Why is the far right so hostile towards white women...

Why is the far right so hostile towards white women? On the one hand you claim to be for the white race but then at the same time hurl the most vitriol against white women?

Also how did the far right adopt the same principles of Islamic extremists? I've seen way too many people on here who say that women shouldn't work and have careers. Women shouldn't vote. Women shouldn't go to school and get educated. Women shouldn't have rights. Women should get married at 18 and start pumping out babies. WTF?

We're hostile to tradthots and whores who larp as right wingers/traditionalist to get attention from betas.


We love TRADITIONAL white women. We don't like shitlib, coalburning whores.

>Women shouldn't go to school and get educated

why should they

Actually went to same school as these grills

Been exposed to them the last 10 years of my life. Think I deserve a break

Do not reply to troll threads. Report or saged redpill them.

Why should men be educated?
So that they can obtain knowledge and learn how to deal with a wide array of different situations.
Wouldn't it make more sense to make sure that everybody is somewhat self sufficient, so that in the case of emergency they can send for themselves, or at the very least have enough problem solving skills so that they don't have to rely on others to do anything?

Look at those beautiful women, those swastikas. Their smiles.
From a time where life wasn't painful, disgusting, a world where things made sense and purity was sought after. A world where life was worth something and mutts didn't engulf the surface of the planet. A world where right was right and wrong was wrong. A world where hope was strong and people believed in each other. Free from lies, twists, confusion. A world free from living in a country where the food was clean and pure and the air was free from toxic poisons. A world where truth and the concept of prosperity was every humans goal.
This world is paying the price for what happened to Germany. I am sorry, Hitler. I am sorry, beautiful swastika.
To think I have a beautiful swastika and an armband across from my bed and know there are people who are disgusted by it still shocks me.
I am utterly sad. The damage done is too great, and cannot be undone.
The Jews, they will pay for this.

From my experience many of these threads feel like genuine questions, born out of frustration of topics on the site.
If Sup Forums is going to get anywhere they need to consider these questions.

Education is for men sweetheart. Society was built by men. Women just need to pump babies and stay traditional, that's it.

Blonde women love BBC.


Go suck a dick, faggot.

Ever worked in a corporate office with women, either as secretaries or as your superiors? If so, you know why far right men are so hostile towards women. None of them are strong, they're just good at running to the boss, and companies will fire you because they're afraid some jury of female twats will bring a huge verdict against them.

found the cuck

their, any MGTOW and anti-female threads are made by:
- Homosexuals
- Closet Homosexuals
- Fags who like traps
- Traps
- (((White))) People
- Losers who hate women because they cant get a date

Women support right wing movements just as much as men, its just when feminism infects their brains they go left, while Men don't have stupid ideologies to distract them.

Its photoshopped retard.
The real photo is just plain dirndls that are blue and yellow not red.

their not*

Sexual frustration leads to violence. Theres a reason our great great great great great great great grandfathers were so high test, you busted a nut had kids and were too busy defending your borders to obsess over women. Sup Forums is sexually frustrated/redpilled so its just the Sup Forums lifestyle to find the right wife, bust a nut and move on in life.

Dont be fooled by the "chads" having loose sex everywhere. It leads to obsession over the other sex and acceptance of things like feminism.

This is asked all the time. Fake and gay. These dudes hate women until one hits on them. Fact.

What if something happens that leads to the women being alone? How would they know how to fend for themselves without at least a base education? And even if their main purpose was to just create babies, wouldn't it be better for the mother to be educated so that they could better raise the children?
In order to keep all of your bases covered and ensure the survival of your civilization, it would make the most sense to educate everybody.

>Why should men be educated?
>So that they can obtain knowledge and learn how to deal with a wide array of different situations.

If your argument wasnt shit you wouldn't be immediately answering your own open ended question with a leading response.

If your argument wasn't shit, you wouldn't be using questions which have large assumptions built into them.

For instance "Why should men..."
1. What does "should" really mean in this context? When you ask the question this way, it leads me to almost automatically assume my default implementation/definition of "should". This, in me, and probably a lot of other people, would mean something like "it would be better if X, than if not X". Something tells me you are aware of how this works so far. And then you intend, at a later point, to act like when someone agrees with this "should" that they are agreeing with a much more disagreeable implementation/definition of "Should", one which puts obligations on other people/strangers.

> make sure that everybody is somewhat self sufficient

but then.. at the same time, you are still playing the slight of hand. As if an individual's development is an obligation to the rest of society, but also at the same time:

> they don't have to rely on others to do anything

You can't have both.

And if you thought this was autistic enough so far, thats the smaller bullshit in your question. The larger bullshit lies around the use of "Education". This word, to a lot of americans, means brainwashing with lies and politics, and to a lot of other people, means learning factual information. But the latter half of that is a bit hard to measure even still.

>Women should get married at 18

We're not hostile, just realistic about what women are.
Overgrown children, followers, biological incubators.

Because then they can take part in the labour force and drive down wages along with mass immigrants so that minimum wage need be nowhere near a living wage and people will keep competing for jobs because there's more workers than jobs.

>hurl the most vitriol against white women
women respond well to shaming. you must be young if you are questioning this.

Also women SHOULDN'T vote - this is not an example of islamist extremism, women didn't have the rights they currently have in western countries 100 years ago and we weren't islamic countries then.

Define education. Usually people mean college when they use education. If that’s the case, college teaches none of the things you want people to learn. They are Marxist indoctrination centers that actively prey on the minds of young women and naive men through emotional manipulation and abuse of power. High school is not much better, nor are the other school levels for that matter. Everything you talked about is better left to the boy or girls family to teach.

According to Sup Forums all young girls are massive sluts, feminists, dykes, whores etc yet in my world I'm surrounded by nothing but awesome women. Literally have never met a feminist in my life, and the girls I know are all either in committed long term relationships or single because the guys in their age group still work $10/hr jobs, smoke weed and live at home. IDK maybe if you judge all women by the ones on tinder or the ones that hang out at bars you would have a negative view but that is only a certain segment of the population.

Well you anecdotes have reversed all statistical information. Kudos

>nd the girls I know are all either in committed long term relationships or single because the guys in their age group still work $10/hr jobs, smoke weed and live at home.

Gee, maybe it's because biocunts are given employment beyond their competence for the same reason niggers are: diversity

>hostile towards white women
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I am hostile towards everyone who supports this degenerate capitalist, soon to be a corporotacracy, regime.


I love women

>1488 well those numbers don't lie.

I assume you mean the Trump regime? What is wrong with the current (capitalist) system...not saying I disagree but I want to know what you mean specifically

While the current system is better than Russian communism, it still is subversive because it places individual gains above the gains of the nation and ALL its citizens. There is a substantial lack of economic planning, employers AND employees are allowed to gain benefits at the expense of others, and businesses are allowed to operate even if their interests do not coincide with those of the nation.

Are we hostile to women, or just what they do?