutrean sites have been found in modern-day France and Spain.

So there is an anthropological theory that suggests a paleolithic culture from spain and france were the first to inhabit Alaska?

Beringia First was the soviet active measure of subversion itself.
It simply applies Russian/Siberians were the First Nations, Indigenous, aboriginal native peoples so they own north America and are sovereign from the US/Canada.

The 2012 Solutrean theory literally killed that reigning theocracy.

very interesting. and this is outlawed somehow in the state of alaska?

Where can I read more about this solutrean hypothesis? Books and academic articles. This sounds so interesting!

>Bill Clinton and the Jewish mafia engineered the Rabinowitz courthouse to totally destroy the militia and they did.
>Just google Rabinowitz legal kidnapping.
This picture in front of the Rabinowitz courthouse was posted on some dudes facebook

Exxon has laways been the worlds largest raniu supplier and I doubt they want yellow cake when high grade pitchblende can be shipped from sovereign mines.
And ANWR is probably the most valuable thing the US owns and people dont realize how bad China can fuck the US.
The next war will be an Arctic War.

>Exxon has laways been the worlds largest raniu supplier
What is raniu? i cant find anything clear on it with a quick google search.

>And ANWR is probably the most valuable thing the US owns and people dont realize how bad China can fuck the US.
What can the Chinese do to fuck the US with ANWR?

Sup Forums has quarantined this thread for information inside it exposing Chinese human traffickers operating within the United States

Come by and educate yourselves.


Truthfully thats what everyone should be doing is investigating child trafficking networks, and how the get so many kids from adoptions.
How to trace or find these kids, and how to expose the career politicians and lawyers that are the actual traffickers.
Maybe it's time for anew federal task force since the FBI/CIA/IRS has lost all merit in the eye of the people.
People bitch about guns all day but not exposing child traffick rings. You'd think kids would be first matter of importance but no.

>Yuri Bezmenov mentions Alaska twice. And sure as hell some of the "mines" in alaska can double as work gulags.
>They actually have a gulag system engineered into some mines and oilfield camps.
Can you explain any more about the gulag system engineered into some Alaskan mines and oilfields?

Oh you want to buy a rifle, just fill out the Mental Evaluation:

1. Do you believe that there is a god that you can talk to and that will help you in life if you pray to him?

2. Have you ever called someone by the wrong pronoun even after they told you the correct one?

3. How do you feel about common core math?

4. Have you ever held any antisemitic beliefs?

5. On a sliding scale of 2-10 how gay are you?

6. Name 6 of your alternative gender identities.

7. Deny christ 3 times on the lines below

8. Should we ban semi-automatic weapons?

9. What is the 'reasonable' amount of ammo that a clip should be able to hold (hint: it's less than 10)

10. Who's turn is it?

The problem with them banning anything, is that liberals want to ban it all. So to fight that we need to make more things legal when we are in power. Now if Trump bans bumstocks, the liberals can instead go after something else, like semi-autos or magazines or whatever.

Soon you'll be mentally ill for thinking it's not right for a man to chop his penis off.


>Schaffer Cox
lol you weren't kidding

>Cox recanted his claim of mental illness and the Fairbanks News Miner published a thirteen-page letter in which he alleged the Federal government is part of a broad conspiracy that led to his conviction and sentencing. He stated, regarding a forensic psychologist who evaluated him,
>“She was a short frumpy woman with frizzy hair, beady eyes.” She had testified that he suffers from several paranoid disorders.

I wonder (((who))) that could be?

So do you think Trump is a positive for dismantling this network?

>the notion that those with mental illness should be prohibited from buying a gun.
So, who gets to decide who is mentally ill?

I have had this thought as well, I highly distrust all these “come out and declare your ((mental illness)) for awareness campaigns, they just reek.

With the way the new DSMs are going it won’t be long before we see this

>you are mentally ill
>”no Im not”
>you obviously have ((oppositional defiant disorder))
>guns removed